Maritime History of the Great Lakes

Steamers Are Moving, p. 4

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E =f) nu S rsh Xo bd tL ak ch ud 1 v ¥e ty le hs r- tie ih ie ov ' z th st it + id ir 1 Cr] = FF "| nipes survey. The seneon wilh open pas A nee tug onmed En. Jennie was' launched at Goderich a few days ago. The tug was built by W. Maciton fer J. Lapointe of Spanish Station. 'The steamer Caribou of the us. Canadian steamer to arrive at Sault The steamer arrived on Thursday. The steamer City of Midland of the Northern Navigation Co. was re- docked for slight repairs last week, going off the dock on Monday. The steamer, is now ready to enter up- on the season's business. | 'The tugs Onaping and Balize, two of the most powerful and langest of the Cnariton Tleet, are on the dry dock with the Theano These will receive some necessary repairs under the water line, a general Inspection and also be painted. : The steamer Telegram will leave 'on her firat trip of the season on Saturday, 29th, xt half-past one o'clock. Tne sailing days during the seasoa will be Wednesdays and Saturdays, the steamer leaving after the arrival of the morning trains from the south. s After being out two weeks the steambarge Winoipago reached Mea- gord on Friday, ,having on board 750,000 feet of lumber for one of the local factories. The steamer be- came fastened into an ice Moe in Lake Huron and it was only by much hard work that she was re- lensed undamaged. Belong the first arrival Capt. Maoun was presented with the usual silk hat. The smart little steamer City of Windsor lowkea ol a4 and span in her new coat of white paint. ~ This steamer will again be on the route between Collingwood and Eault Ste. Marie, leaving here every Friday and returning on Thursday. Capt. Campbell will manage the steamer. He expects the steamer to leave on the first trip this week. The Algoma Steamship Co.'s steel freighter Theano arrived in port on Sunday eveoing after struggling to get through the ice fields which have blocked the ports on the east- ern side of the bay during the past two weeks. The steamer only came from Depot Harbor, but had consid- erable difficulty in making even that shor@ trip, She was sighted across the bay from the wharves here early in the niorning, but it wae pot until the afternoon that she succecded in getting clear of the ice. The steamer is now on the dry dock where she will be Inspected for Lieyds nnd also receive some The D. (. & Bayfield, which is mo en the Lake Supener hydro. graphic work again this season. Mr. Stewart, who has had charge of the lake survey for the past decade, has been made head of the depart. ment, and will have chon of the 'ative hydrographic work of | the Government. He ts sneceeded by Mr. Anderson, who wie seeond under Commander Bolten, RoON., and first under Mr. Stewart, but who Inst year had charge, of the Lake Win. as usual about the first of pext month and the Bayfield will bet regmudy for service by that time. Arrangementa regardiphy the sail. jogs of the two ateqaters of the "Ahel youn Steamship Cy, whieh will ply of this port thie geason lave been completed and mide poblic. The | Vv. lL, na +t 'pe ie nil thes steamer Ossifrage( will leave Colling. land Owtn Sound at tim. for Ru. Marney and other North Shore ports + | tor the Sve and Michipteoten, return. | ing to Collingwied vin Freneh iver | and Parry Sound. 'This steamer will) connect oat Killarney with Ue | stenmer King Edward of the Toled).! Detroit-Sa oreute. Tar Mionle M. | will torch Owen Sound on the south. | bound trip, leaving here every Sate purday at Lopm. for Collingwood, | lenving there on Sunday at Opa] for the Sar and Michipicoten wire | «| East and North Shore ports. Tie steambange Konia arrived to) port om Tuesday moerokosg from | Chienro with ThLOUG bushels of rnin | on lenrd. The passage diwo from , Chieago war made withont any lit. | ficulty, 'Wt when passing Iyoeckerble tock the stenmer got too close ana' grounded. The mek Wark marked | 'last seneon by «a gre bioew, but ne | yet this nas nit been placed in' position. althoemel parthention hits heen open here pearky three, weeks. 'The @lelay is possibly dire to | ithe faet that Che officinta ander! whese direction the ba Yy ix ple al do not reshle here The nttention ef the Department bye did Poe ay eed of the tewo dock. tef the Diehelien and Ontarls Navi guthom Cs wilh commener oragenmbig | urdays for the Bay ef Quinte, Mon treal and Intermediate port~. the Torte Sontregh on Tune Tat, lene ing 'Torment. at fo pom daily. mrecepe Sunday, and from daly tat daily : tbe Montresl Quetwe om oor cpbennt "fApril 27th. <teamers lenvingg Mon trent ot 7 pom, dally, except Sun diuys, aod from May oiind daily, vad the Saguenay Seamers From Quetes "4 ly oul on oom mbeent vpril "Oth, on Tues Jaye aod Saturdays. ond from Pane rath te July Oth 'Tuesdaye, Wedare ldaye. Fridays and Saturdays, from j fos wth otly. The ferry Une he ltween Meontrent ond Deonguenil, ete, ha oranniog tow, i STEAMERS ARE a, MOVING! J =| 9 iwood every Wedaekiay nt LaQop.m. | * & DT. -Oo.'s line was---the first ian &te. Marie from Georgian "Bay ports. | B; Fob sero S 1 IBeTFOR SE --_s --_ == being fitted ont at Owen Sound, will T fl on x Fi er \ he lo Ce Oy mM ul hue | Bes S| ol nm! Ls he " to the oeeessity of having the rack | marked nt ones 'The nay tk cer. | thinly of mo yee lying nt the endo WW The Ttaniltea-Montreal steamers | ' ! May Lod, teaviog Teronte at Tato, pain Thestlays, Thursdays and Sat- iw

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