Maritime History of the Great Lakes

Collingwood During Year 1905, p. 7

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COLLINGWOOD DURING YEAR 1906, Important Events of the past yest _ Recorded by the Bulletin. Elections, Business, Fires, Accidents, Deaths, Ete. The following summary |s contin-, Bell Telephone Co reduce. rates for ued from last week: jtelephopes in residences. May 18--Lacrosee schedule pre-; Frank Maiden elected Noble Grand pared. by Oddfellows. Lamont'sa music store hail narrow July 27--Burdett block sold to E eecaye from disastrous fire. H. Nolam for about $10,500. subscribed to ¥. M. C.|. Rev. La H. Kirkbg-selzes fixtures, 7% building fund. bell, organ, ete, All Saints' Thomas Long es St. Mary's ergo church with a 1. I. Knight elected District Dep Mr. John Phar A es Gore Bay aon eee Master of Georgian Dia- succeeds D. McCalg 4 inspector of'trict by the Masonic Grand Lodge. Algoma. Prof. Burt Lappe oe leadership of Rev. ev. Robert Rodgers, formerly of} the choir of t Collingwood, died in Owen Sound. uly. 7=Lcense of hotel at Not: Board of Trade eodorses propoyi-|tawa cut off by License Comm! tlon Fen aae fur the lseulpg of slovers, bonds for $125,000 in Liew of bonus; August 3 -- Saperintendent Tiffin May 25--David Lamont dies unex- etre on Ontario and Huron Sta. pectedly. \ D. McCaig, Inspector of Public W. T. Ailan won Robertson golf senools for Algoma and Colling- 'trophy. aged 73 years. ¥. M. G A. purchase site on Third Crawford Tug Co. commence tak- «treet from Dr. 'Ayleworth for new Jug machinery out of wreek of Str. bullding. ,;City of Col Mr, Alex. Heuser resigns agency} of the Casudlan Express Co, ands! shipy \|atiecerded by Mr. E Le Wright | Mr. Battle of Thorold signs con- ! Nurses of G. & M. Hospital organ- tract for new whar'i. ize an "Alumni Association. Miaa|" August 10--Mr. and -- J. H, Redmond, president, end Miss Jen- Irwin and Mr. and Mrs. W. E Ver- klaus, secretary. ;non returned from a month's tr Department of Marine and Fisher-' to teen: British Columbla and lea decides tu improve the harbor, the Wes ranges. | Mra. Thee Hebblewhite died in Des Another grant of 250,000 Includ- Moines, low ed in the estimates for the improve- » Sons of + Englands. Toronto, run ment of this harbor. |their annual excifsion to town. June 1--Court of Revision snes Mr. and Mra.. W. J. Douglass reach of appeals ogninst asseaamen home from trip to Northwest, tl License of Dominion Hetel traded Imperial Steel & Wire Co. announce ferred to Mr. G. T. Foulig, who that their plant will te enlarged. agreed to couditions set by License August t 17--New bell for fire alarm Commiss} Somers L.: respect to cerfaln purposes arrived and |x placed in financial mat tower at rear of market, Mra. David Wileon died In G. & poeta boys woo dlatrict cham-/ M. Hospital. plows Turfnen organize aml elect W. A. maort of the Departmental Exam- Tom, president. inations published, In honor matri- Major Henry A. Gray of Public culation Miss Muriel Birnie secured Works Department dled in Toronto, honor Representatives of Department of Mayor Dan Wilson reached home Marine and Fisheries visit town and after three months' absence in Eng- make inepection of sites offered for land with the Canadian Mauafactur- geong je mgt era. . 'Telfer .won golf Hugh Calderwood launches scheme hcadtap em a floating dry dock at \ 2 G. Midlanc . vain ery a, a= Mesers. Ganley Bros. will rebuild William Watts, ag old and re-*Steamer Packer here. ' cpanted resident, died, aged 7H year New -wing on G. & M. Hospital Dr. John Seath, inspector of High formerly Schools and Collegiate institutes, Dist my Medical Association form- resses dimentiafaction with the 4. G. M. Aylsworth president. Collegiate Institute building. t Town Clerk "leaned yoters' list for 'une 15--Negotiations®for the pur- the year. chase of the Collingwood Shipbuild-| August 24--Hon. C. 8. Hyman, Min-| ing Co. by the Cannoda Shipbuilding reed Lind Public Works, spent Sunday Co reported. tor , F. Inetitute's nonnal meet-| hee outbeunis of anthrax in Nutta- ing. A dent and Jno. McKee re-elreted the oe and died. secretary-trensurer, The Court of Revision consider the he Bryan Mfg. Co. incorporate three only appeals cee the pro M@vith capital of $150,000, F. W, posed sewerage syat Bryan, president, and W, T. Herc- Maleolm mith presented with « rington, secretary-trensurer. pure by frien. June 22 -- Presbyterian congrega- Connell fix tnx arog for the year tion decide to build extension to at 25 milla. on their Bunday school. ,: Arguat SL -- Ktohts shop O'Connor James Brydon, manager of . the of Toronto blessed bell presente! to Rank of Comrberee for seventeen Bt. Mary's EK. C. Chateh by Mr. T. yeurs, is transferred to Toronto. He Long. ia suceeded here by Mr. RK Wi A. A. Bond won the contest for Crompton, | the ge ag golf eg 4 'Steamer City of Collingwood and Mre, W, J. Frame and "| GTR. freight shed burted (June 19), Cfaaston presented with tite "certith: Four men lowe thelr lives in Ww. P.M. the Cates by the Of the Hames. Loss, 7,000). , Presbyterian chureli, Mr. A. Heuset presented with nv Mr Lytle appointed choir by the cilizeos on the oeen- leader in Presbyterian ehureh Mow of hia. jeaving for the North-|. Imperial Wire & Steel Co. enter- west, oy employees by exXoursion to Tor- Rev. Dr. Ockley tranaferrted to Bar-' ric. and ancereded here by<Rer. H. attled. of $25,000 to the Elevator Co. 'anu town council confer regarding | J. Ovens re-elected previ. wasaga, Hy. Hamilton contracted! Mr. Jas, Hewson and Mine OBrien} Irvine. bey' June LO--P. Howard, fishery in gpectot, ia dismisted by the Ontario Goveroment Succeeded by bape cic Town council consider request ee Tmipetial Wire & Steel Company for thie aleo a letter from Geovan | Moberly threatening Jegal proceed |, firet ines if it in paid. Refer to tte! Pie ture of = CoNingwood's cave aelicitor for oe F Mayor, W. B. Hamilton, given to 1 Saere. R McTaggart meets with accident Capt.-R. Ho Gilbertson died - nt a Se a rapt f Found. One|} Peaverton. win terribly crusher Mex. Mulholland meets with pain- (To be continued). j ful accident ot Charlton's sawmill} ' ' Board of Trade sliscusa harbor! Whites Limited ads on pagee 2) ¢ qicetions and teeommend atraight-) ond 5 will sate you money, ' eoing and widening of, channel | --fR - tween dorks witth to be 4M? feet.) on the eve of --_ ay yan from aganal manctee of Imperial pitt | Owen Sound, the ¢ the dredge & Fterl Co held here, Major J. Al prank and tig Guin preacnited Currie re-elected president and man- Capt Frank Kerr with' a handsome; jeer. ane DP Roark seeretary. 'silver fruit dish and spoon. eo}! The Mixkes Oekley teceive presen) oregentation was made on behalf)! \Mngte from Epwerth Leagues of of the erew by Capt.. Waugh of! Maple atreet Methodist ehureh. * t July @--Result4 of the | the tug Quees. 1 (Exgmination published. Fifty ean | eg | eal anernalyl r] Court of Appeal diemiased) appeal ( in Tayler ws. Tple of Collingwenrd. f s y : | Appeal entered by the munteipality a r pp ' Rew Ff Irvine weleomed to the 1 e l pastorate ef the Maple «treet Meth- a 4 relist chureh i C a : i Miew Mary Gouilfogle wor Uploma: ure 7 Ls and geaduntios meint at Loretto 1 A Fob t a welv 7 * ' | Taian: Deydem,. waraeee . ot--thet 3 el e iimes and Outl} | Canadian Tank of Commerce for ser! is octors Saw that E 1 Grirrt ifs entered arnt nt with silver|] will come twoor three years | |' ,Sertice y cilizens . nd ' [i \himrd of Frluention re-nfgagne|| more and disappear ayain |}, | tenohins aialf for 40 years, It has 'l ; W TT Altha prehia oy frabdence art "tu ane 7 be ' ,jem Third street from Jas Bryson periodical run of 2 yCAES. ! | Bweursionistea to fietiph on Ww Fach time im comes it isi]! [Fi exeorsinn infered in aS worse than the th e before. | : | ac "jee 7 ct ad . 7 ~ T Quinlan rappin tewd county tren- Chis time L A CRIPPE Is ' weref to place of Arthue Craig. de-') prophesied to have terrible a rr heer e. lnty 11--Mrs M.S Rowe dhol very neuralgic and rheumatic | \« janddenty pains as a symptom and |/! Orangemen attend Maple atrep ft '| Ti bi ' ~Methedist efhurch and celebrated ke aitere ap. ese Pp ains are Twelfth in Mentor the most -- excruciatmmy '| James Tponenn, formerly of Col- . 4 lingweomwd, killed in ratlway acenient worse than the rack and t hat Rroee Mines Jeorture. Avoid La Coriper, |i) FOR Peterman remered from the e ' att jehairman thie of the Board of Worke prevent La Gries, or cure f ile ie auneeedod by De Ff Artiar.|| LA Gripes, by taking the jj 1 'lb Were William Herrington dled, aged uh i ihe | Rye ts specific, scientific remedy a |- PD Mee reporte to Board of Pl lirention oon pablie eehnola 'Tefore ! lihis report roel been finally dealt J with Ve Mets" t Inty S028 ri Mefarthy, MP, spoken of for the Cahiart % Miro Marehall Rrown, formerly of \ Collimgwoenl, diel tn) Torrente t } Mr aod Mre_ Frank MeClenann ape j prac in Oran Opera owes and de- c | Hate a otara@e sedienee jt Mr MeCurthy, WP, coneulta with t tewn comnectl reepecting harbor im- . em, © Dept, a t prevements, On thie rteit ha wae Dr. T. A SLOCUM, Uenttee acrommanied hy Me. ©. R. Sine, a jChlef Enginesee of Department of 110 King Ot. Woes, ToRomTo T irbtie Works.

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