[um Meera. : . -- P } | ee "| _ Marine News. --_--~-- ay ie | It is: announeed that President o| Perderic Nicholls, of the Niagara, if, St Catherines and Toronto Railway yo ond Navigation Companys, will place fanother steamer on the conte -- be- | tween Toronto ant Port Dabhotste im J UMN. Tt will te a twin-serew steamer, ami will be built by the | Mine mary Shipbuilding Company, at [Phe foot of Thathur<t atreet, Toron- i te At mn meeting of the Dominion 'Marine Assoelation tell in Toroyte yon Wednesday, the main topice of Hiscussion wete the ear shortage, | | thw minimem fate text season from | ' aj Fort William to Montreal, and the Appmiotment Of A Uorrrnment in- spector at lower inke porte They urge the establishient of a grain speed the departure of carwowe { new minimum rate of J p.ce be- | tiveen Fort Wiliam and Georgian | Ray ports was fives) The asenria- i tien men deny that they are "com, __ binesteres" They hate merely ea- tabliste:} a Minimeone trate to faecill- tate shipping ag prevent ent-thront Arompetition. The earrters feel that, when navigation opens, the natural pcomdition of the shipping trade will igive them a higher rate than the minimum thes hare dleceueeet. Among throee im attendance wrre iF -A. Ontth, of the Montreal Trane. portation Co; Frank Plummer, Ca! nadian Take an! feran (>: A. RB. iMecKRas, Hamilton, reprecenting Mon- ptreal interests, and Meeera MPtag- frit, Midland; Uacarty, Toronto. Williarsseen, Ningata Falle; McKee. Teronto; King, Kingston: Falr- «reve, Hamilton. | Capt. J. H. Feott, of the «teamer Pereian, bas retiretl after fifts-tuew years' serrtee a6 a take eallor. For thirty-eight years he waa captain. The Masters' anil Mates' (eawlia- tiem anid Collingwoet Couneil of f A of Marine Engineers hate ope nest --=---- SE The Inter ateel freighter Strath. (COnA were moved aeroee the harbor | from the town wharf thle week to make war for the torkmen on the net wharf. : sicnanietlinconinsin el clearing house at Fort William, tol fuoms in Ganles's block. Buren et | --~ mm aT , a al _ x. --_