A ht at eG ee Se BETS ied - P = Ra" £44784 2 FF Jats ewes -_ e ' 4 Talked: Over ahs -- Harbor Matters ---s The Harbor, Waterfront ana Whurves Committee, that which sports the longest name of any of town council, held a session on Monday evening when different mat- ters relating to the harbor aad waterfroot. were debated. Mr. EF. W. Churchill's letter threat- ening legsai. proceedings unless his fees in connection with the Truesdell arbitration were settled was con- ekjered for some time. it was brought out that under the agree- ment of purchase these fees were to be pakl by the G.T.R, that be- ing one of the conditions' offered aml accepted by Superintendent Tif- fir on behalf of the Grand Teunk. In view of this it was decided. to take the matter up with Mr. Tiffin and recall to him the offer, also his acceptance in which he said that treal and that Mr. W. T. Toner would see the town in respect to arbitration fees. In the meantinie Mr. Churchill will have to wait, but then all things come to him who waits. t% Another matter talked over was 'the removal of the Infrae = steel freighter Strathcona from the town wharf, the stenmer b mg in the way of the workmen engn ct cc on the con- straction of the nw town wharf, by the commiltec th icamer Whe 'berthed at the doek +... .. instruc- itions of tn harbormaster and in contravention of orders given hy jthe wimrilnger. The owners, Breer McKay of Hamilton, were arkel tof remove the boat some time ago, but practically refused, stating that the contractors could do so it=their own expense shoukl they so desire, Messra. McKay will agaia be coormunicate! with and «cdoubt- lesk the matter will be amicably settled as it should be. For years the town has bern holding out in- ducements to owners to winter their : | veesele here and while in this care it is possibly necewmry that the steamer mist be removed, po artl- trary measures shouk!l be resortell to. | The committee also briefly © con- Kidered some matters regarding the railroad crossing on Hurontario f&t., bat no action was taken. -- ellie ar iia -_ a af « 4 the standing committees of .the} the $2,000 would be paid from Mon-| According to- information received ui el he