rT y= *2 B 7". wT, mitt Bila if). obey nl. AAS | ile he', we in he. eeot of ln cat Kowl iiv trax thie the me feel "rT rm' r *? i ae SE -- af tat 12- wr we goon on lie , | ae at, ll ean News of the Lakes aygrag Cum 107 FPP Tse] yt cM po away gee oS) Foyer ny Saviunaion ia yet open oon Lake Krie, the sJarge stenmer Stanton | rere teh repens HReffale te tle | tunnel om "ntiueday At the Iattee place the steamer wlll lowe eoal for «pring «eliverg at Dututh The fiehing. togce Hough SS amd? toni G are anelergoing extenerreer repeire in. the Hurontacio efreet «lip | Toe ateamer A. FB. Ames la on the! 'cg stock recelving some bottom re-, pairs } wr. Alex. MeDeorgall, -- of | the Lake "uperior Lumber Co @ tig) Viper. reached ton on Monday of | ternoen hating pret completed his} ancon'a work of Eritany. Mr. Me. fevgnll takt the tog op at Rowe- pert. whieh he feports free from ire when he left on Swnedasr The Lake Ontario Navigation Co hate eleetest the following of fierrts« for the eurrent year: F. Hutehin- em. preaktent; Willian Denrgines, | | | | | ih tice-presikiont, and Jotm Hadlett, managing director | nee = Bb . A 1