The traffic report for the "S00" Canal shows the tonnage for April to have been 2,515,267, or nearly is; double the figures of tha same ~~ }month last year. More than 15,- bed 000,000 busbels of grain aad 1,250,- ey.;G00 toos cf ore were carried. of} There were 1079 vemel waa on er- Oly} port this seasan. ie un- fin- tof! ried up the river. It was - gest month for the opening of tay- lay} gation on record. bia | _Mesers.. Andrews .& -Morrjll ---- have & commenced work on a-tug for Mr. ing MelInnois of Meaford. The keel has tod' been laid at the south end of tae !Hurontario street slip, The tug wa'pili be sixty feet in length and fer fourteen feet ti width with adepth of_four to five feet. The engines ier,' and boilers, which are already on es-;the ground, were built by The rip Doty Engine Co..of Goderich. The tug ix to be Used in fishing and). to it is expected will be in scommis- sion in six weeks. - "The tug Saucy Jim which has ay|been tramsferred by Capt. F. Scott 'ajto the new owners, Messra R. ©. Fisher and Capt. W. A. Clark, made m@ trip to Little Current this week with a deck loud of dynamite for |The Boon Co, je & Ir.| The steamer Iroquois which is on he dhe dry dock, is ao extensive repair wor job, bat not quite as large 18 was na anticipated by thowe who are ac- tle! qdainted wit!: circumstances of her He| grounding In the Moo River. Besides nd} a new stern post, a practically ct Dew rudder will have to be made, tl. | bumber of plates taken off and le, re-rollied and a noomber of new no, Plates put in. The steamer was ad, brought from Depot Harbor by the ow (tug Traveller and immediately on 'oe her arrival placed on the dry dock. jiejy Capt. C. H. Sinclair, the ander- in| Writers' representative, uw credited ilij With stating that the captaiu of ng | tie Iroquois is not to blame' for otjtle reneni accklent in the Soo he, River, ay the buoy at the point Ir.j Where she struck was one hundred mj; feet out of place. It & ewtimated that it will Gost $20,000 io repair the steamer Lim- . mermano, sunk in the Yoo River in of collision with the FSaxona. han ot} The steamer Midland Queen went of} to Buffalo dry dock to hate the on, damages causal by a collision in jthe--Detroit lUver repaired. She jdischargea her cargo of wheat at | Kingston, | The strike of the '"longshoremen is ia the steamer's second trip to that 4 im | al a jr it Fy t t re HL it it hg fa ~ \a a i Va a :f i or | o fn firemen on the United "tates t skit of the Jokes has tied shippinu : « up te such an extent that almost et P| a TUE boats ane Lying at docks. After |, th, tie firemen quit the engineers were! an " wie "<4 --s S"fR> T > = ir, a 5 = ---~s=+se 97 die Works, was in town on Tuesday iekeel to wet in thelr gtead when t the bonts were shifting fronv doek |, to dewk, but thix was soon Blopped | by orders of the bead of the asso. 4 cintion, On Friday" four steamers 4 pulleei ot of Chicago, faving <e- J cured neo unten men On tweool the i» Yooute ubekilled Mungarian iaborers 9 took the plice of the striking fire b wen, Owlng to their inexperience: |» right men were taken on each boat: ¢ itstemd of the customary ihrem y Poth sides promise to ae the fight p fo the finish. . & Announcement wie made Friday i ¢ thet it yas Diop painted red amt oa showing an intermittant sight eve op ery Ab second is bole installed at. ¢ the Grane! Island harbor onterance, iy Lake Supecior, te nark Une wreek fe of the steamer Manhattan, The a Wreck is on the western xile of th ti 'Aster entrance to tite harbor, a. tl bout a mile from the lighthouse. ir Mr. 2. Peeberty is building ao ow hi tdeome gasotltie Inuneh for Mr. ey Harry Simpson, architeet, of Tor 2, onte. The SooSea, the trim gathts 44 fouift Nor fe Ooles-Peley-Paton- ty Chirehitt et ab syndiedte, has teen ed ready for the engine for some time Itimesdiately upon arrival te will ¢} fe Instacdesd after whieh the adar mt of the first sailing will be an- rol reve! ; Tie stenmer A. Te Hopkins ean pleted the discharging of her curge of contoon Mortiay trerning, after t whieh <le clenresd for rh wend na shore port te foad Inmber for Tana. b woetrely, Wer cargo was for the Chariton tugs The Playfair Wreeking Cote tne Metamora bits gout toe the iinetar-! Talanele to False the tug CVipepe r. whieh welt aleve oon Momlay oof laat week, ; The Collingwoe!l Shipbuikiing Co have been awarded a eontrae: hy te Tepartment of Publte Werk. of Ce Deminion Gorerrnmentt fer a stow) weve gredng tur The Treat whieh will be eonetrueteel wee ape. ing to the Mighest clesesifiention of tle British Liogels enereg, will he 115 fewt in fenurth, at fert in ' brenelth) Atel tt feet in lepth. Sty svill be preevieled with a besiher oat Ble Seoteh type. PEA feet tn fenath anel 912 feet in clinmeter, rith « ateuin pressure rf Tsid [bee ite thin eqinte ine Ths NE supply a ps. Ineh triple expnosion engine with Yo gttoke Of twenfty-live inches The emtract ealle for the celles ry oof the tote in the fall The tre will te atrongty bmilt amd open oomph: tien wT Boat ones placed in aaminie- Alon in the River St. Lawrences 1 hg tween Quechee amd the ele Mr Fores Towreate tt, Snperintemlent of Dreigee of the Department of pb - " 1 ya eal ia) vA ye tts La ait on ww) of to * efranging erm detaile reepewting ats the ongines ane} bevilere for the .. pa ts i ln