Maritime History of the Great Lakes

Marine, p. 1

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rrrr errr TTT TTT TTT eee eee eee aha bend dbs 11D 14S bd}5}5HOOSOOSS Od OoSse Oo? CCT TC err Te eee as ttt. i aai ha epee ee eae Ree eee eee ea eee eae nee ee eee eee ed eae eek eo nbs Db hh ht bbb bb DD ft i te tl diddy dic de dee tine % - po so eh oo 8 bt bf SSDS SDDS eh PPS SPSS SSS STS? TPT TT TT TT eee erry ----w oe th - a + - + + oe " ae ro te -- a oh a ro ad oe - ate ae 7 oe =? my = pe) ae @ : thet 's | i The steamer Zimmerman has been raised and taken to Sault Ste. Ma- trie. _ The big dredge D'Alton McCarthy! y, been taken to Little Current, where it will be engaget in im proving the ship channel. a Oy Te eteamer strathmore, former-| 57 ly the Gordon Campbell, occupled at berth in the Hurontario street slip , while her sfnaft is undergoing . re-) ry, yours. rep < nea ; z } Two men were arrested at King-| ston on Friday night attempting tol ky het fire to the «steamer Donnelly, / 5) bwned by The Donnelly Wrecking | 'al Official notice ans been Issuek) tt that the main light on Pinte «ux )', Pins, River St. Mary, has been im-| proved by the substitution of a six (\c order lens for the reflectors and fi ipressed lens heretofore used. a The steamer Alaska, at one: time |¢ owned by the Anchor Line, "hax! tq been sold by W. H. Sanborn of Port Huren to Canadian yrurties} ex apd will be converted into a Cana-|a dian bottom. She has been in the oO qumber trade for some time. ia Capt. .Thomas Donnelly of King. |, ston reinfofces the statement of Capt. C. H. Sinclair: that the mas- b ters of the steamers Iroquois, Um- tw bria and Hutehinsen which struck b near the dyke in St. Mary's River, a short time ago were not at fault.!'s * PPE S EE FETE EE ETT ee ee decidal on by Montreal shipping in-, terests, and two steameré have been Jc Jecured with which the service will a be extablished. 'The line will take' py ithe place of the Great Lakes «nd," St. Lawrence Company's. stenmers, jy which have been withdrawn to ran « 'American ports. -- 'ht The »chr. Barlum in tow of the & atr. Leafield- came within an ace U fof foundering in Lake Superior on M @aturday. The vewel was leaking ~ badly, but Capt. K. Jordan of the oO fleafield made a determined effort ™ fto beach her under Whitefish Doint, 8 in which he sueccecded just in time 3» 'to save ber from going down in h Heep water. The Leafield and the strandea! steamer were on their bi fay dows from Michipicoten to the is Soo. ot! At the banquet following the & launnening of the. steamer sir Thomas Ehaughneswsy at Detroit, the president of the Ajperjeanu "hip building Co, made the statement » that within three or four months © hie company would contract to build f a steamer for the great lakes from 4 m0 to 645 feet lo length over all. hb This gigantic ship, said be, will bo ot G24 feet keel. lt will carry 14,000 F tons iron ore on oa draft of 1 t Tort. For years post there have been mney complaints by _loke eaptains, | of erratic behavior Of their wom. | 3 parses, gem which the safety nil their ships depend, in thiek and. bac! weather. The United states | Gevernment bas commissioned Com- fh maftker Nichotson of the United ¢ Staten avy to go to the likes with the purpore of setting up | prominent marks in proper pliner. " so that the captains of passing t hate may check off an error of; * pheir compnwes and make the ne cesmary adjustments. He will take with him the necersary instrumenia to establish "true north" at the marke!) rites, and'eall) upon the # fhenarext oranch of hydrographic of.' floes for any needed help It is the ! present purpose to erent winery t : ~atS marke on the American side of the ' St. Clair River afd in the Stualts ! of Mackinaw, which will afford ' portunity to make compass er §- | tions to all ehipping prasiv 5 tween Lakes Micltitan, "ye .! and Here, #| On intestigation being n t ! wae ascertained that a «he, ra rent was the cause of the tr lighte at the Soo ehip canal tot ; being lightai on the night 'when jthe steamer Huronie went ont of the e¢hannel ami struck . bottom. , The oreurrence wae gn unusual ome. It never happensd before since: the ship canal was opened! 10 years ago ani may ever happen ngaan.', The tug Harvey Neelon has been taken to Port Arthor to be ned by the Urent Lakee Drelging (Co. ; The work on the new wharf le progressing [avorably, bat [it will he months yet before [t wit! fe remy for tee. In the mean. | time Dueiness la more or level inter. | fered with, but thie waa to be ex- pected. The crtbbing hae about all been placed in position aml the greater part, in fact all abore wa- ter of the north-east corner which Intte] out Into the harbor, fas bean remorel, Red epar booys mark the danger epote under the surface. Along the weet side of the Huron- tario atreet e#lip nearly all of the In occupied, A coal pile of immense dimensions take up many feet pvenr the outer end, while the woow and tue which Merera. Mor- ri) & Andrews have under con. stroction with an. ocersional pile of timber fille nearly all of = the hnianes, The .tug, scow and timber pill eoon be 'dOnt of the way when the greater part of the west «ire bt the elip will be open for busi. | for the new wharf, bave «a huge: cement miter and a boiler and on.: gine in place, with many corde of (weet close by, all of whieh wonld Indicate that the conetroction will be during the summer, the most favotable season for doing puch 'work, [¢ Is ondearatood that the warehouse is to remain where it now etande, some dittance [rom ite former «ite, arrangemente having made with the torn council ito thle effect Ae a quk? pra que for thie cemeemion the cgntractora are te do a certain) amipunt of filling om the wrest akly of the, buliding. . -- A children'e plano = recital = will ren im All Sninte' Parieh Mall at three o'clotk om Paturday af- ee May 26th. Oollection in No trouble to catch fish [If gon get your tackle at Whites Limited

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