WBever suchs 'aw hint | + ion | se ma ely = ten : tin >Re ee eee 7 the urs ----_ hen |; The list of shipping of the De- res./ partment of Marine and Fisheries shows that on Deca Silst, 1905, seventy-eix Vease were On the registry books at/ this port. Of this number 74 were steamers with) DY a gross tonnage of 10.065 tons anil 'd3,/a net tonnage of 7.241. Midland has the lseven steamers to lta credit with len | gross torngae of 4,177 tons; herlOwen: Sound U9, grow tonnage 3,- iM-/81G tome; Goderich 3ST, gross ton- O®.inage 2477 "tons, and Sarnia 34, at-lerogse tonnage 10,697. The total '8-lent tomnage of the vessels of the: *°) province is 168.848 tons, as con, i OP, \pared with 174450 tons in 1904, M-l) 'The A. & & Co's sleamer King ofl piward went iato commission on "P| Wednesday, leavingg the Soo for To- leo, Capt. William Bemroe is Ot again in charge. } iN) "Phe Dulath- Herald says: ¢Every,! o-lmemb rt of the Pittsburg Steamship, Company's wrecking crew oat work on the «tranded eteamer, Crescent]. t sand at Lakewoud, is sufferiog rt from what appeare to b> ptomaine "Sl olsoning. None is %eriously ill, ™® lout all are practically unable to \ work and several are confined ta Uéitheir Tevls. Thoewe most meriously aC are Capt. W. W. Smith. marine iwuperintendent for the Pittsburg "lo, and the head of. the wrecking trew at Lakewouk The cause of "Tithe epidemic of Ulness Among the NA) wreckers Has not been determined rhe yet. It seems to be shrouded with utimystery. The sick ones have been M under the care of physicians for revernl days, but ne one is eure yet what causal the trouble. Har- 'or {tis Bennett, deputy state dairy and ty] |food commissioner, visited the Cree Ca my ment City and examina the meat, in, Canned goons and milk in the he recking ear Ren ns hare boen to|sent te Ft Paul, where they iwill] = be analyzed." The fricnde of Capt, q- {mith hope that bis iiloess will not RI in [prove eerious and that he will soon yi De able te assume his «utiles. rej) The officers of whe Owen Sonnd we |Park Co"'a steamer Canada for the 'Teegson of 10806 hare ben chosen ga follows: Captain, Arch. McKinnon ; Jat mate, DO MoIntyre; engineer, Bi E J. Riley. B at When the tog Clipper which went Sh hbhewn near the Bustyrd Islands aome Ne lweeks agro tas bronght to Midtand, T! T-'it wae found that she Bad not hf straick ntrewk, bot had sprung al "Tplink by beter knocked "a bowt "if t fitie heavy seve "he is boing re mi} paired. ler machinery is safe. but whl thine oth will practically hare to}: Hie talit ower. m | The steaiver Puree cate of?' the if). Iry thek oon Thuredag and hns re | suet her place oon her regntar "tron betyeeen Sarnia and Polath., The Majetic will return here, ') The new steamer Cty of Meaford) wide her tplal trip- on Vietorlal ition on the Great Lekes hitve bean *lamendeal es an to provide that a: Kelntenin rowel over 10 feet regieter | length, when' under owny, «hall: torry oan acelithondal "white light! |] vixitete: ath rewned the horinon at al re itfistamer: oof at lomat theee mites. | i Thess: tw Eiht. shall be #0 placed! . jin line with .the keel that one shall! «jt at deaat . fifteen feet Righor! e|than the other, and in mak A pewlition with refe renee ~ to anh | re fother: that the lower lieht «ball os forward of the apper one, The ver. itheal dietance between Uhese lights Jetall be lew than the horlrontal "[dlata noe The amall enroline Ianoeh tileee has been 'puirchases} by the Sl Pishery Department and placed on V"lihe ©&e. Clair River. Another je . promies) to take the place of the " Gllphie. . , Engineers of the Chsterich Lenre iber Op are here fitting omt the ' 1 Oil phe. When realy for «ea the "J litth eteamer will go onareuad te Tl Gesterich ; ,|) The steamer City of Midhand made © epvinl trip te Pewint ane aril fon Syotday evening, returning on Monday to Meaford to! bring a meenlight from there to Collie fron! | The atepmer Bermoda arrived in q)pott oon Satumiay evening from )(Chieagre with «aA cance of 6.000 Imehela of cotn. This Ww the first peargo oof American grain to reach »}port thie eeneon. "The Bermuda la ait stranger in thie pert She ieone yjor the woolen Clase of eteamera whieh were 80 popalar on the Inkes nh decade ago The steamer Mabetle returnel te this pert oon Punday afternoon, hating complete? her tripe to Lake fuperior in place of the steamer Huron te. ma' The littl paseenger eateanrer Ma.| , 4. typ came ofer from Parry Senne deli m Momlag aftecnoon to go on the/ dor ity odeck for holl repeire Upen leak meming off the dock the «eteamer| ~~ will returo. to Barry Som) and go mom her regular tripe between that hes: pott and Point anv Baril ° re 4 ; "- timmy. ' hall The rules of the roel far Haviga-! > + + > $ - = 4 944494400406 3000dnegesesesesneetnn -- a i ¢ $- aw > 7 = srs