aed ah a | A irk OA ri oe 7 Tore IN WINTER QUARTERS poe ; Contrary to the tistal eoneditfen: a Gl mt Olt - time at thie yer, «ha ies | We the fine weather, the wharve. lay. | sol been pute am atirdetion te Claims ge | Cate who hav: leisure time. On Salary 0 "the aie Being warm snl the etm be Lt thining brightiy, thy were Visite, Dry Airis af rep Whe onde ator Careful in-pectidin of what wae ei. Clerthy prarigg ce stueiege the white | a. Ervicences Werte cete ar All sitelew of ii Pregaration beingg mace for the er. | mm) ening winter, vessels of lifferen: {tim Kiml< b jog pregperet for (be umeonth. | f when They ure napeiled tds Pevept ire f+: ktie, Jn the NMaronturio <treet diy yeha the large towing tues Parer rhaye| SE Chariten ure isinge ake hy site. (rep while on t Pee: Opqerciee side the tray pee t Jarmin, Cite: feteler of than 'teat ath Kingsford, ad Ce | leorthy, "T wor Vs other t igre lew Oy { hes frame oun io jt thr western teank of the abige ere cyte a lal CO CLEUNF peceeo< <eorth of the Hare pe! v min, while space is left for a sirewlgy, ene ant sewyit# whieh npir Vel ben ncepes es pels from Menfored. On the weet wate af | Fry the new cement wharl fie the nas fer Blip alreelereel this fall four topes | ben Leighton MeCarthy, annie My thy. | tml Rott and the Meavwyie Mity, rire tyres | tte «hele Dy sickle Ino teel tee oue aneeth riled while benired them are the «lead bre Kingsford and Alton MeCarthy ap] 0 the Boone Dreiging @ Constpuetinng {ine Cn, ane the Tinees VDitN OB ered BPirgeny | EM 8 The dretees will uMmelerwer sestnie wh Feprairings eluring othe winter. feat | Feu to what extent is net yet keowi, she Ineleeed canter h- keaoawn oounte tlie thie work hae been cormnenenst Att Pee | Mae failway wheel the -teamere Meyer. |e Mic ane City of Terontes ori | ohe berthe alongside of the recetway [the The other -teamere of tre fleet «fe hut yet in commission, ane ft wilt tee [wth fnily three week. get before the tyce [fee of the rn throw ont their lines far eat. the winter meomths [Tt Ie net an: tipated that others than the tle. ! Zinn Ray fleet of the company wil bome here. mit it fe fest paowsitin | Pal that the Memarch mag be brought tr! Tal thie port Of the larae freighters) it 2 Ipre ted, are the Newmernt, Wor | alg known me Fleminggt« eek. --_- -=----