sli- =~ . 2 wee "= o=8 Se Vp YS CIEL ; to| thousand copies. pl LESLIE FLOATS BAVARIAN Wa} Abandoned by her owners "to. the das Underwriters and in. turn by them, wes the Allaga steamer Bavarian whieh th. |rae# on Wye Rock, thirty miles be- low Quebec, on November it, 10405, was left om the rocks to be wreck- ed and torn by the waters of the tim, ro- ae St. Lawrence, Lioyds sent an ex- ae pert to report on the Vessel, whol. - placed the cost of floating her at hin #100,000, with an «additional © ex- pPiniditure of $500,000 to put herin!| tT. iy a senworthy condition. A Giernecare | aoe caw MAlvage firm turned down a proposi-) " an. | ton to float the "steamer, Sut the In Porth American Wreeking Co. mace jan}® Proposal which was accepted. The! ete COM pany empoyed Willan Le-lie, af pin Wingstonian, who said the steamer! =a teal rould b> flontel by the use of com-} --' he | Pressed air. He is a man of pinck | po wakes uml courage and-in the fuer of the |) by wy. OxXpert opinion of British aml Amer-}; ¢ site| Wreeker= that the stcamer 5M pee could not be rescue), his friends< ean | Lee ho was unmlertaking no job that 8 aig Looked hopeless. But he had faith be | em his plans and he flowed a com- |W, py. Paoy which has floated the shim) © neay| MP Testic as a Canadian wreeker, || t inj. (28 Geserving of all the priise his). B rtn (Country men cnn bestow upon hin. | en the For+Jears he conducted the Collings, fen | Bay Rafting Co, and later he went | 1! af. | into wrecking aml on the iret: Ji, fakes and oon the Gulf and News |) ™ are | fmndiand consts, he has done effce-| FO! a» jtive work. He is atewt sixty years! DB ae, {or age amt with all the vigor and); &™ nice (@ethueiasm gf youth. While con-) © the Meeted with the Collins Ray Wreek- tis (ine Co, he wat frequently in Col- fe |lingrwouxd, having raise] a gumber of tt eat (¥eEeLS in the upper lakes, Among) 5 pnp (Others which he brought to the sure! rwil face wae the steamer Cit¥ of Owen pe. Sound which sank at Clapperton [s-)¢pp ave Lede i 1886 and which was brought | 44 nie Bere and rebuilt, leaving the dry) 4: "lock osx the Saturn, only to agnin T find a resting place on the bottom: ¢, of dunke Hinren a eouple of years rere after the resulted, io nts. Mr. Taslie in amlertanking the work G el = vse] oom pressed mir. Te set to woek}' : weaned platformed the ship over the "3 wks ho'dk in which there were hole< He G the imported? alr fags Trom New York! the nam! ydacel them unter the plat-) FO! vee forms AS tt teek ensideroble time. rt: ieret iter earcy on three operations the | L rive attempt tee lane the «hip wos poxt-!) oy the pomd from one -pring tile te the! a mel other When these postponement<| & -- ' te Meerpeel the knawing ofttes <hook " Mroitheie hens oml cat the Ravarinn| t for-fweork?d gever he floated ens jet in the ' hitb 'retadl principle. iad ins On Friday evening test, when t he: | . In tide wae nfusnally hich amt thee)" ty feets of three powerfal steamers) ™ ritifaileel to pull the steamer off, the 8T! Hilt mapority of shippnc teem exame tei G or, the cenele<fen that she wok real t! the mainoon Wye Rerk for qnether wine! te wey, fer, They, hewweter, were etiegens te e is pointed nml tesi-eny the stenmer is] E ites vent Qrhe recting on the heach nets " his Wav. *. Gove for the winter EA Th: Dem'nion Goterninent cave Phe! os contractor fer Mastiog the Rarwelen} «: "MY the vel In it< power fo cef thie! Ir rial him oflont . - ob * af Is am | -- {ri Pm. #8 - ee es Se oe 2 ----< <=