ion! in "¥- ck, for bon On- Whe. ior <ut) ler em it- imal the is tr 1y rial 1t A all. of Stay nal ef it. * Li- M. * Ir 4 h Lix « e¥icenee that one Oo] the saddest 'tragedies in the history of the , that she never tlichted orp before imme | cme ae Lion's Head Last Thursday. ------ SS ------ ------ =e ee eee 0 le ee ee eS "+ STEAMER JONES GOES DOWN = With Over Twenty Souls. | ++ Terribl. Marine Tragedy Near THE DEAD. ' | Crew BA the Jones :-- Captain James Crawford. ; Edward Lennox, Mate. ' Charlies Shaw, Chief Enginecr. Wesley Sadler, Secotd Engivecr. "Scottie," Fireman; real nam: un- known. R. Simmonds, Fireman. ' James Tilley, Fireman. Wm. Smith, eDeckhand. Frank Jack-on, Cook. --------, Assistant Couk ; name un- EDO' Be* Geo. Mcrweo, "Wheelman, + Wm. Roses, Wheelsman. ; \ Passengers: -- J. T. Donakbon, Owen Sound. Alex. Lyons, Owen Sound. Mr~. Lyons, his* mother, Owen Louis Athen, Owen Sound. James Fox, Southampton or, Hop worth, T. M. Wage, Manitoulin' Tani. Three unkoown men. for Graham's camp at Silver Water Manitoulin, ! TALE OF THE WRECK. Owen Sound, Nov. 27.--The staunch little coasting -sleamer J. H. Tones, which for years ahax Goveredt the route from Wiurton and this port aiong the enst shore of the Bruce yeoinsuln to the south side of the Manitouiin, has pone to the botton carryingg with her over a eorex oh human lites, There has heen more or Jess Apprehension since last Fri- day. Th: Jones ieft here on Thurs- lay, and was not reported at var- lous peints of cali up the Inke. Ivy wax "thought at first shoe micht have sought sheller at some innc- vessible point, but the worst fears were realizel to-«lay, when Mr. Me- Auley, Manager 'of the Dominion Fi-r Company's plant at this point, who has Bp Toremwost in the rearch for thy missing men, annonne- vat that the Indians sent ont to look for fruces of thei hak come upon reat lake~ had Deww enacted. Two lifeboats, a section of: the enbin amt some freigeht found ty the In- diane On the Christinm Ustaieds teft rntuestionalie evrjlence that the worst Nel happened. - Mr. Freel Lyons, whee mother arkl brother are amongst the vie- tums, Wirseld frem Wiarton thi< ov ening that two belles hark been four, am? that there wae ne que. tior but that the Joenes wre Yat. Ohcer Sonne'. loss im metmbers te much smaller thas the terrible ea). amity whieh has fallen opon Wiar- ton, where alio-t the entire crew hee! their Pores, The Jone< wis no wexlen steamer. Hor dimensjion< were ahout one hon- tirewl nil twoenty-Tive feet oter all molength, wilth twenty-one . feot test ostel mine feet Weranght. She wos beilt in Gewlerieh in 1888) any heel wenatherel mank ow unle, If is how eonociufab "that in attempting to roeh Lion's Plond et see Proke | 'he shotters forword on the matin deck awl kewleed the ve--el over, and other se Sagept her tmler, mir? | j nowt hard to take if