Maritime History of the Great Lakes

Vessels Lost In 1906, p. 3

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MUSHIUTH, DASK., APT 4.--The Cana- 7 ra -- ia or dian Northern passenger train going lt 'north -wak derailed here at 5.50 yes- terday morning. Only one car remain- eid on the rails and the mail car is overturned in the ditch. Mail Clerk George Hawkins received injuries to iii ae -- a ee 1 on = build that was fost. Tho year's dis. asters Openal with They buroing of! the gmssenger steamer" Atlanta in Ioke Michigan very early the: is | 18 Wg (tus back and'is badly shaken up, bat |Va°0n rhe orp mach. abaya at Elm ware Ghakele us bat ane hurt [Which the most vaglable Was the; badly. Engineer McLeod and Fireman Monarch which went to pieces off Isle Rojgale. The famous old steam. er Gorton Campbell also passed out of existence by eroundinzg on Michh Walpole stuck to their posta = neither waa hurt. A spreading rail Twas the cause of the accident. it picoten I-land, and then taking fire. | af 1,600 Coal Miners Strike. (iter identity was lost to many un. | Amherst, N.S... April Gean: the der the name W Strathmore. Tywen. * men eniployed at Springhill mines be dabei Rte! Pinay Mananpe: Mes po tet | ed went out on strike yesterday inorning, schooners Fire élhiteca' wine ge + h A short time ago noticea were posted |' . ; vere | h aroun the works by the P a. {* recks, foundering [fteen, stranding | it asking that all nonanion men must |VoYeMteen and collisions six. Probe. | » ) in the nnion before April 1 or the rad eines 7 ee - pat ie Union men would refuse to work with (oO The, Jar ad ah ti em thom A number did comply wi } the marge City of Toleto, both wf ' ; . ute) : which were sank, Hows vero. WwW. n thie demand, nari i Tn tiny of both | Pte ke tt Yar Det . " | » Vioneer and Mechanivs Leadges was } : ') , ak t ros rich Ker, fabs a field, and yesterday morning no one [Fae uth ot thew, bat whether they wilh be worth' ke-toriong tu. COMMISION Femains ta leeoen, Pro, hably there choukd be taken Fava | tren, who were allowed to romain to | he hist the Chemmtah, which borne. rp. keep up stenm. Mt ts thought that the ['ree io Lake Haron. This schooner } e Matter will be satisfactorh adjusted | heats bs en Faiset and purchased by. » ina day or two-efhere is no issue at tee Ealwet re Gillon Duck & Con-trie. | » All between the nlen and the thanage tio Ca, The 4secompanying tabie | r wont te work, About 1.600 in all are | r- yt. : ; " The only men werking are the fire. | po ment, \ Model Teachers Left Out. t. Toretite. Apri 4... low. Dro Pyne A tell a deputation vesterday that the UW. mewtel sehool teachers displaced by % the new arrangements would be pro- oO rhyarterd to normal valid jomitions * where piesible A pension 'scheme » tmmicht be considered in. the. future. - The deputation whieh spoke for the training section af the Kddeational P Association, waa intraiueed by View ' Vrineipal Dearness, London Th was tinted out that many teachers would Sthodel schools, Those with ton years' rexpertones and helding arte cates, and thowe under ten who _ bachelors of pedagory, it was augr ef, should reevive inspectors' eertifi- cates. Those over AS ahould reeeivete money compensation, ' ae oa Pew | ; Slightly Improved. / "Toronto, April 4--At a late hour nat might Mr Speaker St John seem. ed afightly improved, -- An official at the hospital aaid the vilality.shown by Mr St John was something remarkable, and that in the » face of the atrong fight he had al- b- ready mate for life, it waa impos. istble to give up hope This is the 'feeling of all the doecters, They do } mot attempt to minimize the very | erttical ptate the patient ia in, or the , flevelopments which a few hours may bring about, but unite in saying that the case ta not yet hopeless | \ t f Cuban Leader Assassinated. Havana, April 4 --Jos. K Ayala, of , iwhief of police of Guines, Havana | | Prowinee, wae aeeassinated at Guines | | yestentay He lel the Government forers near Guines during the Au. | pust revelution. thereby inenurring en 'much enmity that he went te Ween, | fram whieh omartry he had just re | formed: Eastern By Cats Vaneouver, HO April & Poerbert » Lobley, a well knew resident of Cp. tral Park. mote Propel leech very the Oesor i of hia howe, with fis face mil hearts eaten off by eats' He had ret beeen eee for a oweek ETpe brother went to the hower and found hie dead heady on the floor, with three ents in the same room , es = ~~ New hfe fer oa quarter Poupeatoad fren © Pills For 'a 1T Jakocon i eee Dhiranar BO forty. ten Gav cate Prawetht aw Carrying Capacity a? TNKIAS grees fone and viylinesl 2077 (hw Were teelab gesses ani? Tins ati Th mepetary basa mas fs pariedn with fornirr Frets, ot in te the fact thot the dreeket we. els were nearly all small The -Valuahle ow the tineean which lfowmee ret in Take Huroes She was thi oolp steed vewsel of American <the bey as nt thas 1 hm oeene. fy iL hh ai I left ile by the abolition of the rtifi. (Fee), S000 grrens tots, Talus Byt,. ry [O00 NU tbe'. Fives the fates of the sléamers ta. Lally astroyed, with their Op prae'. tics aml value, amt the place of the jmeculont; Argonaut, Lake Haron, 1.000 gross tons, talue S1S.000: "At. finetn, Lake Michigan, 1500 ero. tors, Valoe S700 . City of Con. 'orl Take Krie, S50 gross tons, valn- 85,000; Conmenmugh, Lake Brin, {O00 Ero. tons, Valen 250,000 . jErin, St. Clair River, 800 wre tons, volo: @16,000-. Jnme. Fiske, Jr. St. Clair hiv r, 1.500 gross tone Qabie 225.000; tiolepie, Lake Sdperior, t. 00 Brose fons, value 460.000: toy, Rmith Lake Huron, 2.000 gross tone. Vole S500005. Cireclan, Thuanver Hickoa, Take Ontario, eross Tonos, valie #6000; C. RO bin, j tank: Erie. 2000 gross tome, watae fi BLS. N. Mills, St.) Claire River, "DO Kos tone, value £8000. ton. ereh, Lake Saperior, ©0000 gross tore, FYalue #85.000, New Orleans, j Take: Huron, =F00 toms, value 245,. C00, John M. Nieol, Lake Michigan, 2200 gress tons. value &35.000: C BR Peekant, Lake rie. tooo ers tons, talus 2:0 000. Panama. Take Biperlor, 2700 7 gros« tons, velue @45.000. J. A Panty, & Clair River, POO grows {orna, walie mais SO.000) Reenlute, Lake Ontario, ao cenet prose tod, Callow SE2.000: Rirath. was ! mere, Take Superior, 1.600 oroce Me. A jteme rains 817,500, Theano, Lake om oo (i perier, 2600 ross tone, rade mies in. ) $8 000, \protin ' iin =~ 'hheetear 5 ADVANCE IN) PRICES adil = * uel, RK Corrspomience of the ature of ard, a the following: maketh the heart of the printer and pattishers ache 'Durie the last few monthe the Paper Mills of Canada and the Voites! States have giten notice af mivaroes in the price of paper, oc. reevonal hy the greatly tered of 'amt oof the raw matetial from whieh the pe per mate, the very: lin. er use! for case. Raving achrane ad from 2 per cent ter TR DA pre ie nt s "We have delayed as homer ac os ciblle making any achtance in or LA thnt we ommght give eur frets s.f ewer the eountry who hate Been sa inpat the temefit of ite lowes price-, alkl with the Neogee that the market on ran MAL ats wouk) tee steached. Instead of thie ein the case, everything yasot< to eexntiness! imerease im the coat sf hope raw moatetial Whole we must new ceegre hieh- Tud ropes fer our prebuet. we .hall by mwrtanys to make theep prine. Vs P. 'ow As poeahte, keep ne in slew the! mak highe<t stamlared of egertlence in op- . Varios ghacks | SINCE Dis lel wake Pees ered pipes wo beh Le fron vi aol the larer 1 (vga F och my jufactoring fiem. in ootares ont te! Seasr 'onty ne of the many fetter. pe. | 'eeimeal opereprog <i dar prifevr ema. | TUL tien ™ : mot: the paper matere , Tio who are wltancing price. The! R. Ss printers' supply houses Rare sitwady |

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