Maritime History of the Great Lakes

Morrill Shipyard By-law To Be Voted On In January, p. 1

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ere" ere" e*ere Tt rer er ere" ea *e ere" Se' erates eee Ree eee ee ee ee ee ee ee eee eee eee =e." ee2oe¢n cere res eee o J J J J J J J y J y ! . ' . - | N r vs M WILL: NEW EXHIBITION Bu'LDING BE MADE A RINK? | + « . COUNCIL IN SESSIJN FOR FOUR HOURS : - be w a) ft Oratery prevailed to ne stall ox-@> ili tent at the moathiy gathoring of the Nj town council oon Monday evening. Wanted----Money For Roads nevertheless when the "proceedings of M the evening are sifted i willbe found \ tl that considerable business of ppeort- The town engineer finds the town | bi ance was disposed of. appropriation is already falling shige The Finance Committee recommend- [oat the reqiitements and he has ap | 58 'cl paviment of a numlwr of accounts pealed to the powers that be te Tem [3] which included lights on wharl $31.26, | cls the trouble. ol lighting at the "exhibition buildings. In a letter to the council tte says: | i The committee Pécommended thet | When I took over the department 1 | no further grants Uhan that a ome | was iviormed by the Chairman of | 2 month of $33.38 he given the Band + Poblic Works that there was a bal |W as up te the present little beuelit las | ance of Sore felt af the appropria- beet derived from that source. lim for that department. Since then | el The committee reported the sale-of | there las been spent Sasap7. leaving ul the debentures amounting to Sproee, ba badanee oof Sqopors~ beaminformed be and the receipt of a preminta gimeunt- |) that the following werk will have ta | FE iy to abent S88o, The debentures are | be done this* vear :-- h four and onehali per centers Two blacks completing Pine cl It was alse recomended tha $ims.- St. (road: erudingyo TS ean | ps be paid to UR So Nos. ab ane CRNA ting rere atti Pri ey he Ol ij. . Bhi atid First Sts. Js. Yiw.o | & The report ees cottluined this | Gr auling Sixth Siu (township St clatse > That as no anthority was work bec wee Shoo | st given to the Water & Light Commis- | Repairs ry bri ies 'and eul- V sigh ote pit im any material other Verls.... ; iWal, wie' limo | a than that botight by the Commission | Street cleaning., Ro for extensions on Albert, Turton aml | Repairs te roads, steaming t Niigara streets,, but not installed, | canal and ditehes... 2.0. Aarne | this committce while willing to pav | Road foreman's salary home) DSoer pd for the justallation of satd material, cetacean | OCR is net inclined to pay for something Votale cs ei. eae eineedT,4gg.00 9 4 not ordered toe be done, Talanee on j Nhand:c Wea' aa goa Ee ak te ae The Fown Property Commitee liad Detieit. aes Siew te » usual gris WCCHEMTR, 4 Pe a ane usual ee Hy ACC CHUEMTS, aN at Under the present weather conde | 4 % ere SSC, ; ue othe sabi pu - the bu tions I woul stromgly recommend | 5, i ' eta per sai bs Lat Bay a he eX that fo be allowed to finish Dine St., h a eet 3 ality ae ATIAR was TMS Pas itoncedls it very badly. © ridges a : WI bs + is fat baht vi and culverts inust le kept in tepait al AIS L * * soya: i Coa eer tre ihe 'Tand at present they need it very: ,, aleaeat hema shen laa th ¢ Iatddy. The camal and ditelies must |, ee or Stoo, replied the ig Fa? be Cleaned ont now te provide fir | | Where i: aay tan coming from 2] che spring foal * The money on | 4, ial ua rata hand will note enough for tes te--ty oe! =: Sr wind NeXt Veal s Coulee "cesaht Poo dnt tt tettanee and nics a1] ei Mt aT "4 mas ict ae L_thetisand dollars is provided it wth be : , e Sore Mr. eterman Enougts Ast MEI TE impossible le des An additional work. i the council advertised for a orimk . it tie : should be lvarned whether the Pine WoO, Begy Siaicat 'ke wordtelic|. street rink would be converted to ice. bot Feversham and reports it the best u] It is not lair to go inte tite monk vet. The horses shown would do Tor- 4 business "in opposition to private et- ' ote eredit, taking from fo. o'elock 9 terprise, They pay oa business tax. tiiheocn'tloek=to judge Sate. Pever c The reeve thought the council should ; sham deserves credit. go into the rink "usiness, reg h of anything. i c . Agnew, tiatager the " Mr. Henderson moved that the mat- rink R aval . is nara : ae h ter be Jelt over, the Town Property poet sis rishi Srp gles HL f Z on conse fee- elerral 05 the | Teense ' Cominittee to have plats and) speerte I Committee cations prepared amd an estimate ot ' i S. Wo Mabcock, chief of the tire |, cost scctred and report ata special ' ; i i brigade, called: the attention of the |, [ meeting te be held in as teortinyht. ' ' io council te the obpetioms ratsed li jy ; This Was agreed to Paar Yat 1 being . ' TW tae Tmt Vows E t i The chairman' reported that the ex- rN rae Stee Ber tevics ake he I ve ta ' ' 4 ie ¥ Thier « - ' hibition building had leon inspected ree ire bite k = all by LteCel Galloway and pronounced" a ; ati ao pe ree aha a large I, ---- -- -- a - "SAVISIMELGEY Tor aH" AETHGE LS Tie tke ot tae thats eerie Seatac - o ih) Ls ¥ a?) partinent of Militia had since writ- hat The Fire % * 4 i C panes x + 7 ; is by t ¥4 ) ten regardiffge tue matter to Colonet in ' ay ; : Haunt will ge into the question. c : P : The toma engineer asked that a], The chairman reported that the G : > x sLaberewa ; telephone Te installed im his olliee. | 5, NX. Exhibition had paid its rent. and thé: Binante Commitice. wilt nit : thatthe office for the Water S Light i ye Reha lke a Commission was about completed A petition jor a sewer on Fourth |, = we I ; sireet between Maple aud Beech streets | j, The Fire & Police Committee had a granted if it is sufficiently sign- | - a list of accounts that were passed. : tt '- 1 hee 5 While this report was under consid- ie : aE ih "deep sorted en a eration a lengthy debate ensued in re- die! set it : aL heh Siieraare Seite Ho gard to some matters pertaining wto niranistae) o tire a Wate it mains h the police and the license inapector. extern ' s Saad eee at A ey Se ¢ ' ner . An account of this appears elsewhere, | Pense which woul be granted othe | . 4 council agreed. The council did so, 4 The roller rink, Lvrie theatre, Won- The Board of Works reported a num. aye seaely: ' mses 3 " : --. derland-- and -- Geo. Mutholland- asked ler of accounts which were passed, ' ' . the counci: to make the payment of The committe: reported that in re orth a . : 1 to the engincer's report. re. the their license fees pavable hali-veurly. Rar La! Sra 7 Referred to the License Cominities decaved condition of the decking on : 7 . The Orangemen asked for the lean the camat on Oak street, that te- { ' : re tsi aide take alii mabe the of a few tables from the ¢eshiblitien ae cme stNraey building for the opening of their new | bridge safe for this vear ; that no ac- . ; ' 7 * ¥ a hall on November sth. The Tow tion be taken re bridge oom Fifth : ' . Property Committee was given power street over Underwood Creek, eT al * + The Poultry Assoctation asked fora The Licens@ Committe reported that | prant of Stee. Mn Walter Nettleton, they had ¢ the i secretary, addressed the counedl sve : thd Machinery for | gave a history of the Association's Vetober and that it shail be continous | financial position. Tt. was now in debt ed until Decetnber inclusive. Several | for which members had given | their accounts were ofdered to be paid. personal -seeurity---TheFinanee Com- 3 : ; tmittwe was asked to report, Th: Sewer Cammittey reported a The Water x Hight Commission suh- nutiber of acconnts and recommended initted "a tis we. that the Water and Light Commis: | phe palance in the hank on October t |g ' , Fett sion he instrncted to put in service ; was $ The statement was fil: | ( pipe off road leading to the "Meats { CUp.'a property and the Corporation j P. Doherty wrote asking the council ' pay for the same, and also furnish the 11 seit him a site, gores 5 east Beech eet cenker hatte 50 ifeet of: lose. street and 5 west Birch street, as he | | ° has to move owing to the Shipbuild- 7 deate She ae to give cerlain con ing Co. requiring the land. The Har- | | aay be . z 1 rt did the €% | ior & Wharves Committee will inves. | | ablishing of a ht jere = Was tigate the matter and report. ( read the first and seeond time and re- In the ctosing hours several motions jerred to the ratepayers to be voted were offered and passed. These were fapon at the municipal elections. as follows : i ) The Dwehaw and agreement was or- 'v4 SER OS | ont: t H ~ hh a Sleeis ank wate a 'dered to be published in The Bulletin ' a % othe: ao fe ou ape ite : ore _ . nas o Ye the requiral number of times. 2 Ws ibe ho Sabie haben ne 7 ¢ posit of all moneys received for scw- Wilson 'Tros. Limited asked for per- | oF connections within ae ie tiission te extend G.T.R. siding to for material ane a "Hi « at WwW . Second street. The siding 1s already thw treasurer irom vate accoun on i part of the way. The couneil agreed the certilicate of the town emrineer. | ( t ' + That the petitions ce Westrumite | ¢ a the Payless. . 1 third én that é Mr. Occotnore reported on the elecs | Teel oh Seeond | peter : ols 1 | ° P . oy "Te C . . ow * ~~ ' trie light wiring in. the municipal were tiled at the ah Tt shone { . * , * Le ' * buildings. According to the report | c#lled and Vaid on The kane 7 ip 4 it is verv unsatisfactory, if the un- ther consideration. The oe mars ' derwriters' regulations are-to be lived | Were rqanied poo anf a . q up te. The Town Property Commit- erga Re a. eet { | tec will report. ' Tom,..Gilpin, Mayor-- --r4 1 The Town Kngineer reported re the Nays--Clark, Hendersen, Clemes--2. | 6 fmances pertaining: to resuds. He listevt That the opera house be granted free ( | werk requiring an expenditure of $1,- | of charge te the local apliott people ( ps. for which St,e% ig vet required | and also those interested in the Hiquer ' te be provided. Reletred to the traffic for the purpose of discussing ' | Hoard of Works to report at a spe- the | by-law, each side to be granted i | cial tneeting ( | four meetings. li a al

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