Maritime History of the Great Lakes

Navigation Notes, p. 4

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NAVIGATION NOTES.'S + The steamer Doric of the N. N. Co.'s fleet; ison the dry-dock here this week | $< for repairs to the Neils bearing. al Sy The large eS satuacear Kearsage | ti, came in on Monday morning with ajca catgo of cor from Chicago. The} al steamer went finder the elevator upon! Ci arrival. ol bod : biti 7 The steamer City of Windsor), which was" for many years on the} xy route between Collingwood and the! Ww 00, has been purchased by Ganley». Brothers~-and~has been re- christened | je the Michipicoten. The boat will be. iB placed on the route between the Soo | js and Pees Ire "We expeet 'é be Prada to re-| ceive boats in our new docks this |) fali,". was the statement made eel night to the Daily News by Mr. I V. Powell, of Chicago, the dry acct! engineer, who arrived in Port Arthur. i yesterday morning on the America. | |; 'Yam very well pleased with the). way the work has progressed. It is} 5 now getting to that stage where) it begins to show. Satisfactory |. progress is being made with the ex: | cavation work. We are down to bed Di rock now for the dock itsell, and are assured of a good bottom. I con-) sider the outlook most favorable."'. |. Mr. Powell said that the material | was all on order for the main build-|... ings. The holes were being dug for |r, the foundations of the punch shed,|:,, "the furmice shop and the plate and], angle shops.--Port Arthur News, led ~ 7 ten Meaford people are once more going; into the transportation business. The. ~ latest' venture is a new company to be; knoRn as the Meaford Trennportation | 4) Company, Limited. The charter has} \., been secured. The chiel promoters of | on the enterprise are Captain J. F. Lu- * nan, Colonel H. R. Cleland, Messrs. Ge W. T. Moore, C. T. Sutherlard and Il. Reid. The first vessel of the feet will, | it is expected, have a@-carryt ity of 7ou,co0 feet of lumber, Lia will be purchased this scason in time to}. begin work this fall. About 10,000,000 feet of lumber comes to Meaford b'; water annually. { ta! Ta to ~~ + The decision of the independent ves- sel-owners to withdraw 20 per cents al their capacity for av days has result- ed it 57 vessels being laid up. Thel* capacity of the boats is something | more than 4oo,000 tons a trip. More | ships will be sent to the dock, and alt | owners will withdraw their percentage | of tonnage unti) August. The outlook lon in the lake trade is no better than /*! when the agreement was made and un- _]ess some improvement is shown tw the end of the month the agreement will pronanty be continued through | August We hu be _ = st) During the year onda June 4. rape, on there were bwilt in the United States th and officially numbered by the Bureau, © of Navigation 1.502 merehatt ccm : ol M7025 fross tons, comparcl with! 1,362 of 232,816 gross tons during the lef fiscal year of 1909, showing a substan: | *¢ . tial increase' of 114,209 tons, tl On the preat takes a7 steel steam! ers of 146,84 tons were dwilt. come | pated with WF steamers of SS, g2h tons during last vear R1 Fifteen new steel ocean steamers were launched, the largest of which. was the Wilhelmina, of fougy tens. hy The schooner Wvomine, ipa) tens.) ta built at Bath Me, 1. the Jargest | rev wooden vessel ever Wuilt in the U nitetl | cic States. The first: three-rigged vessel! Jaurched since i404 is the brigantine, Tl Viola, at Essex, Mass, Of the vear's| ¢ output 47,248 were barges anil cana ee canal boats : "_.+ we The commerce of Lake Superifr) ae: as measured by the canals at Salt) tu Ste. Marie during June was 819.872 [lat tons. The Canadian canal_ is*still | Bo carrying the greater portion of this commerce owing tt more favorable | WO draught. The commerce to July rt] totals 20,127,071 ons against 12,11F,- ue 67 toms for the corresponding period | 4 turing meu, shawing the sahatariitel leas increase of 8,206,704 tons Mir -~ | eng The following are the shipments of | one grain from Fort William and Port) Mr Arthur from the opening of navigation! anc ti the end of Tune, including vessels: Un loaded for winter storage The ship-| yriar ments of wheat by Canadian vesrels | gre were ---Buflalo, tehectee 0 Coding: | wood, 73.400 > Depot Harbor, f2s,138 5°00 Goderich, 1.196.946 > Kingston. A645 wJf3 i Montreal, 1.838.190) Meaiordyy qq, ist.con ; Owen Sound. si8a81 Port | ph, Colborne, 611,953 5 Point balward, | ot, 488,243: Port Stanley, 20,000; "Tiffin, 2.177.929: Walkerville, f2.065 ; tials | 5 Tr. 400, 957 i In addition a, i6a,r0g bushels weres 7 catricd by foreign vessels, all of this {te tal of 14,536,008, tien going to Rufialo, making a grand to- | ish The total qugntity of oats carried a! was: Ry Canadian vessels, 7.24'.114 ; by foreign vessels, 154.124; total, 7,- sr ag8, 238 Wire arinrard The barley shipments were :-- Fy : ; , spe Canadian vessels, S82.001 ; by foreign ea vessels, 24,909 > total, 592,011, Hid Shipments of flax were: Ity Cana. ee dian vessels, 508.702 > h@ foreign ves- sels, aS6.844: total 845,546 lan The follawing were the-- amounts: shipped last year duting the same pers) M id] :=Wheat, mo,a47,848 ; oats, 31,280,- | Ma) 397: barley, 444.410 ; Max, 7e9,519. bus a_i Ele The Soo Express learns from Otta- wa that the amount on which the' M Laurier Government has granted a) ters subsidy to the Sault Ste, Marie Dry! hav Deck and Shipbuilding Company is) mer $900,964.62. This at three per cent. | Tes! works out to ah annual honus to the; M company of $27,028.80, and the: pav- | visi ments extend over a period of twenty!) M years, making an aggregate amount) tow from. the Government.of-Sspoa77-S saa | Add to this the bonus Sf $100,000 irom) A Ale town, and you have a grand total trac ol §40,577.80 which the company will leat have received in federal and civic bon- | gest uscs at the end of twenty years. hott

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