ae 'Ds Lins oon Lins ial, ave eet 'ale vel- ved 'Ing As Less) sth-' VAY oon Lillis ure ivi. iste ree Ate * ---- 7, eo - = \ i * Phourd with a cargo of four, went ae} oy NAVIGATION NOTES. Ee ? is . . - Capt. 'Farrow of Windsor was in charge of the steamer Manitoba on the last trip. He took the place of, Capt. McIntyre, who was off duty owing to the death of his onlv son, on Wed- nesday. ' --_ *+ * The steamet Phoenix of the fall | Co., Ogdensburg, carried away the! Jac gates at lock No. 13 on the Cormwall| Dor Canal on Friday and tiel up trattic. } tra' The steamer which was ti: whit knocked | stre out all the gates and permitted the; waters to fodd the lower streets ot tou the town. trie -e A hese New municipal freight Sheds Wave! yey rs i 7 | been opened at Goderich and steams 1] of the Inland Line are making regu: | Tue far calls at that. port was + os i "5 2 Cor Capt. James Reid, the wer stat 1) wrecker, of Sarnia, is reported dying.) 64, >. * | * . i - Ley The tug Monk struck a. rock nears G Ammhersthurg and was only saved from | : simkisy bv' beiny byt gedserd, po : 7 -_.- > The steamer Leuty which is frequont-; tte te in Collingwood harbor. tnshipped: ot het tudidler white rn Take Michigan and ater Wsad_ door ctin imto Alpena fer repairs las -~_>+ + , th. The stéanver Aw Gordon; dow Th shore on the aouthern end of Sika! THe (Rocks, between Parisian and Sandy 'Tie: s,ands, Saturday night. in a thunder: On staorin. She> went out four fact with oo) Horepeak and. number. one tank wil OF ae f ' . ; Saen 4\* 4 oi* | pewter. The Liters wich tried uw) a' BEL : lagse her lave returned to Sault Ste A * A Marie for a' lighter. ne ss ee al a * FFs Bb THe rm a®