'Advocates Georgian Bay Ship' | Canal. De "In a letter ad the Financial Post oi! . July 2ard, Mr. George Moberly takes), wp the defence of the Georgian Bay Canal and urges that itvis needed io! improve the transportation iacihitics between the cast and the west. Mr-! @t | Moberly is replying to an article ar-}™ 'paning against the construction of the ¢T canal which appeated in a previous ts- Sc 'suc of The Post, and in the course of: fev | his letter says ('The canal is gto Te miles long trom Georgian Bat to Mon-; in! treal atwl ajh niiles af this is free! 4 pchannel from joo feet to too ivet amd! ihn ever in width, aml of full depth of 22) tig feet, and over, and thete is nothing tm to prevent a vessel from going at any th pol she chogses, ~The time going ia! through the canal, as carefully calew-; ho | bak val by ocempelert cngincers who we pirate tHe survers and. cstitnates for) an the whele work ts ta hours and net' he ao hich mater a Vers ' consilerable; th dy Merence. be "The writcr savs, 'Even if built, it; &¥ would tot by any means absorh tbe, jwhole of the ireight business Ietwoetn Monjecal and Fort William: and that * ireqcht originating west of Montreal,) . and the Ottawa River, that is, ati sle i Ringston, Torpnte, Tanniton, Ogdems-| an lutg, Oswego, Rochester, Lake Erie. th ports and more westeriy points wold: he sill te carried? through the present: ne route... Qurke truc, therefore by his! kn own showing the canal will nat inter- jth fvre with quite a "Considerable busi! gh ness, but on the other hand does the| tre writer suppose Canada as poing tojan stand still in her commercial develop. | se. ment, and that all the business he! Re thus speaks of, acmere bagatelle ini w] ccomparton with that now rapidly | ii growing up in the north andl north. west, will net afleet the question of] ! ' the uscitiness of the canal one inta? "Tcan rethember being at Sault Ste. 'Marie when there was no canal on) in jerther the Ametican or Canadian side; th land look at it at present where tow th {tie Western Country, particulasiv in i Canada, 4s onl onthe verge ool jts "iiture cxpansion,-so that il we want to keep the trade we must he up and). doing, atid wot be satished ta sit still and decry such fmportant works as The Genres an Bay Canal, which even ato, ith hest--oan-enly handle a--portion--et Be vastivtnercasing--business, a 'The wfiter of the sau artici¢ sceins) ye Mee put oa good deai olstress oon the' oy ett tollowing matters, namely, 'Dane , iger ol damage" and>'returning empty,' ;O) course there Is the usual danger ip i ge ing. through locks and no more. and pas taoreiurning light, they have 'ado So TO Rae a prot eNntent. AS the Western business imercases; however, and there are more vessels emploved, ed jthere will be a opreater number return ot, ting Lpht--and unless a very dare ae da mount Of Money is spent in emlarging pr the canals all the wav lo, Montreal the ay iatger vessels tust unload SOMME WhEEC Wd he upper Jakes. Now: the proposed: yi eal as to he ov snflicient: capacitive to cr ~ inet ilk take in a Vessel feel ieetolong --- and) yh there iS to reason why it should Hest § Veomade For del, ib thought necessary, th so that amy vessel of the latest sive 7 on the Jakes could ge all the way te Mentreal or Oneheo ti required -- tnt WHat is to prevent the unloading oe: vesscls at the thouth of the oFreneh Riser inte bares built and adapted for the purpose? The facilities for!) unloading could vasily be made such 5 that the latgest freighter could be un- teadod in a very short time he a ser- ies of floating elevators--these -applia, lances would, as the contingency atose, be ready to meet it, as can he seo *Y inthe great ore unloading ports-of the | zs Vrited States, ee 'The State of Sew Dork is spending | j)Sloo,coocc in enlarging and deepen-| | ing the Eric Canal, which even when Cc. fhimished will only bea large <-sized [ditch th comparison with the Georgian |} Bav Canal, and the reason they are Lpoung 1o this great expenditure is to} counteract as much as possible the el-) tet our canal will have on the uplake |) trade, They 'know quite well ands), 'reengnive im a manner, our prople do in 'pet sce to doe-the preat possibilities lai business coming this way in case ; She canal here as built, and New Vork ? lis quite alive to her husiness inter: | MY ests. ly will therefore he a very im-; portant contest between' Canada and i the United States ac to which country will divert the greatest partion of the favestern business going cast to the sea; | board through its borders. ' "\E! "Outside of all questions of com.' lmeree, We Want a Waltr route through x ! Canada as far as possible fromm the x frontier, and the Georgian Tay Canal x will supply this important require: 'inent, Contingeticies tay arise which ~~ would make this avenue Viry "neces- : are: . sary : | ------ i q Corn Core--that cures Get "it "at. N