--How. Speed Record as Str "eae Ree 'Was Broken. tis vith' mn eee by) A memb?r of the stall of the aha how ford Ierald was on board the sicatmer te re ia: monic When the reeent speed record 6 ee ------ sas broken for the trip between the the Soo and Port Arthur. In the course of OW » lome descriptive article on a trip, the from Sartia to Port Arthur and Fort) cok William. the writer this refers to the ish event : sal, | a that ptis- ~ he Hut rent capped waves Ike a kuile for th IIatmonic, unknown" to most of -tie passengers, Vals breaking the record bor speed actuss the Os9 prstless a3 Liutke and Port Arthur. Prosmenaders, paus- | ittchi~ wul- i P Lien uw oath - log as at registered the tiles rapidly reeled off by the speeding Tlatmeoric. ei that the coveted «homar ot the Tha\ reig, aura ti ; , | * 1 hours atk to giinuics from dock tu : ; dock, beating by twenty momntes the cran Captain' R. Foote iclt a gust prale im his yrevhouws ci the Upper ONOT best tin to date al thy C.P.R. steam-- isserl er Keewatin. Further than this Lhe wept passemger list af 275 was the largest LBeSt eves taken up Lake Supenor by. any Putas, boat.' ' Wall, 4 hird-} _ = a -- Supetior between Sault Ste. Marie! eel [requentiy to Watch -the tallrail) 'Chief Engincer Rrishin wore the! sinile that woulda't come off when be' fakes was within his grasp. The vet-, Lakes. The run was made mi t§. "The sitamer cut through the white- _--_-- = _- -_-- -- - =< oa + ° - » | a--l-s j§ lle