IT NAVIGATION NOTES. "tq| According to reports the Northern pon} aVigation Company i3 dissatisfied yws/ With "the treatment accorded it at nee} Fort William and may give that port the go-by. A despatch from the head oi the lakes states that Mr. W. J. lur-|Sheppard, president of the company, by |is authority. for the statement that pay | his. line has been very shabbily:treat- inte) ed at the €.P.R. docks at Fort. Wil- in-|Ham. As a result Port Arthur may han|be made the upper lake heademwarters, Mc-/at least until such time as G. T. I, per] business forces the company back to ate} the- EO Sr nc the Ney ret Fae 4th The Steamer Ossilrage which is now on-| Piving out of Chatham went ashore a vas few days ago in the Thames River ow- gie}ing to «a wheel chain parting. The out | Steamer went into a bank of mud and d'4{ had to be dredged out. = -_ * The big steel cargo steamer Osler, the largest' on the Canadian takes, _ | grounded in the St, Clair River, near ay, "Port Huron, on Monday morning dur- ers 'ing adense fog. As the bottom is he teamed y it is thought the steamer will be released without damage, on at- 4 e@ea itt ' : cof saat The steatner Hamonic, which carricd , President Hays, Mr. Alfred W. Sinith- jets, Lord Doughty and others of the Grand .frunk party, again broke the - | Lake Superior recom, arriving Friday motning after a trip ol fifteen hours and fiitcen minutes from the Soo. This ts filteen minutes faster than the re- cord hung up two weeks ago. ion _ = & ° lin 3 ¢ iil! Wreckers who are reported secking a 'he! fortune of Sgo0,ovo in the hulk of the 4' old side-wheel steatmer Atlantic, sunk feSiin collision with the steamer Ogdens- ro-| burg, in 138 feet of water, three miles nd) 'south of Long Point, Take Erie, in | IM} yS52, will find little besides the bones i-|of her 150 dead passengers, says C. 1. 'ttt Westcott, supervising inspector of iN steain vessels--for--the kighth dis- trict. "l remember hearing all about {that wreck when I was a boy," said «d/ Capt. Westcott to the Detroit Free iu-| Press. 'Along in 1865, when I was NE) sailing as cabin boy ou the old steam- or oi IS.ler Forest Queen, owned by Captain: Of) Eber Ward of this city, I used to know a0) ao man named Green. He was the! diver who went down « vear or So al- | ter the Atlantic sank and made a rope | fast to her safe. Before he eduld get! the sale out he was overcome by the! BSienarmous pressure of the water at!) ""ithat great depth and was obliged to; leave it. Not jong--afterward--another M8) sailor hrought the safe up. AW) "Green was all crippled from his *Nliexperience im the deep water. He (* 'Ys \made a number of trips with us.! ih Capt. Ward had given orders that he We! should be taken without any charge reC whenever he wanted to go. I have iti heard. him frequently telling how he bes | werk dows after the Atlantic' 4 sale." ter) The steamer Forest Queen, of which |' Te; Capt. Westcott speaks, had a short} Ny lcareer as a Steamboat Sheavas-built | ht | at Newport, now Marine City, Micts., | 10 in 1855, and was a light speedy craft, 1S As a steamboat she was deficient in| 'M-carrying capacity and also in stiff-| fSiness, so im 1845 «he was transferred ice mis : . into a barge and her machinery was . we placel im the steamer Saginaw. fe) The steamer Athintic also was built} helat Newport, in yo. She was a ves-/ &iselof tice tons, a large boat for her im- lime, and was but three veats old he; when she was sunk by the Ogdens- ef-\ burg. In the litigation after she sank Pe |the Northern Transportation Co. own tl-jer of the Ogdensburg, was compelled ins te transfer three of its Mat of 25 of S-' 0 vessels to the owner of the Atlan- of}tic to make good her loss. ir. =.= * + - The Departinent of Marine-atd Fish- cries have ordered the removal of the wreck of the steamer Grace Whitney, 'sunk at Bar Point by the stearher Og- densburg a couple of weeks ago. -_ > + The steamer Advance of the Montreal Transportation Co.'s tleet on her way ito Toronto, Hamilton and Fort Wil- x. liam, with package freight, ran on a x shoal, a short distance irom Folger's sl whist: at Kingston. The vessel was x later released and proceeded on her x) War. : a . uk | ' \ ' ' AAA x] ms i jak Ba Se rel Qu in | Pees icl MN M. | ol Ii Ww 5 4 Mr Ch at sis! Mr, a) ont Do not make shipwreck of your eves) yiq