A Race Down The Lakes. | The racing of steamers across the - lakes is not confined to the high class passenger steamers of the C.P.R.-and the N. N. Co. According .to a report furnished the Goderich Signal-the -fun is occasionally indulged: in by the ireighters. The story tol is of the steamer McKee and the Steamer Wex- ford and reads :--- A most exciting run Was completed last Thursday evening by the steam- ers J. A. McKee and Wexford, owned by the Western Steamship Co. of Tor- onto. The*McKee is said by Capt. R. Bassett, and Capt. G. H. Playter is in commainl of the Wexford. A. M. Me- Innes and J. G. McHattie are chief enginecrs of the McKee apfl Wexfard respectively. The McKee is a compar- atively new steamer, having been specially built in England about threc} aears ago for the lake trade. The Wexford is a much older vessel;--hav- ing sailed all over the world before' coming to the great lakes six years aro. for. Goderich at noon on Tuesday, Sep- tember 20th, and the McKee followed an hour later. Much interest was evinced in the event on accoftnt of its! being the first opporlnunity which had 'occurred to test the old and the nied The \Wexford left Fort William | vessels side by side. That night the lights of the McKee could be seen astern and at daylight the next morn- ing she was about three miles behind. Things remained like this up to noon, when the McKee forged ahead until she was abreast of the Wexford. It Was just at this time that things te- gan to be really interesting for tke re- spective crews. First one would gain, = then the other. This was kept up we ai time until the Wexford grad- gainetl the lead, which she held to the Soo locks. She locked through first and procecded down the St Mary's River. Thursday afternoon the McKee was again sighted and he- gan to overkaul the Wextord until the big steamers were neck and neck. Once mote it was the survival of the fittest, the Wexford holding her own a@i entering Goderich harbor first. )It was a fight te a fimish and proved | conclusively that the Wexford can! still hold her own against any of the, newcomers with all their modern applances. ny oe as ------_-- -- o---- = Gentle massage with Jury & Greg- > Cold Cream smoothes out wrinkles, fills out hollow spots, solt- 'ens and soothes the skin. Try a 25¢ pet. ory's A stor stot ) tor: Pre pres #CCT ston Sou Jivl Col) eee