MARINE NEWS | The Owen Sound Dredge and Con- struction Co., Ltd., is applying to che Legislature for the acceptance of the '|surrender of its charter, as it has parted with its property, divided its assets rateably among its sharekcld- ers, and has no debts nor liabilities. -« m.« ° "I believe that a large percetitage of vessel losses on the great lakes are caused by mechgnical defects in the compass equipment, which place the captain at a great disad- vantage and hazards the safety of the boat,"' says Alfred D, McNevin, of Cleveland, a compass adjuster, '"No matter how careful the cap- 'tain may be in his methods of navi- |\gation,;some plan of co mpass_ in- /spection should be devi ' and re- 'quired on lake ve" unilar to ithe methods which ,. proved a 'success in the Unite + ate» navy). 'and on vessels of other countries.""| | 'Mr. McNevin was formerly princi- | pal of the Pacilic Coast Navigation | . 'school, San Francisco. Capt. Mit-|;. jchell and other owners have -ex-|, 'pressed gratification at the increas-| ; ed efficiency of officers of their ves-|,. selsy following a similar course of p 'instruction last winter. ' err ng ae 6 Ss eunnrnr zr i Qn the opening of navigation in 1911} 4 lor as soom thereafter as possible, aj y 'combined gas and bell 'buoy will be es-j ¢, 'tablished by the Government of Can- |; 'ada to mark the south-western end of}, ~ |Hare bsland reef, Thunder Bay, Lake |, Superior. It will bg moored in cight |) © fathoms of water, 11-16 miles s.. 57, ideBrees, w. iro, Thunder Cape light-| 5 1€ | house, lat, m, 45 degrees 18-6, long, w, | tise" degrees 59-2.. The buoy is to bein ty of steel, cylindrical, painted red,. sur-| 'A sounted by a steel frame supporting |,, ithe hell and lantern, The light will be | j; *\ white light automatically ocenlted at), O'short intervals. The illuminant will [C -he acetylene generated automatically. p © The bell will be rung by the motion of | 4, ¥ the buoy om the waves.' NTT Ee ey : s| 'Ss! Capt. \. I. Thompson, of Cleve-! re ci + | tjand, who is inturested in the'g "\sttamboat line between Cleveland |g a Sika a ciel *'and Port Stirley, is the moving jel s"rspirit in the (Grimsby Beach and!s id!) South Shore Navigation Co.,Ltd. je Mo owhich has just een incorporated) y) €' under an Ontario charter. The headta ™ olfice is to be in Toronte, and the |h, "I share- capital is Ssn.000. NO SLUM: | ©, oy has vet been secured for the pro- bp lo pesed line, but representatives of | © the company state that neyotiations! is 4" were going on for the purchase of si Xone. ; P ' i H | - i 7 aI kta af iS!) The keels of the steamers for the o il Hepburn Co, and for the Toronto- ou © St, Catharines route have been laid Sb - 1 on the berth on the east side of 1) | 'now being -put--upeand-the-pheting sie will be commenced this week. jit i oa 8 Ml edryvpdock No. t. The frames are! iis ve = ---- jal The annual statement of the /d Richelieu and Ontario Navigation) « 'Company for the year ended Dee. )t ae St, I9lo, shows gross receipts were | tl @- | Sb437.931, against $1,238,044 for) kg the previous fear, operating ex-)™ te Penses $1,016,233, against $432,918, 0 he fixed charges $58,582, against S47.) rd 5f3, net profits $363,115, against |# 257,562, an increase of $195,553.. [4 eel, : '3 ip) The Owen Sound dry dock pro-|# rk | position is now awaiting the ap- ts proval of the plans by the Domin-|' ion Government." Mayor Lemon ireveived a letter front Mr. I, Box, » {the prémoter of the scheme, a few days afro, in which he stated that | ' . ee | eo ee Pe | ree | ----_----_--_ - Pe) yn Plans to the Department for their jc m/|final approval. In the plans as or-jt! 'o|iginally submitted, the-Government | o -»sOflicials took exception to several} r j-jminor points and required' that »ithese he adjusted. Mr. "Box has |p 1. inow made all the changes asked for, le jand has sent them to Ottawa. Asi isoon as the Departmentapproves of ui them it is likely that there will be te 's yethin' doin' in the dry dock: lin «Mr. Box is expected in Owen. ty =] hI fr Sound in about a month. el ie} Sasha ee fee he i 8? Wr 2 LAR. We a Tt