ee MARINE NEWS The Fort William Coal Dock Co., Lid., has increased its capital stock 'from Sso,000 to $200,000. ey ae % Following is the board of the Mutual Steamship Co. for the current year i-- President, D. MeGillivray, Port: Col- fhorne ; vice-president, W. M, German, 1 Welland ; managing director, J. W. Noreross, Toronto other directors, R. { M.\ Wolvin, Winnipeg; W. E. Phin, | Welland. 4 At the annual mecting of Inland Lines, Ltd., held at Hamilton, the di- rectors' report for the past year Was adopted. The following is the board for the current vear: Vresident, Jas. Playfair, Midland ; vice: president, J, }'. Steedman, Hamilton, Out. ; sccre- tary, F, A. Magee, Hamilton, Ont. other directors, W. J. Southam, J. G. Walton, F. H. Whitton, Hamilton; ¢. W. Band, Toronto; D. L. White, jr., Midland ; Hf. W. Richardson, King-] jston; treasurer, J. 1. Hobson, Hanitl- ton, Ont. Sn eee The Ontario and Quchee Navigation Company's stect-passenger and. freiggit steamer, which is under construction at Collingwood, is expected to be ready. for sefvice by June Ist, when she will be placed on. the mun teow Toronto to Quebec and return, making the round trip each week, passing through the Bay of Quinte, by Thou- sand Islands, 'and running the rapids without transferring passengers. © The steamer Alexandria will) continue on the Toute between Rochester, N.Y., and Montreal and Quebec, and the; A steatners Brockville, Alethea, Varuna,' Cor Where Now andg@ladge will operate on} day the Bay of Quitite, as beiore. D. WN TT, BRE eh eS eh og es eae The vessel owners. comprising -- the Dominion Marine Association have de- cided to withdraw from the Areat{'T* Lakes Protective Association, and! tt have formed the Canadian Lake Pro-/ it tective Association, of which the fol: jany lowing companies have already become bts members +=St. Lawrence & Chic ago wa 'Steam Navigation Co,, Canadian Like | Ft /Transportation Co., Montreal Trans- "* portation Co,, Mutual 3: Feutnshin Cae, Aferchanis Mutual Line, Canadian Lake. i% Ocean Nav. Co., Kevstone Trans 'Co., International S, S$. Co., Interinke === iportation Co., Farrar Transportation "Transit, Ltd., Point Anne (narries, Ltds otatand---Bhines; hid, Norchern: 'Nav. Co. Mathews SPS. Co. Cana tian Northwest S. 5. Ce.. Western S.' G Cy, Several other companies have B sicnifie! their imtention ot jeovitnimg@ cy thd others agam have . the matter under, An consideration, ; bAn a | thi S| in 'ihe ---------- ] 'The Department of Marine has issted Fo the followme official notices t-- beeer Ontarior Georgian Bay, south site, ) Collingwies! harbor, 'omstritetions tt: Ve dredged ¢harnel removed. \ Ontarioe Georgian Bay. entrance tc Fe Kev harbor, depth on \iwin rock. : fintarin. Lake Superior, Thunder An Rav, of Mutton island, wreck remov-, \ sod. Ex B,. Onparics. Lake Erte,. Port Stanlecr < a hreakwater, change in. character of*- jlight Ob a] 'Ontario, Lage: Superior, Thinier, 1 'Rav, Port 'Arthur light. stations tog Th bell established. 4 pol ee - - An ' ' | ' wprn CUERCHITI'S LIBRARY.