ry|Steamer to Head of Lakes} The subject of direct stedmboat con-| 4 nection between Collingwood and Port aga Sar-; Arthur and Fort William has on more, ',, tant than one occasion been the subject un-| | ge that der discussion at the Board of Trade. | was The Advancement Association ,also Cox of spent an evening on the matter. ene PEE | fore Soth bodies the objections to the 'ols bill Present round-about route necessary to the oid Teach the head of the lakes were clear-| y - af. ly set forth by business men who are the cuca Specially interested. The outcome of; py. the agitation has resulted in bringing)! pan 'oge- @bout a_bi-monthly service by the eet : thern Navigation Co.'s steamer Doric. - When seen by The Bulletin President Byrnes of the Board of Trade EXPTess-) ye me ©o bis satisfaction with the Bavigation | 4 the COMipany's arrangement. In addition: tio able tO the bi-monthly steamer he added,! Drs.| have the promise that should the 's vith | trade so increase as to warrant a 'sec- aie the} Oud boat it will be provided."' hice 1-of/ Tbe result of this agitation should nat the encourage the Board of Trade and the to ter,| Advancement Association to move a- yqry red.|long with other lines. There is a de- ; eet-| mand now for amother railway and for . a/electric power from the Hydro-Electric p,,, lone Commission. These and other subjects o,4, for e30n mee, Might be taken up and equally as good |), ten-: work accomplished. | Pin -- ---- 7 M COLLINGWOOD AT CANADIAN Ma: 28°? 7 Pe rw = « « 2a FO OS