in Now Associated With NN. Co é the Fo, vn, ct- ats ren in en cer- ote to, Lhe : cee" dd, ld, tly ral id- 'St- ene of ar- ha igs nd Ook itt ted ny to | ev- mat tve 92, 'be x xx SCOR x ok ox Lord Furness connection with the Northern Navigation Co. gives a local interest to the following sketch of this captain of industry. It is quoted from the Montreal Star :--Lord Furness, of Grantley, who is spoken of as chair- man of the amalgamation of certain Canadian lake and river navigation companies, including the Richelieu and Ontario Navigation Company, is the Sir Christopher Furness whose name was brought so conspicuously before the world in connection with several particularly exciting eclectoyal cam- paigns for the representation of Har- tlepool in the British House of Com- tuons. He is a staunch Gladstonian Liberal and represented the constitu- ency named for many years. At the election of 1892, he only secured the seat by a majority of 76, with some To,ooo Votes cast, and at the next elec- tion he lost it by an adverse majority of St-~ After his defeat, he, with cus- tomary business thoroughness, dcliber- ately set himself to work to sygtem- atically organize his party in the con- stituency and laid down as his ambi- tion the obtaining of a majority at the succeeding election of 1,500, Asa matter of fact, when he again went to the polls he defeated the sitting mem- ber by a-majority of 1,869. Being un- seated om petition last year, he plac- ed his nephew, Mr, Stephen Furness, in nomination, and he was clected and still represents the constituency. Sir Christopher was elevated to the peer- age as Baron Furness of Grantley, last, year. For a long time Lord Furness has held a conspicuous place in the commercial' and industrial world as a shipowner, shipbuilder and engine builder, and as head of the great firm of Furness, Withy & Co., and the Furness Line of Steamships, Lord Fur- ness and the members of his family have large, gnd often controlling, in- terests im many other powerful cor- porations, lerd Furness is fifty-nine years of age and a mative of West Hartlepodl, being the seventh son of the late John Furness, the founder of many of the great Furness industries. He is depu- ty lieutenant of the County of Dur- hats and of the North Riding of York- shire. As Jord of the Manors of Cun- dgll and Granticy in the North Riding, he owns over 30,000 acres. Ile has always insisted upon his business engagements allowing him a reason- able amount of time to devote to out- door recreation, his favorite sports be- ing yachting, shooting, golf and mo- toring. © His Lordship has _ several times visited Canada, and he is well known personally in the Montreal shipping community. --_---- aw ¥ Ilias Ph