a Colingwood-Port Arthur. T NEW STEAMER SERVICE IS EA- PECTED TO ATTRACT GOOD int TRADE 'a al-~» , Saarerea | rf One of, the most important of recett! of developmnents m the marine trade of en 'the great lakes as the establishment | he of a hite@t tenat sere tee between Cel-j Re tine wrest has been anmotinced, will go imter el-} ' he fect immealately giter the opening MS ad Havigation, savs the Port Arthur \t Necuws ' nit The Northern Navigation Company, it. will give the setvwwe and has allotted be to it the steamer Dork, a® boat weil yy known to the people of Port Arthur ..: und om of the best (reighters on the tn ates \c trast she will wake fort-; thi nightly trips and when the business ef grows, as itis expected oat will, a} ty tnote frequent service wall Ix Prk Char tar | Pe ated | iy Gar establgshraert of the te lette | fis oprincipally ca cresult of the work, inidone by the Collingwood commercial | he Orgattizations who have placed the i}. etttattier before the mavigattom cevtrayprates a eth showed wheretm the line cont te he trtatale pers rtitatele Thete afte several to; teasens why it should do a goad busi- | ness. The vreatest is that Collingwood | is the heme of a wmuenler al whole. | lo sale houses that are 'numered among ! to the best om Ontarme and twh will be! r.iable -to attract trade from New On-! tari. In the past these tirms have had te sem) ther geeuts te thyem Sound fur tramshiprmient, the two shippings proving quite a sertcous handicap anid te often heng the occasion of delay. vt That' Collingwood wo gotng ont after! hothe'®) 6whelesale trade os music evilent. | hi Almeadhy othe. business houses of that f town fave commenced an advertising | ie cebrnapetgem oo feer treethe of this clistriet, | lo showing commendable emerge amd om loterpense, but ono trere than couhl te | if exporter Go Caen Chiat wis mdustea-; kK ous cnomgh to precate the establish bl trytt of the mew seeview. The first et, ) pllttsye waenl Iprites fav BYthe ct chifent pPetbecbsthur which. it) a am this issue of MISSES ewe Ta the, ;athas in tea must be dis- tinctive, pleasing "and ufivarying to- merit continuous use. The flavor of Red Rose Teais allits own; and it never fails to win and hold ap- proval because it never fails in quality. Try it. # -- NEVER SOLD IN BULK Your Grocer Will Recommend lt eee = i appestl ino this wav as that of T. Lang Bro, whose advertisement appears The Thutls Nets, ame he mate ef witch ts whieh is a firm t sem Well Known ws tee be alimest ia Feeptase Ltaeled were] 12) Ulytaat tes --_ --~_-- ---- New |ste for oa quarter. Miller's Compourd lrom ills, Sold tw tury & Lereyrory. } BROCE JAND BROWN DELIGHT ALLISTON AULIENOE -- = The comeert-geange people of AT iste enjpovel (i vtetrtetet--tteat oom Afoeias Pheer D]erealel, thes Hhaael tne ie ele vif hearing Miss biar- I itty sth vw hen Loa tive, wher felgarteee! roca ttly {: ef . dete ee ma Bai i. ee « aa © s1 Tr in th al 14 Tit be at? Teas tli irs yes sift a |