Maritime History of the Great Lakes

The Marvel of Lake Superior And Its Great Traffic, p. 7

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tA} the Great Lakes of North America ; se OFS great has been the demmunmd for carriers ine.) fer the wheat and the coal amd the iron amd the copper, fer the steel rails and the factory products of the Mast cousigned le the far Northwest--so quick has been the growth within the ady|decade just closing, that it seems as tnd | thongh the wilderness fad been invaal as- | Cd in a toment, ants any ; _ rain clevaters arise [rum bust, cities asphalt) their streets out into the Y stumps Lighthouse keepers on. the Dhevdlands aml the islands live where THE MARVEL OF LAKE SUPERIOR \, AND ITS GREAT TRAFFIC. - Rietinigehts yx" ICL Rave been built, all of them jSatering the ore, coal, and qrae trade soon as com "The 3oofoot stecl freighter al 18go, Corona, 315 fret 'Sine, catrying 2,800 tons on a 16foot Star Weekly, by the way one o new and bright things of Lake Superior and its Traflic. Weekly Star here it is :-- : the that of the sea. Superior greatly change. little open out ambl hills swell back from the ite clifis ; like smiles, rocks, shore harbors, islands green with trees to the primeval, any sign of Canada's dawn- ing twentieth century Vet, hills, trmostly modern ships of conifierce, Iv 'up-to-date' * These ships, iron and steel, products of America, monstrous chests these cargacs, east and ten years | . . the growth of inland navigation ©-@ their sons can trap fur iam kill mouse @ oun sight) of the Main 'Highway anid 'the constant precession of . ships 9. There has been little ar no intermedi- @ ate stage on the North Shore of Take | Superior, such as Ontario, Erie, and ?| Lake [fron knew, mo long process of @ primitive compromise with forest, of { deers in the bush, of villages and 9 rough reads ami the boulders, of a @ | simple life and a minor traffic such fas. the older countios knew down on @ ithe tower Jakes, Mere om the North oO I shure the twentieth century tas plunge lel into the primeval Ulwdson Bay F | Company trapping ogrounmds atu @ bound, and it came chicthy by way of 6\" ake Superior and the Sault, ee REGINSING OF THE STEAM | BOAT ERA, head ol at Uhat i In 1846 Sir Willam Logan, P! Canada's Geological Survey tithe, recommended te the Montreal Mining Company to prospect oan the P North Shore, foretetling the formation p f they would tind there, alhatpd te boa lever Visited Take Superior fiimimselt fava was MeFarlane, mow Chiel-Ueauin- ar { ¢ € ¢ in Analyst at Ollawa, was ote al the comeetoinnaat tert, we date Bs weqMbeed several auiouesd North Shitire > ; specthatively, They enmgragsed the Julia Paling to bring sup their prospectars al Silver Islet, Point Mamnuise, ther That was the beginning Jol Shore _Sivambedting om Lake Superior--sixtWlaur ree) winnie fall, The Juha lolmen was the second steamer on Lake Superfor, having Leen hauls! up the Sault Rapids on the ? = ; i | Canadian stile. She was a B . acres ott the &tCatner lo ples Vigreat River, Peorme Dorphry, 4 Prince's Hay, ' , e i amd ' plincus anpeer wheeler, ject Lemp. She fpreeedel oon Lake Superior omly liv Indepentence, a Wooden propeller about mo ieet fom, abich was hauled over the Sault: Portage cont the Ameri jean safe im i845. Too eress the portage, set intoceradies and haul- rollers or préeased wavs by But the Julia catne up the * dee " , vee lyessels were I ¢ on "ul belts in. rapids Previous to the advent of steam- boals, Take Supetlor had ktiewn oan ers af) skoaners, overlapping that of the Rabiseaw canoes. Alexander Henry, the famous fur trader, built the first ame ah Potnt aux Tins im ppp. The Northwest Company Tilt the Athabasca above the Sault about iyo, aml in azgt added the Otter, sailing between Sault Ste, Marie and Grande Porlage, with Indfan trade goods ame furs, 'The American Fur Connpany built a vessel in 845 called the John Tacoh Astor, said toe have been the first United «States sailing vessel on Lake Superior . THE SAULT ' CANAL, NEW DAY BROUCGIT A Tn 1885 the first American canal at the Sault was ready, and on June 1S, the steamer Minais locked tk rough j te Lake Superior. Steamboats became pmare frequent om the Gitehi Cami remgatcr The Resewe and the Monghboy ate two names Canadian lold-timers: are mast faratliar with, they traded on the North Shore, business was done, of course, Mithijan" shle, where as Most on the chipper Wiis cansing as mimech excilement then as Cobalt silver did in. rans. Sean alter the opening of the State Tock, the Canadian Government estab- lished a mail service to Fort Garry, using the Great Lakes to "Northwest Station." near the mouth of the Cur- rent River, im present-day Port Ar thur, From there the mail was taken overland by couriers to Dog Take, ani shipped im canoes over the ald Hnd- son's Bay Company route Sheban- dowan, Lac des. Mille Laes,' Rainy River, Rainy Lake, Lake of the Woods, Winnipeg River, and Winnipeg Take, te Red River, and Fort Garry at) the junction of the . "Winnipeg Manitoha,"' plainly written on the envelope, takes votir mai, t dav. In winter, mails went by Jog fteam oon the anchor ice of the North w Shore, or through Lhe woos. =) Under the above heading, "Mr. S. HL. Howard, a contributor to the Toronto al the Cumberland were the in Canadian at that time. journalism, tells an interesting story The | with due. credit to the writer and the Time writes no deeper wrinkles on azute brow of. Superiar than on Nor do the shores of Pondering brows frown down from eternal gran- grim stupend cus fore- unbroken forest to the skyline, very stash of the breakers--these show lit- tle if any trase of the passing of the on this change less lake, framed by these as yot unchanged Laurentian amid these wilderness ishimds of the world's most ancient rock, pags the and the cargees of two of the utmest- peoples of the world ! of the raw west, Wire the development of hall a century, aml by far the greater part of this de- velopinent has occurred within the last So sudden amd stupendous bas been on bats idraught was the first step after tke The Algoma No. 1 (side wheeler), Algonquin in the evolution of the steel fort- cartier of to-day. These vessels in turn the most steamers on the Canadian side were evolved from the old wooden lake i The Red River Expedi-| steamer which was cartiel to the limit i canre up in the Chicora--the old! ,of its possibilities of size and length blockade runner, Letter "B,"' of the! before it became inadequate to the story is worthy of being retold and 'American Civil War, still a favorite jinereasing demands of the enormous vessel of the Niagara Navigation Com-} traffic pany's fleet, and still with a great 'R*| Since 1890 the development of the stamped gn her bell, and in -all the! ¢oarse freighter has-been chiefly -in available Canadian steamers. jv st en-! their length. Theit dranvht is a fixed nuimerated, reinforced by sailing ves-} dimensior determined by the Sault sels : canals. » ohl Welland set. the stan- Iu the same year (1870) the North-|darl first. For lomg the maximum west" Transportation Company was] stool at mo feet 2 Inches. In 1881-2 the g formed, running between Sarnia and} second Wellamd gave vessels rg feet {ML Duluth, calling at Silver Islet, Michi-lof water aml 14 leet became the stan- picoten, Pic, Nepigon, and Port Ar-| dard dpaiujeht. ' "thur, both ways. Silver Islet was at In the Upper Lakes the Sault canal this time one of the iimportant points} gives the big ireightas Anning from on Lake Superior, and the talk of the| Superior toe the Erie ports the deter-| the whole country, Nothing like it for|mining figures, Until recently these] Cal richness had ever been known in sil-[ boats were governed ly the Limekiln | le ver mining. Floa@ded and deserted, it Crossing in the Detroit River, but the [Sw is still one of the show places of the} Aimegricans have blasted out the Lime-|__ North Shore, kilns provty weil now, and the Sault The steamers now added to the Can-[Phas the say again. And it puts the ¢ adian fleet on Superior included the} timit at twenty-one feet. . Quebec, Ontario, Manitoba, Asia, and nn eran? as the Sovereign, The Asia was Just on AT THE. S00. in storm inf In Sst the Weitzel Lock on the 1452 with Tea jrople on board. American side of the Sault was open- The Cattada Transit Company be-Ped--srr fcet' luny--at that time the longed also to this period, with the largest lock im the world, Take Su-] - steaniérs-Frances Smith and the City perior tratlic was provided fur for all 7 of Owen Sonnds "and the City of Win-)}time to come--so thought the luild- ol hipeg.* ° ers, Ube vessel owners, aml the most eas The latter was hurned at tke flack at bombastic of the prophets Searcely KN Duluth, The trafic for Manitoba and} was ie in operation lictore the Toe ae the Northwest haul swung Co Duluth luck was comtenced > Sioa feet Testnpe antual a hefore this, The Dawson road 85 WPioo fect wile. Tt was but btth: merey St business route had proved a failure. }ipan a decade, when, an 1845, Ube Cane fe Duluth by ney hail the Lake Superior udian Government opened another lock Me andl Mississippi Railroad running intot iy ihe Ontario side still lonyer--oem ! mate Paul, Minnesota, and' a cart and fect. Amd now om the Michiyan side is PPC! river road extended north from there luilding a mew Mek between the Poe faa to Winnipeg. ' Lock and 'the-rapi€s--ij0 feet Jong len THE FAMOUS ¢C.P.R. BOATS and too fect wide. Wines have snes iy ed since the days of the old pik | ** In 1453 the Canadian Pacific Rail-! wost Compaty Canal of 17s9--36 feet PO" way from Port Arthur toe Winnipey ! goce lange aint a standing jaimp across. |E wasready and taken over from the : Ia! contracturs. Toccomneet with the East | THI GREATEST DEVELOPMENT bojy the company provided three steumers, ON SHORE su built in the Old Country, to ply the) White the channels and the canals |" Upper Lakes--the Alberta, the Atha-' hove teen dhtermining factors in fixe| 1 Iasea, and the Algoma, For years ing the draught of the fake ship, the |! these were undoubtedly the -- finest loading and unloading facilities of the | thts boats on fresh water, and vessel men 4), es have leon the controlling ele- | the Bow admit that they were so far ahead inent in regard to tts type and size. wu uf their time as to be practically up: ype highly ctligient Jroighter of ta-dayd 4 todate todlay. Since they cane has evolved consistently according tof he through the Sault, a revolution hus' these poverniny conditions, The great-Poon taken eee ip take shipping, Wnt these pat development of Great Lake nayigae dsc, first RK. boats have hekd their' ¢i.n, therefore, may be sav' to haved 4 own lating all these years, and are Qceurredt on shore. The inventions fer ijle only recently beginning to yield their handling cargoes, and ananaging big) Cat tecotds to the larger, faster, amb mere veasels at Ue wharves > the areatocks, Bp, claliorately equipped Steamers in tke he coal chutes, the huekets, ve ele: Pir ial ovr panne setveeas ln vatsre ie Cham Sythe rab Be Navigation ieonday: asf Callin vi and the Various special types al der- 1 ee een ryt Se Bricks amd erates--these are, what hase iD Woe. Credit is due for this remark- |, ; Sey The ¢ oss ps Tevelutionized lake shipping. The ves- . able fact to Mr. Henry Reatty of Tor- sels have simply prown longer and niet onto, manager of the CPR. steam aia : fare i att i K 7 deeper with the canals here seems boat line, amd stilt one of the C.PLR : a mbar : ntl executive. The lioeta wens comslracted ae peice at oy! wiser Wik Kaperctnlnk ele Taba The first cargo of grain out of Port tae! perior and Georgian Dey requirements seal vend ee sap Bt Re a teal in mim, They were' practically. ocean steamer Trin with the aid of inen anil ee | " 3 alia: ™ push earts Today the Canadian> weestis if canal draught crossing Ube x chery elevator Rites es Ronan ee Athintic under their own steam, anil litishivia at ca i ' aaa Ty ' of wheat and can load a to,- oreving themselves: im muny g wale on Vy the the Big Lake. The Aljoma was I Continued on page & Gee om Esle Royale on Noveother 7. 1s fat Ih a Showstorn with a hewy ne t- Cha from the northeast, The thite 5 his-! Wh hs Cu "iT tore « © bakes. o vight people 1 tere deve a ag Pivot cl ad cures, cotfas eat |e The bulk of the lake commerce at! this Time, however, stall continued ta! et eT catrivd in woolen schoohers, In S44 'Thainas Marks andl saepany of} Bh. chad Cadtde o yongiin built in Celaspew, I cross- ed the Atlantic and wascut in two al Montreal to up the SL. Law- rence canals. At Opdenshurp she was pot Together againye od for many yours ft was the leading [reiyhter of the lakes. She amay' Ine sate te Tre the: farcnt ship of the Heatish tilt (reaht- er chiss, dozens of which now ply the Upper Lakes. 'The Algonquin (4,u0 inns} is still werking successfully, be- inge owned in Torento, Fresh ivpes have bien introduced since then, such as the Whaleback, but they lasted why oa cshort time, andstoshiy freak heats have been displaced by harger wf the staple old) Algonquin Ds eeee: oS ee = foe we --_-- come r= heow phhhbihiias» Stave Bolts. Tiemats type. Wigh in the bow to lireak the stas, fong, straight-llinked, tight-lhaitehedks with engines in the stern, these inm- mense steel boxes, allord the greatest 4 possible hold and carry more freight | 3 and draw less water than any other 2 ressels im the workl, aml they handle coarse freight with the lea . possible expense yel qttainel on salt water or fresh. Nine-tenths of a cent per mile S the average cost of the freight pas- o-oo SPP SES ESE SE Se eee aaa a eteeeeenennesonsseeers eae = \ WANT -Any soft wood f in diameter is $1 Fo lars apply at the The Imperial Steel and Limite FFSSFSSSSSSCESSSVISSI FSG ting the Sault Canals. Nothing cheap theatigh to compare with that rate oe- curs in the history of transportation on fand or water. : The mtodern Lake freight giant, such as thy stranger marvels at the Lake Superior ant Lake Muron this sum- mer--the fong-alrawn tiren hox'--dates j, ils beginning as a vessel of first miig- nitude' ty the first active exploitation of the Minnesota rom region in rSgo, and the introduction of steel shiphnild- ing about the same time, The Inck- bane of its commerce and the chiel de- termining {actor in its design fs the irom ore trade, aml the lake carrier has kept pace with the phenomenal growth of that business. The vastness of the iron mining development runs too high in the millions of tons to le clearly comprebended. It has made the Sault Canal traMie double, triple, and more than quadruple the tonnage re Bites 0999945848888 & A Word to Housckeepers = Assiniboine -- where | cords of the Suez, The growth of the iron ore Meet since r905 will give the best conerete idea of the importyner of American iron, At that time there were Jess than three lundred' sive freight vessels over joo {det long: on the Likes, none of them reaching sve fect.. In the past five years the ship- vands have turned out no less (han one seuieta amd) twenty-five [reight 'steam ers ranging from son to foo feet in length, and from 8,00 te 12,000 tons in carrying capacity, In addition to these, fifty others of between goo and c a oh, again, rent our Electric Vacuum Clean horuse is clean, otherwise you are loukit tinee and monev and keep the dust ou partroulars, Collingwood Electric Construc Carmichael s Block. PHONE 23 Gee nee ttt ~~

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