irs ' one ___ {pointed p sm 'MARINE NEWS "Lhe Reid Wrecking 'Co hare leit the wre ked *icamatr Moreland on the rucks in Lake Superior to salve, if posatinve, fhe steamer Richardson 'at Bultain. 'The Moregand has been on ; it au since last i-a}i and is mews treal, last autumn, has YJeen sPh-let to Contractor Birmingham hed that "Mr, Birmingham will siart work shortly. F. J. Naegic, of Col- borne, has been appointed inspector the work on the breakwater. --_--_---- jheing broken tn two places. Latet ane! fother attempt will be made 10 Save: ithe steatnet ° ' oon The cemtyact to crect (fw 1 .4T of ihreakwater at Goderich which Was &*| j warded tw Michael Cannollv, .f Men-| i It is expret- The inside channel on the cast side of Georgian Bay will be closed this summer, owing to the improvements that are being made at two mile, hve mile and seven mile Rarrows. This will interfere with heating this sea- som, but will be a great improvenrent when completed. The Boone Co, steam dredge that has been at Patty Sound all winter is eing fitted up and will start work in a few days. The water is about three feet lower than it was a few years ago. Mr. George Gillson has been ap- effect of the Nor Nav. iCo.'s steamer Majestic which will go 'into comtmission in June. Capt. W. iG. Cox will sail the steamer. Ti hs | in bad as ape j- al, Tl hig alt des pril| The first caro of "American grain to \ a eome to Collingwood this season ar- en- rived by the steamer Bulgaria on Mon- ion. dav afternoon, It comsistel of 92,000 ade bushels of cori. ; leone. ! -------- pa-) Half a million miniattire trout were adi- taker from the Government hatchery by at Wiarton antl deposited near Squaw Tile Point, (wen Sound bav. -Ovwer 2.0¢s0,- the boo were deposited in the Vicinity ot tts Griffiths TsMand, White Clow = Tsland, wan- and Meaford. | nts cae we, The business ef the Georgian Bav aml Shipboilling and Wreeking Co. at Mid: luce lund has sa inereasedl that at has been "to fot neeessary to extend pts premises tere ant) Mr. Dotson has purekasd aly Mite twenty aueres of lamd across the bay, les- with a goed water fromtage. This will; hie the ailimirably ailapted for the est vl | sie iishimeni of a shipyard fer the polling s all gut of vessels fer orepairs- and the | ass huaetting af new vessels. The purchase WH owas onade from Mer George Sanith. | mary The vard will he smtabiv equipped for) a the purpese, ler- o, doit ae _ ins new wok ote ke conmitencesd | int this Seasem ta the fuerter af Port Wr] tht levoothe Dhotnontea: deovesaiment | el will eomstst oof the dilding ot a} ict Jrrcakwater at Rare Pouint te ope Ait faye the entreaties to the dire dock. Plates | tha fer the work fave heeit sent ta the: lice (lVoverniment enginerr amd at. ts cpa ox. el that the coutrac. gir the caustrus- trom owill beclet shortly, The lereak- | water is ta he atom qeet in length anid | "gg WHTD weottsast oy i cestte rete cayerst ene | hare with weeden piers. The elredising; ere tie tbe pete: would Tee the worpletion nf teil * a eat w-Ltve few cliamtel Live bumdredd vill feet jr owesbth ter the Thunder Bar eles | vab leat i un _ The s ent The Inland Navigation Co. have ask. | \, mio the More Willsan Industrial Bureau | te grant them a lean of Sserewny feet five vyars tooassist im the coustruction a fa yhart The seloine ts te establish, our at Westtort a latge freight terminal, ing anil there to tranship all freight frees their steamers far points in the West. The company are willing to pay the -- interest charges om the Tnan and ter 7 Oe Oy ard trgise errs . A 'e: fos .* mortgage on the protygrty. " They are asking fer ne exemption of axes Nor fer any siie oar imeney banus, Torst simpiv a lean Ii fas Weer announce) from Ottawa 'that the Kingsten Shipbuilding Com- pany has heen awarded the contract jor the builling ef the new Govern. 'ment steamer Dollard. The beat will le wsel in connection wath the light- house and buoy service an the Montreal district. The contract price is around Span, \ aS = 0-6 -+ 0-4 6-4 0-0-2 8+0+050+8: OTOH ® | ' £