By Crack McElroy. 'CA HISTORY OF THE GREAT LAKES } troit. As she could not go f troit direct to Buffalo without violat- ing the coasting law, she touched at Amherstburg, a Canadian village rear the mouth of the Detroit river, The Canada was a staunch steamer and could make the run from Detroit' to SJ 2005050010006 CHAPTER U . Missourt, Sout pe i Paar . re Raltic THE BRA OF SIDEWNEEL STEAM-| "After the Em ERS lime as a ste The dicaily frome pRy* to TSs$ was converted into the greatest cra for sidewheel steam- [1 Tey was sth had the ictters to mMonoyran w mecthinine, bouts ever known on «the Great Lakes. They were numerous at the beginning 7 re eeeenee ry Whitaker, at Steamboat in, jowne FE. a0 years oll ar lee age o ' |screw-wheel steamers. In @548 nearly every steamboat on the lakes, no mat-| ter what trade she was propelled by paddle wheels aml a! | | was etiyragel *0°0-@ steatter Was rTarcly seen a: Sildation Was res] lest sidewheel st (screy-Wwheel ' Fiftw wears later the The Largest, @. nw | versed and nearyy all the steamers on rg @ [the lakes were propelled by screw ithe route between Huflale and Chicage| that she made the rum from Chicago (© | wheels, A few sidewhvel] steamers were | P to the sear Tort, was the Eripire}to Rufialo in the remarkable titre for e still in use as car ferries aml as pase | MEETS witich came upon the tomte a-|a vessel of ai; days, with a gargo of @ | senger steamers of which a few lines WOR the vear 1850 The hull fog this] 26,0% bushels of wheat, on which she | ry | were maintained The majority. of "W4iter was huilt at St. Clair, Mich..}was paid the extraordinary rate of 35 fe pO these were clegant: bowts ated fully fb was towed "to Butlalo to receive cents per lushel freight. In torr there the wk inery. She was to feet long, j were steamers on the lakes that could @ equipped in every particular, but there i) yas net left on the Great Lakes a lad a large walking#beaim cagine, tine )earry sixteen times that quantity ®. le sidewheel atéamior waed asa tug eathins and ranked in speel with the wheat and the poing rate wonkl lring or a freight carrier, exclusively, ex- istest steairers on the likes Her| thom less than was paid to thy Csn- e sept possibly om some shallow rivep. Wheels were do feet in diameter and} ada, This startling contrast shows for ban as the outside of the wheelhonses were! what Go years on the Great Te kes @ | in Sar there was no railroad reach- left quite opem the noise made by the have wrought, In her new rele the 's ling Chivage trom the cast, mo ratheoad ™ hevts coull be beard a distanee of; Canada had a shert life. Tt was the | e laren: Detroit to Chieage, or from Rui. EY! Intles. She was commanded 4y='| eon talk that she broke her Lack fale te Detroit, or fruit Detroit tu Ta Captain Morris, Wazard of Buthialo, fer and was lost. aoidle of tailroud gy Canada, APPOtance created a sensation all tinnidiatety following the Loss of the ledo, or That was the age of the _Padldlewheet along her route 20°00 Yow . acrmer, FS The of that period and during the next . eight years a great many were lyuilt. curve in her stem, bending inboard at. scheme concocted by Caplam Wark te MAfier that they dwindled rapully in the top as if afraid to put her nose! get possession of the boat at a notmi- | Neniber for twenty veats uben few |imto the sea; but such was not the! nal cost. were left. In the meantime there was]S4#8¢ as she was a stannch steamer, | Gaptain Ward took the engine ont of a continuous increase in the number of She was commanded by Captain Hare! the Canada and put it into a hand- master, Captain Whitaker lived to) be) harbor at Cleveland during a storm the linest and much the fast: | into a three-masted vessel ' Buffalo in 21 hours The engine of the Canada had an in- | teresting history. About the year 1S$1 | pire had setved out her! the Canada was seized by "the United for violating the amboat, her hull wanlssinten geveroment leating drv dock and! revenue laws and was sold at public iin we. The Athany auction, She fas bid in for Eber B. of her name woven in-, Ward of Detroit, a wealthy steamboat It was chargel at the time seizure was. the result of a America and) ott owner, that the and psd her A. D. Patehen had a! 1 1 oable amd experienced | somer and faster boat which he named who was also her! Caspian. In attempting to enter the Caspian was wrecked against the picts. [The hull of the Canada was converted aml she It was sand of her nl his widow lived to camer that ever ranon! was a fleet sailor. of vas she was tar an Caspian Captain Ward Jonilt a-new bull steamer, bat the age irom horse @WaN faster, larger and superior toifar the Canada's engine, She came ont WAS soon toocome.cta he followed by @@Y ether steamer in the upper lakecin ghe spring of iSsq and was placed fa Ube awe of the serewetheel steamer trad A remarkable feat pertortved on ube route between Cloweland and , oe that time aml for several vers by the Pinpire State was te take ai sault Saint Maric This bowk was f ru om Hullalo to Chivage se i e realtor' the passenger traffic en the TH2 from Huttale to Chivage insite of cnamed Bo OK. Collins. She connected | fa) pttkes was very Lange. There were nan ARES, SNe a hours 1 val gat Clever! Sault, with the steamer San] e Steers TUNLIng ett Sherl rotules, Lated canted Ne sarstl in numer ont that rin oon Lake Superior, the | r-) [Aarvimg Im sive from is Lak) Capea fr Wears Loats forming Ward's Lake Sn-! eT ensth These lwrats That couhd pos ~ feat we i line ry Saint Alare's Valls) . @ ior the lake trade Mewst <M ship canal was thet ender construc: | LJ lou ' Dent 1 Wet i ' hs .wonier | ei ' " 1 retben mw Collins was kobe steer eo | trent te Deivett aid of the Lastest inbher day. She | @ tric ots the lew hh : lestrowesd Tey tire A We Detratt P ica | AD Mig was a & vd 4 "at Simhers tury. Gon Tytetser * a ms ' eon ' i ; ' F ' ] . ' wil. 1 ' 4 It ' \ Nu \ ' nm! La) v u th Vie 4 a i ! t gtr ' mn sey stucths trent Det Cin ide Waredeoar ' . . ~ \ ' ' i Y 4 mn Wor yet i . wt . i: ciel | I , " t re ! taba ' rs ! aut an) Vi ats P i | 38 | ' aftece -the mir cat the) ay: - i : \ yoviva Tae SF CANATIA NOK TI. 4 ' Bi LANE RE bias | _ Ve "s: aa a 7 5 , boxy unm Whoo os « ole fwads Pa eee ber bs | t J ' tel . ; . 1 3% ' . Rie tO 1 . Clay bes * i j . ' q bh tha fo ' iD tt ' F , back Athi BY , ih ' | | ' cit ' Thea i \ . i tata' wetdes k wf , 7 ee i ' tf ' a t | i : her, ov cs! | "f ; , he le In cvriain districts a bo He Continued, : oe é : " i in goad = standing amity _---- ie - | 3 " - 1 thtarter-ses tion alonesiie tertsie TMMOTE MeV tet ot ' t| 4 ' ful sina stead ied Yee th tried gn wom tenths in ageh of sia ' i " i talt | aed nk 't a efon ts Hp leNera poles inet ott t ra} 1 bd * . F a lime re ed to earn hard for oy Matiote Gea oven os : _ } Fe ti atid vate fifi: Tg hate bet his Ha ; rs extra. . eco ! Wet ! h anes 1 1s x homestead who onmas exttausced as aie Yeo Voie ek. a |v tabi 1's ci : , , ' TeeMIHel ny weer al t € athot rrty- ate ' What | \wom its Tish WE f tail "a waypee - Hl Aen | mee reer fi om ye ee cot Dor. Fann a Poe Ca ps take @ pure! matter fare nes {| And 1 rei WT < whet th . ved hea stead in districts, + 'home thy Isarre AT ) Ban ae fsteitsets Thad breh qdessite engines rice nod jet acre ics--Must re- Loemtiss Rett cnr Be "Pacdth a Teme stack I fastened to ine pSide six months in cach of three vears, Gaby Tee dae steeped 20 ae) dort Lo disved {ratetes ihe tevelutiogs . were feultivate fiftw acres, and erect a hatise plied the hes "Neat at ali My not 4 | % nd t} ea Ae Leerak bs fworth §30p0.00 alin ter Was frattied list work nd! adi Lacon eotte t anda br. Sontte | to-b tne Ww. W. CURY, = -- et t aken an = tle thn tg bee hie a wane for tach whet [Deputy of the Mintsver of the Interior. wat she thenght Ietumged ter tier flam wer hing inception ts Ainetty these, + B.--Unauthorized publication of | #-¥ets church has 4) mave, but, unl r-| fibro be ce the Pfendtik Hudson. Wher heats [this advertisement will not be aid Uitately, it isnt alwaws spelled that pats lat this type were romuding on_arriving | for af-femoa WY. on lator leaving a dock, oge engine would trifle In worker siawer than } the ether avi ae a kt ih 'allman tidal milli pit wos amising to hear the exhitsts, é it whi some as ff ome cengite was} ¢ wri thasi og the other; setmetimes they] @ Lyn would be wide apart aml-then griadual-f § alw Ie oalraw togethert -- -- In the wear o848 a lew af the largest] lake steamers bean the use of soft T coal for fuel. Ameoug the inst oof the Isteamers etal in the apper take FO " trade oat that Cites were the Niagara and the Kevstom State, as they had walking-Team ongines, were of - the 9 ryer sive aml, the heatest up-to-date, é Pt , : ® > Michigan alse had ao beat engine, 5 Lraited letween Thuffale am) Green r 0 and was an excellent business ' The Louisiana, Sultana, Queen anid some others Tradl sliding Is of Interest To You. Q Treats engines ; the frame in which the sliding Teams worked was called a gal- W ™ '} = lows ott which men were hanged. These e hav ey now on display all the latest 7 4 S Te, ha Wt ben fect i ' rely Adi es Pr A designs and patterns in Iweeds the hurricane diecks © C Stathers, * P & Fog several years previows to the Serges, Fancy Worsteds time that the Michigan Central atl O . = ithe Michigan Southern & Northerts vercoatings and 'indiana railroad compaties establish- T . . load fast Steatheat Entes to connect TIES. . } their radlrowls with Thaflale, a large : : -- : | r Sl tine of steamlhouts Known as Reeil's pp ailored in the Latest Sty le. - f . ; [s] me, | Line was operate between Ruflalo and é W zs * * J in Chicago, touching at all important orkmanship and Fit Guaranteed. sf Use (way ports. There were some twelve or j Re | fitteren bouts im tflis line, the plan of Next Door to The Post Office ats j the inanayer Weing to have one heat eo depart from cach end of the line every = ; -- I day except Sundays, This tine did a T 4 A8t heavy business (ih passengers and e e i ited freight until the business was . rites : e Cr I the aggressiveness of the railreads. 'T b4 Among ihe larger steamers of that ailor and Draper. ¢ Phone 112 t| period and classing with the best were late Feunirn Athane A. TL Patchon | @e -8-+8-8+o- --_----