a MARINE NEWS )|rences eet post-! re. oe - | The launch Merry Widow was ram-| The steatiner John Owen ame im On, | med on Monday 'ol Cedar Point; Lake | Saturday morning with [10,000 bush- | Erie, by the steamer F. A. Shores and | cls of corn. This is this steamer's stc- f for jsuak. August Beamer, jr., owner of) ond trip here this setson. It is €x- the launch, was. drowned and fyre oth-i pected to return next week. Pee occupants were rescued. The sur-/ --_--_ ------ = ated | | : VIVOTS say they were covered with tar-! The big freighter IT. S. Holden ar-' paulins owing to the rain and did not! rived on Monday tnorning with 150,- hear the sigtals of the Shores. -- - cox bushels. of corn. The olden has a. pacers ecentit carrying capacity of 230,000 bushels, Mr. William Frver. and a number) but owing to the scarcity of cargoes (Ol men have gone to. Parisian Island, was obliged "to either gu into ordin-| Lake Superior, to build a lighthouse. | ary or make this trip: with = the: The tug IMarrison of Owen Sound took} part cargo. : their material and supplies from Col- EERO RAE . ) Ling wood last week. The work will oc- CAVILS, & GALLOWAY. cupy five or six weeks, SPENT This year Messrs. Cavill & Galloway | The new steamer Toiler, < the first | made an excellent exhibit im the main! freighter to be driven by oil engines building of the G. N. Exhibition, It! ever sett. in this country, arrived at comprised the newest goods in dress Montreal a few days ago. The steanr| materials ancl coment ntly called forth er will ply between that cit and Lake! the admiration of the ladies, As the | Eric ports. The Toiler was built at display indicated, rough effects are the Erie ports. The. Toiler was built at the season's favorites for suits and long Septune vards of Swan, Bunter and coats, There were 'Scotch tweeds in Wigham Richardson, and is consigned every conceivable color combination, to "Mr. Clarence I de Sola, of that serges in fine and coarse makes, with city, who is in controk of thbusiness all the newest designs in trimmings, interests of Swan, Hfunter and Wig- silk fringe, frog ornaments, laces, silk ham Richardson in this country, The girdles, and the latest novelttes in but- vessel is propelled be two sets of two tons of various shades, At their store 'evele reversible Diesel oil engines. In on [urontatio otreet the stock is con® b "Inany wavs she is mote cconumical plete and in addition they have a fine than a steamedriven boat. Shehasa display of millinery, greater deadweight capacity, owing to -_-- = : the fact that the Diescl engines are Rexall Rheumatism 'Remedy cures.» much lighter than steam engines and puaranteed by Jury & Gregory. as there are no boilers, the boiler ; : --_ space is saved, morcover, the oil fuel asKED FOR. INFORMATION AND be caftied in the double bottom in COT iT. 'place of water ballast, thus saving jbunker spage, "The consumption of oil | The town Water and Light Comris- is much less in weight then the con-! sumption of coal for steam engines. formation respecting the town's elee- ) The deck machinery and engine room srical xyatem', by the Mydro-Electric accessories of the Toiler are driven by) power Commission, and they got it. compressed air heing furnished hy 4! The object of the Tivdre neople is lo 2 ek pe erst driven bey a Diesel engine.| Haye statistics that will enable them The electric light with which the ves-ii4 consider Collingwootl"s -- position sel is*fitted obtains its power from &) should occasion arise when powe: from! cea by hor aa nie cact'td reore of their systems will be supplicd theated by hot water, the heat ling ; 'obtained from the exhaust gases of with northern Sows: the comn'e' 'the main engine. There is thus no! -plant onr Water and Light Commis-_ 'steam on board the boat. siatt sent blue prints of the town and en | the plant. | James Maviair and the Montreal, 4 few days since, Mr. J. HH. Dune (Transportation Co, have appealed , can, secretary of the Co:tmission, who -from the deciston-of Mr. Justice Teet-' prapared the report, received an ace! vel, who awarded judgment against knowlelgement from Mr. PW, Soth | 'each of them for $5,700, im an action man. chief etigaimedcr, in which he savs + brought by the Memord Elevator «The information received appears to ;Co., for the wrecking ol the marine have heen gotten up im oa careful: lee of the elevator. The Meaford Co. ynanner and with due attention to de- 'claim to. have . lost. the prone of tail awl duppleing Ue mecess.ci, jafer- Prvs peodent 34° | a ee ee ahs af ate '7 8 - «4 ' shabbitec a thy Prete + | ste hee b+ 6 Fi , = ijdeheaveea ae agtepedie sbte eee bo % 4&7) ° - ' . sion was recently asked for certain in- 'of wheat, for which jt had contracts. dit is due the Conmnission in getting! The leg was broken, it was alleged. yp the information in the manner not- aii the hatch oft the steamer Meuwntste- cd and we wish to stale that, this mat- phen, owned bx Ins THavfatr, whem ter wall receive our early attention." the vesse] surged, and the crait swerv-! <n ed, owing to the breaking of a moore) Some time When vou want a partic- ing cable. Mr. Mavfair states that the wlarly mice box of candy try Ford's surge was caused by the wash from Tfard Centres ; See the pound box at the propeller of the steamer Kin- Jury & Gregory's drug store. M tart buu dwe and he i Lac _ Mr. T the Liot the pal "? "cl » ber: oth Vili > ---- --