Maritime History of the Great Lakes

A History Of The Great Lakes, p. 3

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+ j } é > » e ' ' A HISTORY OF THE GREAT LAKES: } By Crocket McEliny. Ji ( je e The largest and fastest" boat @ 'louted on the waters of the Great Lakes tn 1839 was the steamer May @ Fiower, owned by the Mishigan Cen- @ tral Railroad Company and built on the compgny"s ground in Detroit, The d | Mary Flower was '255 feet long, had a » finely modelled hull, well proportional 'jeabins and was indeed a beautiful P steamboat. In passenber accomtnoda- j tions, speed and equipment was jdar superior to any other boat on the !Great Lakes. Her bridal chamber had 'full length mirrors over head, at the }side and at each end. Her advent cre- fated a great sensation and for five jvears she was the idol ot the lakes. (She was designed lw a New Vork ma- brine architect who catie to Detroit and superintemi@] her construction. She was built expressly to form a connec- tion between the Michigan Central Railroad at Detroit ami the railroad at Buflalo, but did a general freight and passenger business, In 15540 she was Wrecked on Lake Erie and about 50 persons -perished with her. Simultancously with the building of the May Flower, Captain E, B. Ward built at Martine City a fine steamer named Atlantic, nearly as lange and neatly as fast, which fonned a_ line with the May Flower, each boat mak- ing tri-weekly trips. The Atlantic's main deck forward was not housed inf This gave her a squatty loov that detracted from her otherwise fine ap- pearatice. These steamers connected with fast trains on the Michigan Con- tral Railroad and with the railroad jurnished the shortest and very much the quickest rowte of travel then open to the public between Chicago and Suf- falo. he a ne she as In the. year 1852, the Atlantic col- lided with the propeller Ogdensburg near Long Point, Lake Eric, and was" sunk with a loss of about 150 lives. - As she was the largest and finest steamer that had ever been lost on the Great Lakes, the accident was re- garded by the public as a great cal- amity. A lew montus after the loss of the Adiantic a boy in Detroit familiarly known as Jim Scott, who was kelt to a iarge fortune which afterward came min hte Fereapcutewn fase the down and won q silver cup at a show hy the following conundrum ""Why is Lake Eric the largeat lake in the world ? he answer was "Beoause it sw tian el the Atlantic." James Seott ro in troit on hrewpen ua qneathed to 'the city. ot Detroit pro- perty value! at $50,000, to con- verted into cash by his eacitans and R used in erevting: in, Belle Isle Park a fountain and a statue of himself. rhis fountain will no doubt be Placed in a conspicuous position where it can hs seen hy the tens of thousands 'at ad- initers of this beautiful park that [ass by on steatners every year, i At im vealieen the Atlantic, Captain Ward Suilt the tine steamer Ocean whi" was also placed in the Michigan Centtal Railroad Company's Detro: aml Huffalo line, The 'Onan was littl: faster than the May Flower. At- ter ranning in this Vine a few vears and Cleveland dine, where she rettder- the Ocean was pr in the Detroit ed excellent service that bours Soon after the Michigan Central Railroad Co. put on a Hne of fast! steamers between Detroit and Builalo, ' the Michigan Southern & Northert Tn- +diana Railroad Company buih. two fine steamers about the sive om the Mav Flower, which were namel Southern Michigan and Northern Indiana. These boats ran between Monroe, Mich., then the eastern terminus of the Michigan Souther & Northetm Indiana Railroad, and Butlalo. | This -ailroad compatty soon after had conn ction with Toledo, and in i8s7 placed on the route hetween Toledo and twa ny the World and Plymouth Rock, and, it was claimed, finishal and furnistred. named City of Buffalo Metropolis. In 18533) the large and magnificent Steamets Crescent City and the West were built at formed a line from that city to Cleve- land. The same vear tw lange and fine steamers were built to forma line from Samlusky to Butlalo, Ther were named Saint Lawrence and Mississippi. After the loss of the May Flower, the Mississippi was bought by the Michi- gan Centtal Railroad Company and Fan in contieelion with the steamers Western World and Mymouth Rock on the Detroit and Buffalo route, each stcamer maving two Crips a week, Western Metropolis was ye fastest steamer on the lakes of her dav And notwithstanding the great advantage ot tightness in the steel hull over the wooden hull and in feathering mga it was more than qo vears before her speed was exceeded bv a lake side- wheel* steamer, and then only by very little. Looking back 60 vears, one can not help being astonished at the wonderfal constructive abilitw of the man who built these gn hale steamers within 50 vears of the Line that the first successful steasiboat bmlt led the wavy against wind but faster) more elegantly | fey were and Western To get a fair understanding of the | conditions actwating the muds of rail! Toad managers at the time when they built the ten magnilicent and costly steamers just dvseriled, and all of which had qa Short period ol existence, It is neeessary first to impress strong- Iv upem the mind the fact that (he use of railroads amd the use of slean boats, in carrying of the transportation busi- ness of the cowntty, were then both in Mireiv iafainy, 'iad day of the moose: yower bul and ida waht Pelee wi au Lb portation projects, ae trunk line rail- roa acl vet. come. The assembiving pe he neeessary capital to build qa railroad in those days was not easily accomplished: Aud then, in-the construction of thy rail- ' ser icreeen ie ie . cotne that no longer exist. ex: ample, when-the Michigan Central Railroad was under construction tere was no railroad egy 2 with the casl, the. T rails, the iron ta- chinery, tools and epliantes needed, had to be brought from Bullalo to De- troit: by water, {ven locomotives were cafried on the decks of vessels. Every railroad in tht United States Was a short railroad. The ecg and freght of each railroad were loaded at its terminus, Passengers had buy new tickets and recheck their flemands that they shall he. and freight was reloaded and a light than the pa priadgee rebilled. allowed Tie cars of one lite were not to run on another line. It was a long time before reciprocal oe eventually obtaited otte, ie arrangements were entered into could buy their tick- tine, In ish she was tomtert id MITES. Captain Ward's shipyard was at Newport,on the Saint Clair river, the tawn now known us the citx-of Marine City. [le built there many sidewlicel stvamers and a few propellers. the vear (884, the Michigan Cen- Railroad Company caused to be at Buffalo, two steamers muc than the Mav Flower and con- rae shige tawter tt wtiy luted '. Pe Meeyessont h Rack, lr Hew 120 feet Jone: thev p| had soar tit walking beam cngines, had barge capacity. for freight and pas- peers and high speed. When placed into fs tral built cial a Bae fastest. steamers afloat on "Lhe Great Lakes. The size of these steatr- ers, it tonnage capacity, was nevet ex- ceed in lake sidewheel steamers un- til the year mga, 48 vears later. The best time of these steamers ftom De- troit to Ruffalo was ubout thirteen ied' o SYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN NORTH | WEST LAND REGULATIONS, NY person who is the sole head 4% of a family, or any male over 18 years old, may homestead a quarter-: section of available Dominion land in Manitoba, Saskatchewan or Alberta. The applicant must appear in person at the Dominion Lands Ageney or Sub-Agency tor the district, Gantry hy proxy may be made at any agency, on certain conditions, by father. mother, son, daughter, brother, of sis- ter of intending homesteader. Duties--Six months' residence upon and cultivation of the land in each | of three years. A homesteader may live within nine miles of ES his home-| stead on a farm of at least So acres! soldty owned and occupied by him ot by his father, mother, son, daughter, brother, or sister. In certain districts a homesteader in good standing may | pre-empt qtiarter-section alongsiie his home- stead, Price $3.00 per acre, Duties-- Must reside six months in each of six years from date of homestead entry (including the time required to earn homestead pateot) and cdltivate filty4 gs yey A hotmesteader. who has exhausted his homestead right and cannot ob- tain a pre-emption may take a pur- chased homestead in certain districts, Price $3.00 per acre, Tuties--Must re- -|side six months in each of three years, cultivate fifty acres, and erect a house worth $300.00 10-6 mo. . CORY, Deputy of the Minister at the Interior. N.B.--Unauthorized publication ol m= a a nF at t "ia and check hae baggage to rine taht ear rhe course of tin ire cars' any! billed Uhrough- pier the a inioaay 'off so conducting led to the consolidation of to possess almost invincible 4 UMW" 2 Lake Shore & Michigan South- formed Ley the r ' wer, The em Railroad Conrpany, consoliilation ot a nuns stuart at Lawes tron Mulfaty to Chicage under + trol of ome company, did not fear wa- ter onidgeloclpngt ae for many ha nf by paving aes in tin Thy feel ing of timidity thal operated on rail- road managers passed out of 1 minds amd landed im thg leads steamboat owners, with" the Dee ryense eet | air of railroad lines were abandoned. ly, cautiously and aller a0 lo 3) years of hesitation, most of the steamboat lines that were abandoned between 50 and kha have Imem restore. Tn the preantime, the commerce nf he countre bordering on the Great Takes has grown to stich = tminense tions that in the veart lato there was be profitable business lor the passenger steamers, the freaght steam ers and for the railroads. The volume of trathe had taken from competition its power to destroy, The competition of the Michigan Central Railroad to Chicager and its connection with g dine of fast steam- voats from Detroit te Bullale struck a hard ew gt the sidewheel steyir boat trallic between Bnflajo and Chicago. Auesher hard blow was struck when 4 simibir route was opened by the Mich- ian Southern & Nerthern Tndtama Railroad Ceo; and the destruction of this business was completed when the Great Westirn Railway of Canada was finished aml formed trathe arrgnge- ments with the Michigan Central Rad- road. Tt was met long after this com nection, was made belore there was a edntinuous line of railroad alomg the south shore of Lake Erie from Toteide to Tufialo, dtd then there were twee complyte railroad rowtes in apera- tien from Chicage to Bullalo. Te was the general beltef chat | : Great Western Railway Company paid the Michigan Central Railroad Comm: pany og latge sum of motey in comsaily ation of its entire abandotinent of its | stvamlroat line between Detroit and Pullalo, In a few years [rem the time when silewheel Steamera were in the hevday of their glory on the Great Lakes they | hart nearly all passed away. Not one reinaite! on any of the routes between Ruffalo and the cities of Cleveland, | Toleda, Detroit or Chicago. The Michi-, gan Central aml the Michigan South- ern & Northern Indiana railroad com. panies sold their steamers, some o them at public auction. The buvers lenk mut the engines and shipped them to the Atlantic cmast where they were! put into ocean pichabler The cane of the We: og tropolis was in a boat in New "Yo rk he Thee ' | the this advertisement will not be paid lor. 4646-mo Fitzpatrick a Cleveland, an expericne- ers | Western | the his Cabinet, Ahrough business" was so apparent that ter of time, and who its metbers will the be is a alter of conjecture, short lines into trunk lines which have (hey have been appointed Ubey will at once take up the duties of their offices, and afterwards look for constiltencics, Not that there is mucly danger of their heing cefeated, atid establishing a contintous line tone ae alihimiere Mie LR BREN eit LAU -- OF THE NEW the Midland result Co. that many steamboat lines parallel to urday, Slow- a large number al citizens corating it and petling everything propor f cure dandruff, cleinse the scalp by Jury & pis lake engineer, who afterwa le S masmben inspector for many years. steamer was completed the Civil War was on and she was im- mediately chartered to the + United States government to asa transport at SSoo a day, The hull of jthe Western Metropolis wag converted into a sailing vessel of the poreet name athe was one of the: and fastest» on the lakes, The pall of the isteamer Plymouth Rock was converted into a freight propeller which traded betwyen Chicago and Duluth. Several of the hulls of these -latge steamers were made into floating dry docks, On the whole, the end of the 30 of more, large and tmagnificent steamers of the sidewhee! class, that were the pride of the lakes in the decade between 1580 aml 1860, was vetv ingloriotis compar- ed to mee beginning. o Be Continued. Rules of Procedure LL INE ORM | LAURIER WILL GREY THAT IE | FEATED AND ADVISE WHO IIS SUCCESSOR SHOULD BE, { What is the interestiflg pepeenare when governments change in Canada ? The man on the street, perhaps, thinks it is a simple matter, but don't be- lieve him, for the change of one Gov- ernment for another is accomplished only after much formalism, the same beings hound up, from time tmmetor- ial, with plentiful wards of red tape. What will happen in the present crisis is this: Sir Wilfrid Laurier, de- feated Dritme Minister, will) wait) on Karl Grey, Governor-General, and. in- form him that the Government, of which he was Premier, has been de- feated ae the polls. The Governor-General will ask Sir Wilfrid who, in his opinion, is a fit and proper person to be appointed as his successor. Sir Wilfrid, in all hu- man. probability, will point to Mr. R I, Borden, loader of the Opposition, as the man. SEND FOR PORDEN. Karl Grew will \then send for Mr, Borden and ask hint if he is willing to undertake the task \of governing thy) countty, There is every reason to lieve that Mr. Borden will answeP in the aflirmative. Pye will then be enn nissioned by the Governor tener to proceed with his task and will forn his Cabinet. There may he seme ree the hands of Sir Wilfrid, gaa : tiring Government always wants a littl tine to wind up its aflairs, and at incon ing administration never likes to take charge of matters which are ih a tanole | Brare ~oo aternat ES PRONE --- = be- Foie _ Tittle Aimee ies eee SEER RE-ELECTION, After the new Cabinet Ministers have been appointed they must go back their constilieencies for re-election, not that this is mevessary for their stand- ing as Cabinet Ministers, but they must seek re-election as members of Parliament. 'As ai matter of fact, Cabinet Ministers are not compelled to be members of Parliament, but custom No less great Gladstone once held office in a Cabinct without hav- ing a seat in Parliament, but he TAKE UP DUTIES AT ONCE, When Mr. R. Norden will appoint it will be seen, is a mat. but when EARL HAS BEEN DE-! -y -- = tow, In Canadian bve-elec- Ls i TT The tow Sigel Lug, carinsteuecant ink Dredge & Construction was launched on Sat- in the presence ol at Midland, Sept. 2rd, The forenoon was spent in greasing the skids, building a platform aml de- in} readiness for the christening and launching of the new vessel, At 2.40 herp the workmen commenced knock- ing out the supports, and when the wort was given the rope was cut and |ittle Miss Edna Pratt) and Miss Marion Clark swung the bottle anil named the tug "DL S. Pratt' after the manager of the company. The tug is Su ft, over all in' length, zeit. beam amd It. im depth, strotg]y constructed, heing built all steel even te its pilot house. deck house will be qi ft. f& tr in k vn in di- It is of The length. She will have a pewerly vine with a ri ft, fy it. dimeter, The cottstruction the ther the dircetPon of Mr. Wilkinson, a former resident of Collingwood, and a thorough preetical man of wide ox- perience, The new tug will be a most credit- able addition to the fleet im Midland, aml we wish for it many years ef use- dul service, botler ol tupy is Mt WOMEN, READ THIS, PARISIAN SAGE rvtS LUSTRE INTO DULL, FADED ITATR. very woman reader a The Bulletin who desires radiant hair that every one admires should go to Jury & Greg- nes drug store toxlav and get a large 3@ cent holgle of Parisian Sage. It is not only a delightful 'and re freshing hgir dressing and ssranhrely but itis sold-under a rigid guar ito banish dandruff, Wop falling "pnts 'and itching scalp, or money ack. Parisian Sage is the hest hair tonic own. It is the only one that will a make the hair grow long and beauti- , ful. Seld and guaranteed in Collingwood ye aaron e329 _ dOmte: Sorte i. ero mire aes toR MINARD'S LINTEENT RELIEVES NEURALGIA

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