"ERWEAFEEN Lt Ue TUG WAS BURNED Ki ON LAKE SUPERIOR he! The tug Gordon Gauthic#, one of *Ithe three owned by Captain \ Matin, *} by fire on Monday, gth, . along the J. miles north of Port Arthur, | The tug was returning from a_ trip tl with a scowload of supplies for the SSiStewart & Hewitson construction A. camps on the C. N. R. constriction B.iwork and tire started in the boiler '$|/room. 'The appliances aboard were in- id/sufficient to extinguish the blaze and id; Captain Bennett headed for the d- shore, near St. Marv's Island, in an Ss. attemnpt to beach her. 'Ol The crew got ashore with their id vawl boat and walked into Port Ar- 9 thur, after which the tug McIntosh '" went down and brought the scow to ™ Port Arthar. | The Gauthier was formerly engaged in the fishing service on Lake Huron and was built at Collingwood about »» years ago. She was valued at §2,- eoo and insured for Sijooo. Captain Marin also owns the tugs Welcome atid Melntosh. bw -| proto arti GOES TO JAIL. of J re * "lof Port Arthur, was totally destroyed | | shore of Thunder Bay about seven | lo ¢