. attracted a A HISTORY OF THE GREAT LAKES By Crocket McElroy. ?} | oF * THE COLUMBUS FLEET. No lect of vessels that ever crossed the waters of the Great Lakes that the interested attention of so many people as the caravels, Santa Maris, Pinta and Nina, which. repre- sented im Gppearance and so possible in detail the world famous little vessels that carried Christopher Columbus from Spain across the At- lantic ocean to the greatest discovery ever made by man for the world's progress. The story of how the building of the caravels 'and their exhibition at Chicago was brought about, is thus related in the Graphic History of the Fair.: 'In a plan at the World's Columbian Exposition prepared by William &. Curtis, diree- tor of the Burcau of American Repub- lics, and sulmnitted to Congress by the Honorable Jas. G. Blaine, it was pro- posed to reproduce in fascimile the fet of Columbus, and anchor the ves- sels off the shore of Jackson Park during the exposition in such a man- ner as to place them in contrast with the model battleship which represents thé naval architecture of this country. Tie plan having received the approval of Congress, the rospansihility of car rving it inte effect was impressed up- on Mr. Curtis, the author, aml at lus request the secretary of the navy dle tailel Licutenmant W. McCarty [Attle as anexpert to take umnmoelate charye of the work. 'Atter severar weeks of umvestigatijeon it owas determine! that the catavels could not be coostructed with either accuracy or cconomy ino the United States and Lieutenant Faitth- was sett to Madrid tas the Coroperat teen of the Spanish Government in making the designs umd comstructing the ves: sels. At his request the Minister of Marine appointed a tieard of mapal architeces and archacologists, whe, al- ter several tnonmths of study amd inves- tigation, prepared plans for the repro- dvction of the Santa Marta, wlth the flagshige of Colurmioas, send, tle Dieta aareel Nasa, cassrtpesesl The Spanish Geoasermunant al- See ure Ne ats with lige flee. far as! for a hifforical exhibit ! of directors of the World's Columbian exposition afterw assumed the re- sponsibility incurred by Mr. Gage and the work on the caravels was begun at Barcelona. Congtess made an ap- | propriation to pay for them and the 'money advanced was refunded. "The three vessels were completed in 'tinte to take part in the festivities at 'Huelva, Spain, On Oct. 12th, 1892, and iwere the chief attraction on 'that oc- ' casion, being visited--by--the- queer and+ jroval family and by thousands of vis- litors. The Santa Maria was com- 'rnanded by Captain Concas of the iSpanish navy and the other caravels iby Lieutenant Howard and Lieutenant Coffin of the United States navy. "On the sth of February, 1Sy3, the Senta Maria started from Cadiz for |a Vovage across the Atlantic, and on 'the rgth of the same month the Pinta and Nina followed, being convovel by 'the flagship Newark and the man-of- war Pennington of the United States havy. They were delivered to the Spanish autheritus at ITavana,- and were towed to/Iampton Reads by Spanish men-of-war. participated in the New York, where they were the tost interesting Vesdels im the great imter- mattetial thet "The Santa Maria had three masts, square sails on the fore and matin twists and latewn sails aft, high owt of water, with how atl stern, and cgrriel the roval statdard of Spaim at the matin (quar- tera with the liow and castles of Peon and Castile, a lag with a green ctoss in the cemtre at the fece and the roval pemnant at the miszen ward." ©The rigging of the Pinta was sinmn- te» that the Santa Mari and Nina evrried lateen sails, after the review at New Vork, the caravels towel Montreal tol theme theough the St! Lawrences citals and river te Chrdoushurg, where thes were Tahkete itt "tam by Aa lrvaghi propeller, which teed theme te Chiva- | rr rod & thes they las at for several Trevicwed castles Lar «vl the Senter we te {1 ene, rot 'e ems t tistine tes P)s-t rant ttl Tagiaal gevecat * eric heat [reetsl «sf Jieoases eoll Testy rst, were wie tereesd tes wonbertake Shae qeemstriud Vs ut geteat oman peopl: thom oot tho fest aaerek cad larger ves- eo thoim verivael at Tieksom Thark, et, ccaviddes) the Uinetal States aecdl Oligo sats the Gsreag his. fo the Tdi' the twee stetler qataveds." Gert) sere getec ted ha Raat cts orm Mabr soess Tanai Garlic tes grreev tebe termed. a ene Peccegreemtectt hat ake viiive ~ aes for ho purpess) Mr Curtis sappeceb cd fase sgeprets rm eles te Leun. bes and Thee ee ee) ventebeatat ate! the thags af all matoens els ot 3 a stitae Smffietont tee tens ae sage Voth Vater cet Sqaeen thint theaes is! ches trict samed icra ab tee dearte sts - spotedis frete 'he 'Sate Muarke. ttt Te te es Wad He cet wit Teeorteor tte Glat eaatinte is glint Tn teres state ditte thet im vis ott pty Saat e her tee rite k tines Comte HicU LR) | ee Oo Te A toret eet toe ody MasdentetTes | Don preesatavett, shaestel Va co ttterdead tex yeti Vite Tenered al] the vatcons gopresette bl liveteercd Thev afterward | naval review at) Sett were appointed visitors owemen"s ward linen tor a Stic Was | At! . Phe the great Genoese."' Al the exposttion the cararels were placed alongside of the building erect- ed to represeot the convent «#f La Rabida, where Columbys called and begged for bread for his little son, Dicedo, who was with him. This bread was the best illustration ever-gifen of the proverb, "brrad cast upon the Wa- ters returneth after many davs," The priot of the convent, Joan Ite: de Marchena, tecaree inferested in) Col- umbus' He bad been Queen Isabella's cothasor and it wgs mainly through his intiuen « that she was induced to furnish Columbus with the tneans to {it owt lis Mevt. And following Col- umbas't succ? Ss the bread was re'arn- ed a thousandiold. - To Be Continsed, ~~-- Hospital Ladies Hold Their Chief of Police Caught Blin Monthly Meeting; The regular monthly meetjng of the Board of Management of the G. & M. jed Visit to the | Pig Operator. -- Chief Borthwick made an unexpect- bar of the Central Hlo- Hospital was held in the Board Room on Monday, Feb., 5th, at } p.m. Those present wete Mesdaines Meachat., Bas- sett, Williams, Leask, Gregory, Begg, C, E. Stephens, Knight, A. 1. Steph- ens, McKay, Smith, MeFaul, Enright, Byrnes, Irwin, Hogg, Bryan, Cornol- ly, R. A. Stephens, Telier and Birate, The president, assisted by Mrs. Wil- 4ams, conducted = the opening devo- tions, The usvial sceretaties' reports were received, The expenditure during Jan Wary atmounted to S58a.50. Bills were read anid on motion of Mesdames Ste- phens and Kyight ordered to be paid. Mrs. Bevan presented the visitors' report aml Mesdames MehKay and Bas- tor present aponth, A letter was read from the Hospital Heipers, assuming the charge of the Lear. The lady superintendent reported for Januars feckless :--The [Trospostsal werk during the mrenth bias deen con- paratively light, not tuamy pReticttts loci aeloastted. At present there are ils oomby five gaetiettts am the owpper thet private roomms amd fowr aa the men's wiatrel, Qemt othe wong 's weer atl Obstetrical akpartment are well olla. Considersnyg the - number paticnts there fas thee a gorkt dew) of surgi cal work dome, the putiemes ving well, There were three ali aged people and incurable, birtls Wate mis' amounted Qa - _*.9 of comvitlos- ifeathis, and tue tess Lo The seasen oof the yeur is tow here i have vol Vices nri- J witet: oT as elit. Viet aheonne erry se Reereeh a For Wa fas ceeTabtcemh | acted ef the small In miaett unproved miing, white the tUrmitiire thes te. yenerally. few asd te anteapyd ote: lu fetter oy was fae mal bne cbs work wate reves wetghl lay a NeW ceed oof West oof the emantebbing immed weetinme over , 1 Tie'a'due it wi hhate Kites iore Biaeddy mor 4a Pin cheese PerQhot siet-s er oeottnens. Tt secperdd tne whos Cites tebvasel! Tits stem hk polar on raver labels bereisksecres eromld thom Ve nity fe Tess ated velba Veale teandiel Phos Stad saomnpeb ted, + a, | - italian Ta, 1 is alta well val Feelrvwontga whejane cabth« teplavcdl at Very CYT TISe 'wath i Vi ths, alii ts "bss 'To foru on" «! 4* Viewke a4 ati th ih 'LE ee ee <The peel "wa sesttbernppodiates' URat ce tens Ste itib-pete ss 1 he ' 'te on Satirday, Feo Ard. As he lentered, he told the police magistran last Saturday.mornng, he, saw om | Alex, MeMillan, a young man prova bly under twentycltve years, tfane « 'quick move m,.tegard to a glass whi.. 'was on the top of the counter, = In- 'creasing his pace, the chicf says, bh 'soon pot behind the bar, but to sm MiMillan spill the contents of a pire... ter into the sink. He smelled the ghis amd believed at had coyptained whusacy Hive also ran his'tngets through = the tiquor which was quickly disapp.aria, through the holes in the grating of thy sink and, according to his sense, this also was of the flavor of the pure stufi. He remarked to MeMillan that "That was a quick move you mune." MeMiltan in rebuttal swore that the contents of the pAtcher, a hrowss jug, were not whiskey, but cider of an old vintage. He had servel a couple ol trem with it just before she artical al the chief and both had refused vo drink er pay for it. Noble Smith was also catlal and sait he had beet in the bar anil was on DES wav out when he met the chief Ele hak had) cider cout of the Very sate pug, but rio whiskey, Charkey Train, who was convicted a slicrt? tine age af selling Isquor ad lites? Sooo, was also callel. Efe saul that there Was no question us le the ifqmidlainm the pag being ener. The had Dreurht mowp from the cellar a short time before the visit of the chief, Mr. Birnie for the prosecution argucil that abe chief was an uninterested party and thet it was mot a question of numerical strength of evidence, ra- Hie rehabilinw. Col, Druece argued against sich a contention and alse that it was timpossibie fer the chied teorun his fingers through ai qttarter af att dtteh ef Batter an the vink is qiestiun 'Dhe mieagestrate said) he aid tot dloube the eredibalitye of the ciel, ret he hesitated to camviet om. a. tere emell. Ve would ¢o and examine the sink and reserved judgiment until Mon- day tovet aad tedpient was gIven oon Mentdhay Heri Wee MeMillan owas toni emits aid fied O23 ail costs, in all souccte. The ustal optten af sponding it the dlete md m fags i Bairhie wete ptvedt, patshe Wats predic d, Hietine hte att Mie retain im tewr 'ba assist rect vine att oat tleedsteom oahe taagid- TTatl as vintled 'the bear wl exttritel the earth Ios retidersiyy padyamcait te cera Ita titesk wepeom tate fake tt that Ube resaegae elitattice off the street ote the "bar, Whetee busittess might be expected, Wal a Jerse]. ile alse fevtiand thre siuk