STEAM VESSELS. STEAM VESSELS. CAR : CAR ui ? : | DIMENSIONSINFEET | f& is CLASSIFICATION, ENGINES. BOILERS i : ‘ 5 3 OWNERS OR + aja z 2 ei 5 y NAME OF VESSEL 2 2 AND INCHES. Mm SYMBOLS OF 5 BUILDERS. fl ‘i z 5 ; MANAGERS. “ F <|< os a 3 Gis ¢ & = 5 5 a CONSTRUCTION e — ee) | il tae 3 ere system |—CYEINDERS. BE138 BUILDERS. ener NS 2 | SRC Ess | Ae en onaes ag Be a 5 2 I PORT OF HAIL. i g Gross. < a 3 2 38 8 AND ABBREVIATIONS. E WHERE BUILT. CLASS. H 2 3 : & " OF icmewnka g 3 t 3 WHERE BUILT. . ey FE WHERE BUILT. < 5 5 # g Ne.| $0 | 22 | 28 »|ad|od| § ENGINES. Inches. ae les DATE. § é fe Byes | 8 a 145462| Prop.| Canmore _-__---.---| Can.] Steel.) 1558] 241/0"| 41/0"| 18/0"| 1 |Ch.S. OU PI AG.-------| 1903] Buffalo Ship. Bldg. Co._| 95 | 1} 8-30 8.31 8a i 15-25-42 Detroit Ship. Bldg. al ror ane : F saa Sa ct 999 Hatches 24’¢. Arte Buffalo, N. Y. Lines, Limited, Montreal, Que. 4 Co., Detroit, ae aa aN ne | onthbeatien pte 202149] Prop.| Canopus ----------- Am Steel.| 4978] 464’0") 50’0"| 28’0"| 1 |Ch.S.@ OGd]s[4 ------- 1905 | Great Lakes Engineering) -.-.| --| --.| ...| _.|)} Interlake S. 8. Co. -.) -.) Tri 22-36-60 Great Lakes Eng. Scotch. 11/6" Marine Boiler Wks. Le aa pees ER 3770 Arches a Hees oe Comp. Works, St. Clair, Mich. } Cleveland, Ohio. 5 Wks., Detroit, Mich., 1905. Toledo, O., 1905. 101261} S. WJ Cape Diamond-_----- Can.| Iron.| 969] 251/0"| 34’7"| 7/9") 1 | Pass. & Freight......._..- 1877) J. Roach & Sons -_----- = 2 oe ee me Canada Steamship 60 Ilarlan & Hollings- Boilers. 21/0"|- John McDougall -_- eee Sie a 610 Wilmington, Del. SERRA worth, Wilmington, Del. Montreal, Que. 141863| T.S.| Cape Eternity -_----- Can.| Steel.| 2484} 2466") 42’0") 14’9"| 5 |@ Gd IS] A Pass. W _------ | 1910} Detroit Ship Bldg. Co...} --.. | --| ---| -..| . Canada Steamship i 16-25-31-3] Detroit Ship Bldg. Scotch. 11/0" Detroit Ship Bldg. Mona ean 1407 Wyandotte, Mich, ad ee . Co., Detroit, Mich., 1910. Forced Draft. Co,, Detroit, Mich., 1910. 111964| T. S.| Cape Trinity -......-] Can.| Steel.] 2105] 205'6"| 42’0"| 11'6"| 4 | Wea|s| 4 Pass.& Freight W| 1911] Collingwood 8. B. Co.--| -..-| -.| ---| --.| ..] | Canada Steamship -| 8/2-224-18-24 18 Collingwood Ship Water-tube. 12’6" Babcock & Wilcox- Picton, Oni el 1468 Collingwood, Ont. | ela 40 Bue Co. Collingwood, Glasgow, Scot., 1914. 201194) Yt. | Capitola-.....-.....| Am.| Steel.) 123 | 137’6"| 19’5"| 9’7" | 1 | @W---.---.-...------| 1904| Craig Ship Bldg. Co.-._} ---.| -.} --.) -..| .. H. T. Wickes-..--.. i 99-155 | 16 CraigShipBldg.Co. |.. | 1] ..-----.-- 6/5" Roberts Boiler Co. - Port Huron, Mich, 83 Toledo, 0. | Saginaw, Mich. 5 22 Toledo, O., 1904. Red Bank, N. J., 1906. 127469] Prop.| Captain Thomas Wilson} Am.| Steel.| 4318] 420/0"| 50’0"|28’0"| 1 |Ch.S. @ UGE A------- 1900 |Jenks Ship Bldg. Co.-..| @100| 2| 629 4-31| 421) | Wilson Trans. Co. i 23-38-63 | 40 Jenks Ship Bldg. 116" Manitowoc Boiler Fairport, 0. 3091 Arches apie aes a eae Side Tanks Port Huron, Mich, | Cleveland, Ohio. a Co., Port Huron, Mich., 1900, Induced Draft. Wks., Manitowoe, Wis., 1915 116249] Prop.| Caribou ------------ Can.| Oak. | 597] 150/0"| 2770"| 12’0" ry Booth Fisheries --- - | : . Doty Eng. : k By took a | One ea ig 07/12/07] 8 1 8 PPass.9...-.--_---| 1904) Wim. Marlton... eens) | tonmnuer : ete: Mae al ae Bee eis Nee Hiram R. Dixon. por en AOR. Chicago, Ill. pa Eurema ha 226776| Prop, Carl D. Bradley.-.---| Am.| Steel.| 10028 615’0"| 65/0") 33/0"| 1 | Ch. 8. [514 W 6a Self-Un- |1927 | American Ship Bldg. Co.] .... | -.| -..| -..| -.|{) | Bradley Trans. Oo. -- General ElectricCo.| ..|2| Water = | ______| -____ Babcock & Wilcox_ Duluth, Minn. 7706 Arches | loading-Hopper Side Tanks Hatehes 12 Lorain, O. es aby Mice: Schenectady, N. Y., 1927 Bayonne, N. J., 1927 mp. R.D.F. G.C. 20616] Tug. | Carlotta-..-.-.-...-| Am.| Steel.} 29 | 51/0"|14’0"| 6/0"| 1 |___._...-.-...22.22-. 1897 1 Bemeeesen. L. Cowles 2221s = [iRise EI ie gL etal es ee rae Oe 2d ara east lacey es arc eR He Weng ee pl cad oon Oe ca ey 19 dae Bufslo, Nove | fg je SES a a : pee: NS 215614 | Prop.| Carmi A. Thompson---| Am. | Steel. | 7038|525/0"|58’0"|31/0" | 1 |Long Sys. QE] AG 1917| Ameri i | 2| £30] 4.32] 4aff§ | Butler Steamship Co riple ||3), 250-3863 American Ship Bldg] & American Ship Bldg. Fairport, O. 5658 Arches Haas ee, Fee ie De oe suena Bigs | 00) Seay fy illand os Pe, Exp. i Co., Lorain, 0., es € Induced Draft. Co., Lorain, 0., Pipe 96172| T.S.| Carolina---...--..-.| Am.| Iron. | 1304] 220'0"| 40/0" 13/0"| 3 g 7 . Goodrich Trans. Co. - 2-¥.&A. 20-40 Neafie & L ire- v ‘3 : edPass. &Freight,W| 1892| Neafie & Levy ______..- 3 al ) eafie OVVesseapos Fire-box. Neafie & Lev Duluth; Minn sackley 887 5 15 DFles 8 ria am sea in eel sc Gl eae Chicago, Til Comp. Philadelphia, Pa., 1892, Philadelphia, Pa 1602. 226022 | Tug. Carpirscot seseuuete- Ame |) Steal. 2110504091346" | 15/80 | all Wiest aria ele Helin HexpertiNi Glenth’ .alads eels! oO Pirie, Boot Diesel HT Poe le? hate Sed |eee gece eee o None yiict alee sy|ecees , 4 Chicago, ll. Pstagegiae 8 127605 | Tug. | Carter H. Harrison -.-| Am.| Oak. | 30 | 71/0"|1670"| 5/2"] 1 |... 1901 __fp | James Rolson.._..-- H. P. SheriftspMfo: Co.) 22. ):| Mire-bor: 4 slp bPOriLOLO! |e) lg Gaels ee ees oe Chicago, Il. 7k RROD | Maen | [tee Medina Cation Osi) (saki: Br Cer antieee S oe apa amps Cee Peon pie reams ind 2 reek Sa 3" oN Bs kcal Rae Chicago, Il. Milwaukee, Wis. Chicago, Ill. } ‘ 149455 | Prop.) Cartierdoc ——_——.... Brit} Steel | 1919] 253/0°| 43/2") 20'0"| 1 |Ch. Sys. ORI WE -- 1928| Swan-Hunter & Wigham | ee oe ccohivs Slit Eee Mata adv et oe tea ia ero Sen one Te ci gr SPD [ae ese tt rn beaten Gd cal kaa Deco ear AEE) OUR Sea ee See ea eee) --| as, ‘Ilia, Ont: h ; : pomedyne, Eng, , 1142) 2 Comp, Richardson, Neweastle-on-Tyne, Classed pri orporation eileen & NE Or Walker-on Tyne’ Bing’, 1928 16