STEAM VESSELS. STEAM VESSELS. x CLE p : & | pimensions IN FEET & Fe CLASSIFICATION, OWNERS OR ENGINES. BOILERS. ila 3 | = i=} A 28 ba NAME OF VESSEL < A AND INCHES. % Oe a ieee B Sue a |. MANAGERS. CYLINDERS. Be lane DIMENSIONS. | FURNACES. 63| 6a a 38 ne cates & = : eB CONSTRUCTION 3 —- £/¢ ; os ee ees hoe BUILDERS. g¢ BUILDERS. Be Ee Pe a Es] .1%8) oe tee B.. Joan Sy te awieie sa 3 g be &|& BP be PORT OF HAIL. g a3 23 a AND ABBREVIATIONS. : WHERE BUILT. CLass.| ¢ | 2% | ea i ADDRESS, OF Diameter in 4 : #3 WHERE BUILT. i WHERE BUILT. ag PE 2 é 8 gs a » 10 fa} | is} o 4 ENGINES. Inches. ri Fs z M4 DATE. A DATE. o| oO 126627 |S. W. | City of St. Joseph ..-. | Am. 254'0" |34/6" |13'6" fs Eee So) ca 0) a or ABO eee 08: =2) ve--~)|'--| ---| --| SMM odrich Transit Oo.| -:| Comp. |2|° 8654 1120/1660 | 20 | Fletcher & Co... .. |2 |Fire-box. | 11/0" |14’0" |4| 112 |4951 |110 | Lake ErieBoil. Wks. | -.. | --. | --- Duluth, Minn. ; f Lengthened 1905. vee Seth 4 | Chicago, Ill. Beam. Hoboken, N. J., 1890. Buffalo. N. ¥., 1890 Nee City of Chicago | - | is ., . a a a Tol j i | 2 . . o . 229150 | T.S. | City of Saginaw 31 -. | Am. 368'0" [57'0" |22/6" Oh. Syed Fe] EW +, Feed e, 1920.) Meanie Roe Shipbldg. | ---- | --| ---| ---| Pere Marquette Ry.| ..|Turbine || lectric |.. [7200 118 (General Hlectric Co. |.. 4 | Water-tube | .____ ---- |4| 480 20664|120 |Babcock & Wilcox _| -.. |__| --- Ludington, Mich. G.C. Car Ferry aun cA ai! Co., Ludington, Mich. Generator Motor Drive Schenectady, N. Y., 1929 Bayonne, N. J., 1929 85619 City of Sarnia - | Oak. 107'0" )29'0" )12'0" rp es Ease Berry 1880 [Detroit Dry Dock Co. | OB a time dete tl ff Port Huron & Sarnia] ..| Double |2] 203-204 |22 | 370 [120 |DryDockEng. Wks. |.. [1 |Fire-box. | 10/0" |14’0" |2| 46 [2300 |130 | Toledo Shipbldg. Co. | 4-30 |8-81 [4.80 Port Huron, Mich, open eecia peers (iss aaa la! Ferry Co. H.P. Detroit, Mich., 1880. Toledo, O., 1926 Nee Garland. 3 : | Port Huron, Mich. Non-Cond. : mae ae 126974 | S. W.| City of Saugatuck -- -- B 266'0" | 38/4" | 24’0" Pass. [47 & W-------- |1893 eee ey Diack Co. --} ---- | --| ---| ---| --1 Goodrich Transit Co.| ..| Beam |2| 4466 | 90/2000] 27 Fletcher & Co._.-. | -. |2| Scotch. 12’0" |20’0" |8| 160 |6138 |120 | Dry Dock Eng. Wks. | ... | --- | --- Duluth, Minn. er ae Chicago, Ill. Comp. 132 Hoboken, N. J., 1898. Forced Draft. Detroit, Mich., 1893. ee City of Alpena IT 126738 |S. W. | City of Toledo ....--- | Am. 2520" |31'7" |22'3" > Pass. 7 @ O---------- |1891 [Craig Ship Bldg. Co. ... | ---- | --| ---| ---| --|]] Keane, Higbie & Co.| _.| Triple | 3) 26-42-66 | 72|1200| 35 | Cleve.Shipblde.Co. |. |5| Scotch. 10’6" | 10’6"|10| 4685] 200] 170] Detroit Ship Bldg.| ...| ... | .-- Detroit, Mich. ; Lengthened 40’ 1916. troledo, 0. | Ben aa ee eo buaS i EAMOIES AHrts C 152838 City of Toronto : 230'0"| 380"| 23/0" Chan. Sys. © Js| hd Y --- |1926 |Davie Shipbldg. & Rep. | ---- Saiki Corpora’ ||] C2mada S. S. Lines,| | Triple |3| 18-30-50 [36 |1100| 84 |Richardson, West-|.. |2 | Scotch 13’6"|11/0"| 6| 115 | 3460| 185] Richardson, West-| _.. |... | --- Montreal, Que. Co., Lauzon, Levis, Que. (Cisjeed Hritish Chrporatha Ltd., Montreal, Que. Exp. garth & Co., Ltd., garth & Co., Ltd, | W. Hartlepool, Eng., 1926 W. Hartlepool, Eng., 1926 154463 City of Windsor ___-_- A 242'0"| 40'0"| 24/0" 1929| Davie Shipbldg. & Rep.| ---- | --| ---| ---] -J "| A -30- i 5 i 4 10" "gn - _ |185 | Richards pe) Apel Dace focal ee oes. Goeneel ase, dee i Clasbed British Corporati¢a ||] eed prac gr) -- pee 3] 18-30-50 | 1 | 36 | __- na oe West- |-. |2 |Scotch 10/10" )13’3" | 6} ...- | -.-. | 185 EVICHATS EON, Wes 4 W. Hartlepool, Eng., 1929 W. Hartlepool, Eng, 1929 127309 5 a: i 59/0"|14’6"| 6/5" 1898 | Johnston Bros Snes: | ots Verduin 12.2. 4 ot bet eet de Pee a> aie ioe hast Se eee rie He oper a Mee AN AL ee sel ia Satara soars ne ica Ve eRea Oars Rtg acer) E Ty SS Grand Haven, Mich. Ferrysburg, Mich. Bites Haven: Mish. fo dee ee PaCS omen ae. Jee | acess eae ooo ae he bos (Oa |e aeneee Gi ag oy 96813 . | Clara Hickler-------- . . 41/0") 12/0") 5’8" 1882 emiarir= == | (=== I Sohn F. Boyd gat oni gehen Bal eae we fie is Ref ete eit UE Rc Ba ISAS BN seal Kl beeen sea OD es iy Silt ese [rua |oce gees oko ee aera <2 toon ee Sayre atone PubRlo Ny: || Sault Ste. Marie} Ont. Bees ies | | | | 127300 Clarence A. Black-.- -- 5 413’4" | 50’2" | 28'0" Ch. 8. & @ ed Js] WR. D. F.| 1898] Cleve. Ship Bldg. Co..-.| _--_ | --| ---| ---| --l]] Pittsbure S. S.Co....| ..| Triple | 3] 22-35-58 | 40/1200] 85 | Cleve.Shipblde.Co. | _. |2| Scotch. 13/2"|11'6"|4| 88 | 3860| 165 | Cleve. Shipbldg. Co.| -..| --- | --- " | 4 P. polag Duluth, Minn. revere ee ¢. 4 Comp. Lorain, 0. Cleveland, Ohio. Exp. Cleveland, O., 1898. Forced Draft. | | Cleveland, O., 1898. constructed 1922. 205430 . | Clarence Fix 81/4") 18’4"| 70" 1908 peered =<! -s Bros. _..... 02.2 _.| Non- 1 15 17| ____|125 | Sutton Bros..___.- _. |1 | Fire-box. 10/0" |10’7}"| 1) 26.6} -__~ | 150) John Mahar)-_. 25) --2 seed Buffalo, N. Y. Buffalo, N. Y. Cond. Buffalo, N, Y., 1908. Tonawanda, N, Y., 1908. 94984 Clark Bros. ..--.--.- i : 80'0"|16/2"| 5’5" 1890 See aiee| fos.|> -SSawrence Solman_..| _.|H.P. |1 9 9 | 125 |160|H. W. Petrie _..._ | _. |1 | Fire-box. 40") 70" 11) 12) | 391 | 100). W.. Petrie... 20.2 | ee CS Toronto, Ont. Re. ’01. |Toronto, Ont. Toronto, Ont, Non-Cond. Toronto, Ont., 1892. Toronto, Ont., 1892. 121205 Clemens A. Reiss -..-| Am. ; 430/0"| 50/0"| 286" LS. G3 Js] § W.----| 1901] Chicago Ship Bldg. Co. -| 100 | 2 | 5-29) 431) 42 | Reiss S. 8. Oo... _.| Quad. |4] 15-232 |40/1700| 74 |Chicago Ship Bldg. |-. |2 |Water-tube | 12/0" |13’6" |4 | 144 |4568 |250 |Babcock & Willcox. |5-29 |4-31 [4-29 Wiig Prank", Heffelfinger! PDI, Hatches aie. 4 Comp, jcide Chicago, Il. | Sthebovean, Wis, Exp. 364-56 Co., Chicago, IIl., 1901. Assisted Draft. New York, N. Y., 1901 100755 . | Cleopatra . 5 1135") 16’9"| 9/2" 1893 | Hamilton Bridge & Iron} ---- | --| ---| ---| --[] A. E. Gooderham __-| ..| Triple | 3] 10-15-25 | 12] 300 |270|Kerr Bros. ....... .. |1|Water-tube.} 8/0"| 970"/1] 25 | 1200 |160 | Thornycroft ------- een eee |e oe Toronto, Ont. Works, Hamilton, Ont. | Toronto, Ont. Exp. Walkerville, Ont., 1893. Chiswick, Eng., 1893. 145937 Cletus Schneider... -| Am. 360'0" |50'0" ee Brow 1902 |Craig Ship Bldg. Co. -.| 100| 2 | £29) 431) 424) scincider S. 8, Co...| -.| Triple | 3] 20-323-55 | 40 |1200| 80 |CraigShip Bldg.Co. | .. |2 | Scotch. 13/2"|12/0"|4| 96 |4292|170 | LakeErieBoilerWks. | 4-29 | 4-31 | 4-29 i Nee Thomas Adams Pepediwrelisel herve peur roledo;.0: | Cleveland, O. Exp. ‘Toledo, O., 1902. Buffalo, N. ¥., 1902. 22 ae “ae