STEAM VESSELS. STEAM VESSELS. EDN ui r . | § | DIMENSIONSINFEET | & & CLASSIFICATION, j OWNERS OR ENGINES. BOILERS. aja ; ag Rein wissen : a z NS TNGHES! 3 é SYMBOLS OF zg BUILDERS. | Aaa - : ne | Sg & og AND ok = i 9 CONSTRUCTION . — |. 21/8 14 : system |—CYEINDERS. _ gels BUILDERS. Se ESE ONE Fae ences el poe BUILDERS ag ae a eel ae 2 bs ss jj ea & | ee a B R BSS pal at g 5 & paola teammate his E ae rant | @ Fe ef ADDRESS, OF Diameter in u 7 Z 3 WHERE BUILT, g 35 WHERE BUILT. < ae EI a »|ad| dsl i ENGINES. Inches. Hele é DATE. : im DATE. aH is 160707 | Prop.| Eaglescliffe Hall -- -- - Can.} Steel | 1900} 25370"| 4376") 206") 1 | Ch. Sys. G) Js] Y & .------ 1928) Smith’s Dock Co., Ltd.-) ---_ | --| _..| | MMI wal Corporation off ..| Triple | 3] 15-25-40] 33] ....| ___| Smith’s Dock Co.,| _. |2| Scotch 10’6"| 11’0"| 4| 67 | 2256) 180) Blair & Co., Ltd Montreal, Que. 1204 3 Comp. South Bank-on-Tees, Eng. Citssed British Corporaitg Faia. aeseeed oe sets ma South eee Siogton on Te a ie PALLY yes i) 136456| Tug. | Earl Bess..-..------ Can.| Oak. | 121] 8070"| 20’0"| 10/0"| 1 |@gjQ---------------.-----| 1914 Me pee oo 227+ ---- | --| ---| --| JIB} Lachance Limitee _.| -.| F. & A.| 2} 15-26 | 20] 200] 125] John Doty....---.| -.| 1] Scotch. 8/0"|12/0"| 2] ._..| 750 |140|Park Brothers,| -._| -..] _-- Quebee, Que. 72 Siar aaa a Quebec, Que. | Comp. Toronto, Ont., 1896. Chatham, Ont., 1909. 204664| Prop.| E. A. S. Clarke ------ Am.| Steel.| 5750] 532’0"| 56/0") 30/0"| 1 |Ch.S. BU GIG ------ 1907 | Superior Ship Bldg. Co.-) ---- | --| --.| | IP} Interlake S. 8. Co. .-| -.| Quad. | 4] 18}-283-434 42] 2200] 80 | Superior Ship Bldg.| _. |2| Water-tube | 11’0"|12’2"| 4] 148 | 5800] 250| Babcock & Wilcox ear Bope Hak ae Scop Spero reas ae ee | Chreand, Ohio Exp, t 66 4 Beare Wi, ries Induced Draft. Co., New York, pinata) (ide ts 9° =~ 126199 | Prop.| E. A. Shores, Jr... -- -- Can.| Oak. | 593] 162'0"| 34/0"| 11'0"| 1 Ja XX Jul fm _-------------- 1892 | Rieboldt, Wolter ei Comithess| 2.| _-.| aaa Mullen Coal Co. -._| --| F.& A.| 2} 16-43 | 36] 450] 90] Vulcan Iron Wks._| .. |2]| Scotch. 9’6"| 12'0"| 4) 80 | 2925) 150} Manitowoc Boiler__} -__| __. | __- .| Windsor, Ont. 310 Sheboygan, Wis. Amherstburg, Ont. Comp. Milwaukee, Wis., 1892. Forced Draft. Wks., Manitowoc, Wis., 1892. 136981] S. W. Eastern States Saws Am.| Steel.) 3077] 350’0"| 45'3"| 19’6"| 4 |Pass. & Fr. 0g Js] & W | 1902 | Detroit Ship Bldg. Co._.} -.-_ | --} ---| -..| .JP} Detroit & Cleveland __| Inc. 3 | 3] 52-72-72] 84] 4200] ___| Detroit Ship Bldg.| .. | 6] Scotch. 13’6"] 11'9" |12) 275 |13258) 140} Detroit Ship Bldg.| -._| .__| - Detroit, Mich. 1566 Wyandotte, Mich. Nav. Co. . Cyl.Comp. Co., Detroit, Mich., 1902. Forced Draft. Co., Detroit, Mich. = Detroit, Mich. 132069 | Prop.| Easton -.----------- Brit.| Steel.| 1757) 2500") 42’6") 186") 1 |ChS. @O Jal seeeete 1912 | Sunderland S. B. Co.--_} 100 2) 5-29) 3-31) 30) | Mathews S. S. Co.__-] --| Triple | 3] 17-28-46 | 33} 900| 90| North Eastern M.| --| 2] Scotch. 11/0"| 12/0"| 4] _._. | -.-.]185| North Eastern M. E. | 5-29} 3-31 | 3-29 Toronto, Ont. 1129 Arches,| Hatches 24’¢. 2 Comp. Sunderland, Eng. | Toronto, Ont. Exp. rae Sunderland, Eng., Co., Sunderland, Eng., 1912. 138870 | Prop.| Eastrich---. -....---- Can.| Steel.| 2027| 266’0"| 38'0"| 23/0"| 1 jo w Js]_-------------- | 1890 | Cleveland Ship Bldg. Co. 90 1) 4-30) 431) 4a) | Jas. Richardson &| --| Triple | 3] 17-29-47 | 36] 735] 80| Cleveland Ship} -.| 2] Scotch. 11’0"| 12’0"| 4| 44 | 2908] 160| Cleveland Ship Bldg. | 4-30] 4-31 | 4-30 Bort d Sunes 1214 HB. Bie wate i ale oat Cleveland, 0. [Rivers and Harbors Sons, Ltd., Kingston, Ont. Exp. ee Co., Cleveland, O., Co., Cleveland, O., 1890. 200666 | Prop.| E. C. Collins -------- Am. | Steel. | 4132] 420'0"|50'0"|28’0"| 1 |Ch.S. BW GIs] A------- 1904 | American Ship Bldg. Go.| -.-. | --| ---| --.| || | Pittsburg 8. S. Co.__| -.| Triple | 3] 22-35-58 | 40|1500| 86 | AmericanShipBldg] --| 2] Scotch. 13'2"|11'6"| 4) 88 | 4292) 170) American Ship Bldg.J -..) -.| -- BE ae Shi 3001 Arches, es DEN eer hes, 24’¢. 4 Comp. Lorain, Ohio. Cleveland, Ohio Exp. Co., Cleveland, O., 1904. Induced Draft. Co., Cleveland, O., 1904. 207815 | Tug. E. C. Dempsey-- ----- Am.| Steel.| 87 79'0"| 20'0"|10'6"| 1 |Harbor Tug © Go Js]-.----- | 1910 | American Ship Bldg. Co.| -.-. | --| ---| ---| --|/ | Great Lakes Dredge & -.| F.& A.| 2] 16-32 | 24] 300/100] American Ship] -- |1|Scotch. 10’6” |12’0" |2] 40 |... |140 | American Ship Bldg. } --. | --. | --. Chicago, Ill. 38 Cleveland, O. | | Posk oor Comp. Pde: Co., Cleveland, O., Co., Cleveland, O., 1910. | ucago, ill. 126643 | Tug. | E. C. Oggel---------- Cans Oaks.) bt 497 BN 13 OPEB ew ate ta Bs eo as STAN ena aem le as | Te Lowe & Ainslee..._.| _.| H. P. |1 10 12] 120 | 140] J. B. Wilson ..__- -- | 1| Fire-box. OA ASO ESE eas eae BO fh selene ecard 22) ee Eoenoyes One wv Grand Haven, Mich. | | | Port Dover, Ont. Non-Cond. Detroit, Mich., 1874. ee | 205648 | Tug. Ecorse. Be ey ogee | Am.| Comp) 52° | 61'0")18’0"|1070"| 1 Iw ywfe@g-------.-.-.__-__. 1908 |Great Lakes Engineering] .... | ..| ---| ---| -| | GreatLakesEng.Wks| _.| H. P. | 1 18 DE MeN fhe bao ee eee oe bore: 66" Fa'S! (2) SB57 SlF 120) soba as Lesa 222 |) seen ‘corse, Mich. | 35 Chan. Sys. : Works, Ecorse, Mich. | Detroit, Mich. Non-Cond. Buffalo, N. Y., 1881 Buffalo, N. Y., 1881 , | alee yar SF 2 136192 | Prop. E. C. PONG ee eee sey Amn. | Biel A 2787) 82100442" OF 240 Od old abel heen oe ieee fe eee 1891 | Detroit Dry Dock Co. -- 90 | 1| 4-30) 4-31) 43) | Nicholson - Universal] ..| Triple | 3] 22-35-56 | 44| 1150) 86 | Detroit Dry Dock |.- |2 | Scotch 15/6")11'10"|__| ____ | ..-. |180 | Wininsinnit Ship. -_] 4-30) 4-31] 4-30} ilmington, Del. 1887 Automobile Carrier Re.’18 | Detroit, Mich. Steamship Co., Detroit, Mich. Exp. Detroit, Mich., 1891. Re.’18 Bldg. Co., Chelsey, Mass., 1922 105938 | Tug. Ed. Lenahan Bensiee es | Am.) Oak. | 14 at 48/ 081120071 26700: is1t ibe bs, So cees ete eas SAQA aD attle amen eee oe Sore) 2) 2. ee Benj. L. Cowles _._.] ..| Non- | 2 14 14] ____| __. | Whitman & Oo. .. |. |1|Fire-box BON) 9408 [£.) 20S |. Sa eae. SEU | N'Neo A. A. Bellinger i Buffalo, N. Y. Buffalo, N.Y. Cond. Buffalo, N. Y. s 122856 | Prop.| Edmonti E iS) g0u "ge or : . ‘ or 6" 5 ri f Pp monton ---..----.| Eng.| Steel. | 1983 | 249’0’ | 42’8"/23/0"| 2 lm @egyA -----.---_ . |1906 IR. St _|..||Canada Steamsh Triple | 3| 17-28-46 | 33] 950 | 84 |N. E. Marine Eng. | -. | 2| Scotch. 11'0"|10’6" |4|__._|-.-. |185|N. E. Marine Eng.| --.| -.-| --- Eres us: 1341 Hatches ar a ee ee Set pheas Chprm NEN Tince Linited., Montreal, qce] "| \xxpe Co., Newenstle, Eng. 108 Co., Neweastle, Eng., 1906. 136545 | Tug. | Edna G Am. | Steel. | 154 | 92’6" |23'0"|12’0"| 1 [Lone S i 6" |" 2 ‘ i ] estat tal Sal elt : * 8. 5 GJ & -.-.. |1896 |Cl S _| .--| -+| | Duluth & Iron Range] __| F. & A.|2| 18-40 |30]|700 | 90 |Cleveland Shipbldg. |-. |1| Water-tube} 3/6" |11’7"/|1] 46 | 2160] 200| Babcock & Wilcox _}| -.-| --.| --. i Duluth, Mina, 67 ss OR 6 ay Slog Ship Bldg. Co. | ---. | --| -- isn. Co; Daas ucce ae ae Co., Cleveland, ot ians 8 New York, N. ¥., 1896