Channel Buoy PORT SIDE LATERAL SYSTEM LEFT PORT SIDE Mid-Channol Marks port side of channels be left to pes Guide STARBOARD SIDE RIGHT STARBOARD SIDE Entering from Seaward Marks starboard side of chan- ions. To be left and obstructions. To d. k lumbering: None Color of Lights: White Only Numbering: Odd SHORT—LONG FLASHING Color of Light: White or Green Ci =~= FLASHING [oe ae ete OCCULTING Ms Lighted Li QUICK FLASHING a 4 importa wrecks, atc., where pal caution is required. Ay 3 Can Spar ‘Nun to starboard when passed. J Color: Ret Numbering: Even Color of Lights: White or Red FLASHING OCCULTING QUICK FLASHING Marking im pe ecko ete, where pariulet red. oN =e. JUNCTION Entering from Seawé and brains hich "side. Preferred channel Siew By color of Color Ret and Back Roser nds Numbering: None. May be lettered. Color of Light: Whi Redo Green Light Phaso Characteristics 6. 6, INTERRUPTED QUICK FLASHING - = [J seeas: sconce | Mar une Where preferred a channel is to a STARBOARD ORT the topmost band the Feil band is BLACK 4 sRED la * Bell = te lighted Unlighted Bell Unlighted Whi Where prefered Lighted . ha s © Bell Unlighted Bell Unlighted Whistle