Channel Buoy Guide PORT SIDE LATERAL SYSTEM STARBOARD SIDE RIGHT PORT SIDE Mid-Channel STARBOARD SIDE : i tering from Seaward 'Marks port side of channels on Mid-Channel Marks starboard side of chan- and obstructions. To be left to ick and White Vedtical Stripes nels and obstructions. To be left sed. port when passed. Color: Black to starboard wh Catone of igh White Only Red SHORT--LONG FLASHING Numbering: Odd Numbering: Even Color of Light: White or Green IT -- NW ----W--Color of Lights: White or Red == FLASHING FLASHING ae ees) i a ee a) OccULTING ia OccULTING === Se Ughted QUICK FLASHING QUICK FLASHING barren arRar ea ee Marking important tum Marking important tums wrecks, ioe -- particular ete, re particular 'caution . 7s x mi tea ka | JUNCTION Ent ard =a. P clon which may be _$ passed on either si ree ferred channel is it Lighted dicated by color bering: None. May be lettered. lor of Light: Whit ies attor Gren hase Characteristics: INTERRUPTED QUICK FLASHING é ------Ei= . ° a. par Tor Where preferred==>-2:<---- Where preferred channel is to a stra is to STARBOARD the topmost band the Riss band is BLACK @ isRED 6 id 9 Unlighted Bell Unlighted Bell = Unlighted Whistle