KNOW YOUR SHIPS a ae 4 L 8 Copyright 1985 by Thomas Manse gy Twenty Sixth Edition ISSN No. 0190-5562 Corrected by John Vournakes KNOW YOUR SHIPS Reorder by mailing $5.50 + .75¢ for handling and postage. We mail anywhere in the United States. Also available, the book, ‘‘Know Your Lakers of World War 1’ @ $5.25, and Stack Marking Charts, @ $4.50 plus 75¢ for postage and handling for each. Please Note: The new issue of the book, ‘‘Know Your Ships’’, will be ready for mailing on or about April 1 of each year. We have eliminated the yearly letter announcing the book is available due to the increase in postage. Catalogs of other books available. Reorder in Canada $6.75 U.S. funds + .75¢ postage. Published and Printed by: Marine Publishing Company, Inc. Thomas perth pepsnet st Office Sault ges MSE TAchioan 49783 Photo on front cover by Dasgen Photography, Duluth, MN Photo on back cover yy Steve Hoegler