SHIPS OF THE INLAND SEAS A. OCEAN BULK FREIGHTER Carrier bulk freight, usually grain, up to 1,000,00 bushels. They measure from 550 to 725 feet and carry 40 crewmen. Speed 12to 15 . SELF-UNLOADER Bulk freighter with self- contained equipment to discharge its Cargo; 80 now in service. Average length 0dteet, capacity about 20,000 tons. Crew fe) 4 FANKER Designed to carry liquids, usually oil. There are 60 on the Great Lakes, eac carrying about 50,000 barrels. Most are about 450 feet long and run at little more than 10 knots speed OCEAN GENERAL CARGO VESSEL Identified by derricks and booms which nable them to load various package cargoes, these ships are usually 550 to 600 feet. Capacity 12,000 tons, crew 40, speed nots. . LAKES BULK FREIGHTER Designed for coal, grain or iron ore, the largest are 1,000 feet, 000 tons. Diesel or m