SHIPS OF THE INLAND SEAS often grain, up to 1 se 0730 feat caries 30 + crewmembers. speed 18-17 moh, RBOR 1,200 hip. and a crew of 4. PPE é PILOT BOAT E, about 20,000 tons; crew 30. (See also L) F.COAST {(Seeaso by) 10 mph, 10-12 mph; crew 4. i SSEL - Id us package cargos; usually 550-600 feet in length. « ‘takes ‘BULK FREIGHTER - Designed for coal, stone, grain or iron ore, the largest of is sig a tid f peed 15 pie crew of 30. L. 1,000 FOOT GREAT LAKES BULK to Eand K, apparatus. Speed 15 mph; crew 30. M. COAST GUARD CUT , Search & AZZ Ph eared N/