CONTENTS /‘02 Vessel of the Year: Stewart J. Cort .... Passages Old Lakers, New Careers .... Marine Milestones VESSEL INDEX .. FLEET LISTINGS (Great Lakes/Seaway) Colors of the Great Lakes & Seaway Smokestacks .... Colors of Major International Great Lakes & Seaway Fleets ..... Flags of Nations in the Marine Trade .. Vessel Engine Data - U.S. / Canadian Lakers SALTWATER FLEETS Marine Museums . Marine Museums Ashore Meanings of Boat Whistles Loading / Unloading Ports Following the Fleet .. The information contained herein was obtained from the The American Bureau of Shipping, be a Lawrence Seaway Authority, The Lake Carriers’ Association, The Institute for Great Lakes arch, Jane's Merchant Ships, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, Fairplay Internet Ships Register, anepart Canada, The US. Army Corps of Engineers,, Wayne Tug Database I Society and the Marine eve Society of Detroit. Covering the waterfront: ER ae Great Lakes and Seaway Shipping Guide to Boats & Boatwatching Great Lakes & St Lawrence Seaway 2 KYS 2002