Vessel Name / Fleet Number Vessel Name / Fleet Number Vessel Name / Fleet Number Le Sun it IH. C-22 Luedtke , Kurt. L-16 Marcoux, Cami oF Le Tareau M-17 Lydi W-2 Mi t H-12 Leb. IT-8 Lyke 10-1 Mi ret M. ai) d IR2 —_ Lykes Inspirer 10-1 Marie Jean 1E3 Lee, Nancy A.... Lat Lykes Raider 10-1 Marilis T. IT-1 Leitch, Gordon U-13,5-6 __Lykes Runner. 10-1 Marine Star £9 Leitch, John D. Wi M f Leliegracht. Lemmergracht.. Levantgracht Le : Mackay, Tony, Mackenzie, Wm. Lyon, Linda Jean. LiNdeN seen Linnhurst Lisa E, Lita Little Rock. Mackinaw Cy... Mackinaw... Madeline Magnetic. Maid of the Mist IV.. Maid of the Mist V... Maid of the Mist VI. Maid of the Mist VI. MBT 33. McAllister 132 Ludingto Luedtke, Alan K.... Luedtke , Chris R. Luedtke , Erich R. Luedtke , Karl E. ‘McAsphalt 401. Mandarin... Manistique Manitou Isle McLane. McLeary’s Spiri VOLMEBoRG 26 Saltwater vessel Volmeborg in Lake St. Cl: (Gene W. Peterson) KYS 2003