GREAT LAKES / SEAWAY FLEETS Listed after each vessel in order are: Type of Vessel esr Built Type of Engine, Maximum Cargo Capacity (at mide summer r ross Tonnage", p of the keel to the top of the upper deck beam) o Draft". Th ib for Shipping and Lloyds Register eta 19 toma Former names of vessels and years of operation under former names apes be loci the one listed, have carried that name. KEY TO TYPE OF dpaae 28 ti DR Integrated Tug/Barge 2s 2Masted Schooner — DS verunnnnnn Spud om tor ge sssenger Vessel 3 3 Masted Schooner DV. Drilling Vessel Pilot i joat 4s 4 Masted Schooner DW. AC. Auto Carrier E 6 hip PK aca Prightcr AT. ted Tug EV Env.Response Ship RR rw. V/Roll ATB. Fries Tore FB Fire Boat RT. pie Tanker BB. D. 9 Research esse BC Ik Carrier FT. Fishing Tug SB I BK. Bulk Gaerne GA Gambling Casino SC see carer BT. er GC General Cargo SR. cc. Cement Carrier GL Gate Lifter. SU st lu cr GR Gi Launch SV. sel co. Container Vessel GU Unloader TB. die c Crane Ship HL. Heavy Lift Vessel TF Train Fe DB Deck B: HY Hydrofoil TK DD. Destroyer 1B. Ice Breaker TT. Tractor Tug Boat DH Hopper Barge IT. Integrated Tug TV. Training Vessel KEY TO PROPULSION B. Barge S. team - Skinner “Unaflow” Engine D. Diesel T. team - Turbine Engine Q d Vasc Jniflow Engine -"“Skinner” Design R team - Triple Exp. Ci ine W ling Vessel (Wind) Fleets. Fleet Name Typeot Year Type of CargoCap. overall Depth or Vessel Name Vessel Built Engine or Gross" Length Breadth Oraft™ Ad A.B. M. MARINE, THUNDER BAY, ON McAllister 132 DB 1954 = B 7,000 343'00" 6300" 19°00" (Powell No. 1 ‘54-'61, Alberni ari ‘61 sd iinet 12 77-79) Radium Yellowknife D —-235* — 120'00"--28'00"—«6'06" W.N.Twolan 1B 302 D 99" 10600" 2905" 15°00" (leet also includes the 150’ denick barges Radium 603, Radium 604, Radium 607, im 610, Radium 611, Radium 617, Radium 623, Radium 625 and Radium 631) A2 ACHESON VENTURES LLC, PORT HURON, MI Highlander Sea ES/2S 1927, W 140 15400" 25'06"_—14’00" (Pilot 27-76, Star Pilot ‘76-'98, Caledonia '98-'98) A3 ACME MARINE SERVICE, aril a D 10* —-35'00" 900" 4'06" Marine Tader 2 1939 D 60" 65'00".—-15'00".—7'06" Oatka Te 1934 10* — 40'00"._—-10'00". 406" a4 ALCAN ALUMINUM LTD., PORT ALFRED, QC Alexis ‘Simard TT 198 D 286" 92°00" 34’00"_—13'07" 1972 D194" -86'06"_—30'00"_—12'00" 34 KYS ‘04