Erie Maritime M PORT COLBORNE MARINE & HISTORICAL M USEUM, 280 KING STs PORT COLBORNE, ON mura: from th nchor from the propeller ship Raleigh and a ifeboat from the steamer io May-December. U.S. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS MUSEUM, soo LOCKS VISITOR CENTER, EAST PORTAGE LT STE. MARIE, MI - (906) 632-3311: histone photos and a 25-minute film. Also, three Homeport U.S. Bi g Niagara Official Flagship of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania 150 East Front St. Erie, PA 16507 814-452-2744 Visitor Center desk for a list of vessels expected at the locks. WELLAND CANAL VISITOR CENTRE, AT LOCK 3, THOROLD, ON - (905) 984-8880: Museum traces the development of the Welland Canal. Museum Check at 3. WISCONSIN MARITIME MUSEUM, 75 MARITIME DRIVE, MANITOWOC, WI - (920) 684-0218: Displays explore the history of area www. brig Manitowoc. The World War Il submarine Cobia is. nll year. ° . Celebrating Lake Superior 80 Years Afloat! | Launched in 1925 as the flagship of ve Cleveland-Cliffs fleet, the r was , galley, crew and guest quarters, and special exhibits. SS William G. Mather Maritime Museum East Ninth Street Pier - Cleveland, Ohio OPEN MAY - OCTOBER Info-Line: (216) 574-6262 KYS ‘05 Maritime Visitor Center Duluth-Superior Harbor Ships Lighthouses Shipping Channels Shipwrecks Locks Harbors History Cargoes Most- gue site in the erior Basin The Boatwatchers Paradise 1-218-722-6489 Hotline Ship Canal Webcam & Membership IS Army Corps of Engineers.