Fleet #. Fleet Name Typeot Year Typeot_CargoCap. Vessel Name Vessel Built Engine or Gross" St. Clai su 1976 D400 Built: oy Shipbuilding Co, Sturgeon Bay, WI Walter J. McCarthy Jr. su 1977, D 850 Built: Bay Shipbuilding Co,, Sturgeon Bay, WI (Belle River - 30 co. The Colum! PACF 1946 DD 65" (Crystal 0, st a Fos The Ste. Claire PACE 1997 D 82" (Courtney 0,,M. Bourbonnais) ANDREW G. MUELLER, MILWAUKEE, WI Mermai TB 1936 uw (Calship James Kenneth, Quitin, Jake M. Kadinger) poe INC., MUSKEGON, pe 1982 B 2,346" “canoe ‘82'92) 962 BB (2,928" pont ‘Mame ‘62-'91, Iron site's ay ‘09 -410 19: B 3,793" (Methane i ‘63, B-6400 63-71, Kelly’ 74 canon 50°86-'93) Barbara Ai 1B 298" ‘edmond! Moran 40-76) Barbar. TO 1981 =D 15* Candace 1958 B 1,000 (MCD 58-73, Minnesota ‘73-'88) Clara Andri 1930 B 1,000 John Joseph Te 41993 15* Karen Andrie {2} TB 1965 DS 433* sn Hays ‘65-'93) Meredith Andrie Ds = 1971 B 21" noe - a TR 1964 DO 433* wot’ Crewi ‘64-'96) Robert Purcell TR 1943 =D 29" Ronald J. Dahlke TB 41903 =D 58° (Bonita ‘03-'14, Chleaga Harbor No. 4'14-'60, Eddie B.’60-’69, Seneca Seneca Queen ‘96-'04) \POSTLE ISLANDS CRUISE oe eyireto, wi Island Princess {2} 63 ARNOLD TRANSIT CO., tora ae MI mah PF/PK Algor D 125 Bear 1952 D 87* Chippewa 6 PF/PK 1962 D 125 Corsair CF 1985 98* Huron {5} PF/PK 1955 DD 80 Island Expr PF/CA 1988 =D 90" Mackinac Express PF/CA 1987 D 90* Mackinac Islander CF 1947, 99" (Drummond Islander 47-02) Ottawa {2} PF/PK 1959 125 Straits Expres PFICA 1995 D 99" Straits of Mackinac I PF/PK 1969 89" ATLANTIC a uD. sain JOHN. NB Atlantic Ced D 402* Atlantic eagle B 1909 D 3,080" oth rant 770'00" 9200" 1,000'00" 105'00" 6500" .28'10" 8606" 32'00" 4100" 10'00" 310'00" 6000" 270'00" 6000" 335'00" 5400" 12110" 29°06" 36°00" —14’00" 15000" 52’00" 11000" 30’00" 40°00" 1400" 12000" 3106" 14000" —-50’00" 12000" -31'08" 4502" 12'08" 6303" 17°05" Queen ‘69-70, Ludington 65'07" 20°05" 9300" 3100" 6409" -30'02” 9300" 3100" 94°06" 3300" 91'06" —25'00" 8207" 28°06" 82'07" 28°06" "00" 30°00" 9300" 3100" 10100" 2911 8911" 27'00" 9404" 36'05" 247/06" 59°05" Depth or Dratt® 52'00" 56'00" 8°06" 600" 19°03" 2500" 26°06" 16°00" 600" 10'00" 18°09" 7'09" 903” 70-96, 17°09" 19°10" KYS‘07