has. Asher TB 1967 D 39% 49°02". 17°06" Built: Sturgeon Bay Shipbuilding Co, Sturgeon Bay, WI hn R. As! 43 3* 68°09" 20°00" Built: coe ‘Works, Houston, TX (U. S. Army ST-71 '43-'46, neato ‘46-64, fede Louie S. TB 1956 D Spuds Ee 1944 D ie ae oo" 1 05" 1954 60* 65'00"19'01” oa ee ene Port Arthur, TX «on Bennie ’54~82, Dural scout 82-87) Timmy A. 1953 D 33'06" 10'08” RUSSELL ISLAND TRANSIT CO., BLGONAG: MI Islander {2} ACF 1967 D 38" 41'00"_-15'00" pile MARINE CONSTRUCTION CO., CHEBOYGAN, MI oeanere com) 7, Donegal 67-85) 00" 610" 8°00" 4°05" 5’04" 5’04" 5'02” 306" mber 6500" 1401" 10'00" iat love rhipverd Inc, Buffalo, NY (E.W. Sutton 22-'52, ioe 52- ing D 4600" 14'03" 6'00" Kathy Lynn 8034887 TB 1944 D 140" 8500" 24°00" 906" Built: Decatur Iron & Steel Co,, Decatur, AL (U.S. Army ST-693 me 79, cal pene: ge ou Rochelle Kaye TB 1963 19°04" _7'00" _ a Chas Steel Works Inc,, aa: 1A \ ote eo 2, tam 2 D149" 79°01" 25'06"— 12'06" Bs ingle Shipbuilding Corp, ed ry een '60-'91, Tatarrax '91-'93, Nan McKay ‘93~’95) SAGINAW VALLEY NAVAL SHIP pevseun ig rus ML areca org) Edson [DD-946] 418'03" 4503” 10 U.S. Navy in ‘04, expected to open as a marine museum at Bay City, MI, in'17 SCOTLUND STIVERS, MARINETTE, WI “88; from ‘89-04 on display in’90. Returned Arthur K. Atkinson PA 1917 D 3,241* 384'00" 56°00" 20'06" Ec ip (Ann Arbor No.6 ‘17-'59) Robert S. Pierson in the St. Clair River. (Dave Michelson)