4 Xs ype Breadth Depth KEWEENAW EXCURSIONS ING SUARLEVODG be ewer com) 97* 11000" 2304" 6'03" Be yen is Crown Point, i Aare Ha paiae is De Bruce) oon LAKE TOWING LP, CHICAGO, IL BE On 94* 9500" 2600" 11’00" i Poe Bros. Shipyard, Houston, ud tind tot ae ‘67, fee : ie 67-95) nald C. 884 D 91'00" 29'00" 11'06" a Main Iron Works Inc, Houma, Hh ona nah ‘62- ed Ellie 29* 30°07" 16°00" 4’06" Built: Big River Shipbuilding Inc, Vicksburg, MS is a om Morgan 197. 134" 90'00" 30°00" 10/06" Built: ead Builders Inc,, Sturgeon Bay, WI Coal oF Tl 74-'86, eee ‘86-'95) Old Mission D ue 00” 23°00" 10°04” 47. tung Vane T-880°45- Adrienne B.'64-'95) KING CO. INC., HOLLAND, MI Barry J TB 1943 D 26" 4600". _13'00". 700" it n Bay, WI Buxton Il DR 1976 B 147* 13002" 28°01" 700" rol Ann TB 1981 D 86" 6105". _24'00" 8°07" Built: Rodriguez Boat Builders, Bayou La Batre, AL John Henry TB 1954 D 66" 65'04" 19°04" 9'06" Built nee Valley Steel, Leavenworth, KS (U.S. Army ST-2013'54~'80) Julie TB 1937 D 64" —68'08"_ 18°01" 706" Be TX (Dernier, Matt Allen TB 1961 D 146" 80'04" 2400" 11/03" ic ‘61-73, American Hid 73-83, 83-05 Miss Edna TB 1935 D 36°08" 1102" 408" Built: Levingston Shipbuilding, Orange, TX KINGSTON 1,000 ISLANDS CRUISES, KINGSTON, on (1000ondsenae r a) Island Belle! LP) 65 22'00" 800" Port Stanley, ON il ei) Island Queen Ill ES 1975 D 300" 96'00" 26'00" 11/00" Papoose Ill ES 1968 D 110* 64’08" 23/03" 703” Built: Hike Metal Products Ltd, Wheatley, ON (Peche Island I!) Mis NEGRATE aaa kENOMINEE am Gswarchosing erie html) 9,400 00” 54'00" _30'00” Ashtabi i hull at Marinette, WI LAFARGE CANADA INC., POINTE-CLAIRE, QC English River 5104382 CC 1961 D 7,450 404’03” 60'00" 36’06” (now Thunder Bay), ON, in'74 LAFARGE NORTH AMERICA INC., ane) cee CU empseenitmterar J.B. Fe 8, 000 440'00" 50h ee 28'00" 9; last Lorain, operated No an and now laid up ie ee (Edwin F. Holmes’04-'16, E.C. Collins 1 ‘59) ., MUSKEGON, a ee com) G.L. Ostrander 7501106 AT. ‘1976 ‘D198 40'01" 2, New Orleans (Andrew Matin 76 90, Robert L. Torres es at 94-04) Int 8637213 CC 1996 B 14,000 460'00" 70'00" 37'00" i By Shipbuilding Co, See Bay, 9082336 CC 2006 B 7,320* 460'00" 70'00" 37'00" Ba Bay ‘Shipbuilding Co, sual Bay, Samuel de Champlain 3799 AT 1975 D 299* 140'02" 39°02" 20°00" eee ry 75-78, ( Tender Panther'78- 79, Margarita 79-83, Vortice‘83-'99, Norfolk’99-06)