N-4 N-6 O- & 2 & Breadth NADES) MARINE SERVICES Rey bom pOvEty oN pooner ca) 19 142" 91'00" 26'00" ae lke Metal Products Ltd, imc ‘ON fan Z 78 % Intrepid III 1976 39* 6600" 17’00” Built: els ‘Marine Ltd., Chalmette, LA Lac Manitoba 1B 1 51* 6400" 16'07" Built: cael Bridge Co,, Trenton, ON (Tanac 75 ‘44-'52, Manitoba ‘52-'57) ahound TB 1941 D = 57* Se ae Equitable Equipment Co, New Orleans, LA uated 41-56, Sea ole Be ea ican ee 80-00) D ven come Gamble, Port Dover, ON Vigilant TB 1944 111" 79°06" 20°11" Built aes Brothers Ltd, Owen Sound, ON (HMCS Glenlivet We 43] 44-'75, Glenlivet II 75-77, Canadian Franko’77-82, Glenlivet I'82~00) NAUTICA ue CRUISE DINING, CaS on a asi com) 124'00" 3102" ica Queer a ‘ain Marine Corp., Warren, Rl (Bay ee ‘el 3 eae ois “85-'88, Star of Nautica ‘88-'92) NAUTICAL ADVENTURES, BORONTD: ON (nauticaladventure.com) Empire Sandy 5071561 5/35 1943 D/W 338* 140/00" 32/08" 806" 7'06" 710" 8°00" 4/03" 10'02” 8/09" 14'00" ry 2 UK ( . £5 1976 D 325" 92/00" 26/00" Built: Marlin Yacht Co, Summerstown, ON (Cayuigall’76~'82) NEW role POWER AUTHORITY, pews NY 1962 D 29% 43°03" 14'03” Dan ioe MH 1979, D 25" 43'03"-15'00" lavasu Il cs 2010 B 114" 8000" 34’00" 10’00" 5°00" 5'00" 5°00" ., TROY, NY ees in Elli 960 D 27". 4707" 15°02" Built: ‘Gladding Beam Shipbuilding, Somerset, me (El. en largot D> 141* — 90'00" 25'00" Built: Jakobson Shipyard, Oyster Bay, NY (Jolene: oe Mag ‘Moran) AULT STE. MARIE, MI Empire State PB 1951 D 21" 4109" 12'04” David Allen PB 1964 D 32" 56°04" 13'03” Linda Jean PB 1950 D 17" 3800" 10'00” CLAYTON, NY Maple Grove PK 1954 D 55* 73°07" 20'00" OLYMPIA THORNHILL, ON Enterprise 2000 FS 1998 D 370" 121'06" 35'00" ONTARIO MNigeY OF NATURAL RESOURCES, GS RECEDE etc Erie Explor: 05" Built: et Pi Ltd., Port Stanley, ON ag oe A Hurot er RV 2010 D 112* 62'00"_21'03” Bull ie ai Products Ltd, Wheatley, ON Keenosay RV 1957 D 68" 5104” 20°07" Built: 5.G. Powell Shipyard Ltd,, Dunnville, ON Namaycus! RV 1954 D 28* 6503" 12'00" Built: Mathieson Boat Works, Goderich, ON Nipigon Ospre RV 1990 D 33* 42'04"_—-14'09" Built: Kanter Yachts Corp, St. Thomas, ON Ontario Explorer RV 2009 D 84* 6409" 2103” Built: Hike Metal Products Ltd, Wheatley, ON ONTARIO powen GENERATION INC., RoRONTSY on Niagara Queen Il D 58* 5601" 18'00" Built: Hike Metal Products Ltd, Wheatley, ON omsone MATL CO,, GRAND Every OF (ee ce ee) 7:02 10°00" 6'06" 600" 500" 900" 600" 4°08" 600" 207" 401" 608" 600" 6'08" 900 114’00" 23'00" i i 11'00"