we TH ; a ee ee ane why rth “A ety ae THE DHTROT 3 i Aes Ds FROLE 2 Volume 1, No.2 October, 1947 RHEE HHH auNOUNGLDT The Ogtober meeting will be held on Wednesday, October 22nd at 8 P.M. in the Conference Room of the Detroit News, 615 W. Iafayette, The speaker will be either lr.Daniel Wallace, of Wallace~ burg, who will tell us about the sinking of the Georgian Bay steamer MANASOO, of which he was one of the few survivors, or ur .Kenne th E,.Smith, whose paper is entitled "Ships that Never Die." o All are urged to come, and to invite their friends and acquddntances, Rev,idward J.D wiing, S.J. Secretary. KHEKEKHHHH HH HEHEHE KHKRKKHHKKKHHKKRHRHEHKE HEH HH Our journal has been well received by ali who have seen our first issue. Your editor has been requested to save sevaral copies for libraries and other files, Your contributions ere always welcome. eeHHRHH HH THE The thirty odd members and friends of our soslety who made CRUISE the first annual cruise are “tnaaimou. 3 in voicing their enjoyment of the trip, last month on theMANILOULIN, Despite the co’l weather, the trip was blessed with moderately smooth seas and clear weather, The WANITOULIN prcved herself a fine sea boat, All- have expressed a desire for a similer outing next year, Our sincere thanks go to Mr.Keith Smith for this rasterful piece of planning, and our hope that we my avail ourselves cf his generous services in the future. Asa matter of informetion, the MAHITOULIN was built in 1669 et Yokes, Scotland, and sailed across the Atlantis to serve in the milton Steamboat Line, She operated on Lake Ontario until the early twenties, when she was sold to her present owners and rebuilt for the Georgian Bay service, Her original name was MODJUSKA, Her dimensions are 178 x 31 x 12, and her Canadian registry nuitber is 96058. eee ER CAPT, Captain Bill is improving rapidly from his recent illness, TAYLOR and we may look forward to having him among us soon, Incidentally the cruise party saw Gaptain Taylor's beloved tender ASPEN laid up at the SOO. A short biography of him appears in the current number of "Inland Seas." eH HH K & DR, The interesting biographical sketch which DR.Neil Lorrison EORRISON gave us at cur last meeting will appear in two parts in Windsor "Star" on Saturdays, October 25th, end November lst, This is the seventh paysr given tufcers cur goolety to get into print.