tor PATERSON Pr age Nes 1915 at Fort William, Ont., with four ships, FLEET et H.BOY! JAMES P.DONALDSON, D. R. VAN ALLEN, old wooden tiaignters, TaTABARA. a converted sidewhesler formerly the DRUID, built in Sootland. In tho early twenties the line adopted the "doo" suffix for the names of its ships. Fleet to date listed below. 1923 CALGADOC, ex THOMAS J.DRUMMOND, 1910, lost 1937 THORDOC, ex J.A.McKEE, 1908, wrecked, Prince EBdw.Island, 3-30-10" 1925 NOVADOC i, ex D. 8. MoKAY, ex CANADIAN PATHFINDER, 1920, 01d NEWBRUNDOC i, ex N.S. PATERSON, ex CANADIAN ENGINEER, sola 1926, Meoge ce ex " FORDONIAN, 1912, sold later GEORGIAN, BADGER STATE QHEDOC, ex KAMARIS, ex MARIS. KA, 1890 BRICOLDOG, ex JAMES H. HOYT, 1902 ALTADOC i, ex iNBUS, ox LAKE SHORE, 1902, E - d 1927, ~ CANADOC, ex MARS 4i, ex E.A.S.CLARKE i, ex H.C.FRICK i, 1899 - FORT WILLDOC, ex REGULUS, ex JOHN J.ALLBRIGHT, 1901 - MAHTADOC, ex’ CEPHEUS, x! FRANK WoGILCHRIST, 1903 ..- ONTADOC, ex SIRIUS, pays LeIRELAND i, 1903 “= PRINDOC 4, ex LUPUS, ex GILCHRIST, 1901, sunk by BATTLEFORD,631-43 _- SASKADOC, ex URANUS 11, ex NILLIAH E »REIS, 1900 - SO@DOC, sx MOSES TAYLOR, 1902 ~ VANDOC, ex ARGUS ii, ex HENDRICK S.HOLDEN, 1998 = WINDOC; ex HYDRUS 11, ex M.A.HANNA, 1898 1927 HAMILDOG i, foundered Caribbean, 1-1-43 KINGDOC : LACHINEDOC, sold later ALLISTON i TORONDOC, sunk by enemy, Caribbean, 5-20-42 OC, sold, later BRAMPTON 1928 eae be MONDOC a wrecked, Caribbean, 10-5-42 % NEWBRUND OC NOVADOC ii, wrecked, Pentwater, 11-11-40 q SBRELDOC i, sunk by enemy, Atlantic, 2-28-45 TROISDOC i, sunk by enemy, Gulf of Mexico, 5-21-42 1929. COTEAUDOC, sold, later MILVERTON, burned, St.Lawrence, 947 FARRANDOC i , solé, later CLA GANANDOC, sold, later aircraft transport LAWRENDOC PRESCODOC i, sunk by enemt, Caribbean, 7~29-42 SARNIADOC, sunk by enemy, 3-15-42, Caribbean 1939 PORTADOC 1, ex James B, FOOTE, ex EUGENE C.ROBERTS, 1929, sunk by near N,Africa, 44-41 COLLINGDOC, pe D.B.HANNA, sunk by enemy, England, 7-44-41 KENORDOC a ex GEORGE’ R.DONOVAN, aaee sunk by enemy, N.Atl.9-15-4 1945 ALTADOC ii, ex E.E.JOHNSON, ex 3.P.GEISTMAN, ex MARICOPA, 1896 MONDCC ii, ex WILLIAM SCHUPP, 192 PORTADOG ia, ex ETHEL ¢., ex GEORGE H.CORLISS, 1896, barge 1946 NOVADOC 114, ex NORTHTON, foundered, off New England, 3-47 PRESC OD 2 2947 CHAMZLDOC 14, ex KEXMONT, ex DEEPWATER, 1927 santdd & FARRANDOC oye STEEL ELECTRICIAN, 1926 KENORDOC ii, ex SAGAMORE if, ex DAVID Z.NORTON 4; 1898; Baise PRINDOC i4, ex W.D.CALVERLY,JR., ex HAROLD B. NYE, 1902. SCOTZADOC, ex MA MULLEN, 1904 a pacerec ships have black hull, white forecastle, white cabihe, ‘Daack stack with large white’ "P", yellow foremast. Engage in Lake, Canal and coastwise fraight carrying,