Marine Historical Surivty OF DETROIT THE DETROIT MARINE HISTORIAN Volume 3, No.5 January, 1950 KKK KOK ANNOUNCEMENT: Our Society's first meeting for the year 1950 will be held at the Conference Room of the Detroit News Building, 615 W. La- fayette, on Wednesday, January 25th, at 8 P.M. Our program for this occasion will feature a talk by Mr.Paul G.Sullivan of Detroit, repre= senting the Pringle Barge Line Company. Mr.Sullivan is well versed in all the details converning self unloading freighters, their mach- inery, thetr operation, the cargoes they carry, etc. Mr Sullivan will tell us much about these Great Lakes engineering masterpieces. We are fortunate and thankful to have a speaker who is an expert in a specialized topic. We hope, as always, that you will plan on attending this meeting, and that you will invite any friends who may be interested in our program. Do not forget that the February meeting will be held at this same place and at the same time on the evening of Wednesday, February 22nd. Captain H.C.Inches of Westlake, Ohio, a member of our S,ciety will be the speaker. He will bring with him the newest movie prepared by the Lake Carriers' Association. Robert A.Zeleznik, Secretary ANNOUNCEMENT: pies eed This issue of the DETROIT MARINE HISTORIAN is an experi- ment, both as regards to popular appeal, and, alas, as regards to cost. We hope to be able to continue this format in the future, but we cannot guarantee that at present. Your comments will be most welcome. Rev.Edward J.Dowling,S.J., Editor ROR ROKK OK KK OK OK KK OK OK KR OK ROK OK RK OR KR KK KR OK OK KR RR OK OK KR OK SHIPS Three ships of the Nicholson Fleet will undergo alterations this winter. The MATAAFA will receive a new "flight deck" and enlarged coal bunkers; the CANOPUS (ex GEORGE H.RUSSELL) will get both a flight deck and a ‘tween deck; the CHARLES DONNELLY (ex TROY) will receive new boilers and oil burning equipment. Rumors around Toronto indicate that the passenger steamer DALHOUSIE CITY may be withdrawn from service soon. The barge RESOLUTE (ex MANDA) struck a breakwater and foundered near Sturgeon Bay.